- Class IInt8EntropyCalibrator
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Class IInt8EntropyCalibrator2
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Class IInt8LegacyCalibrator
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Class IInt8MinMaxCalibrator
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Class IPluginCreator
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Please implement IPluginCreatorV3One along with IPluginV3 plugins instead.
- Member nvinfer1::CalibrationAlgoType
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IBuilder::platformHasFastFp16 () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.5. Please query data type support from CUDA directly.
- Member nvinfer1::IBuilder::platformHasFastInt8 () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.5. Please query data type support from CUDA directly.
- Member nvinfer1::IBuilder::platformHasTf32 () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.5. Please query data type support from CUDA directly.
- Member nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig::getCalibrationProfile () noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig::getInt8Calibrator () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig::setCalibrationProfile (IOptimizationProfile const *profile) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig::setInt8Calibrator (IInt8Calibrator *calibrator) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::ICudaEngine::createExecutionContextWithoutDeviceMemory () noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by createExecutionContext() with parameter.
- Member nvinfer1::ICudaEngine::getDeviceMemorySize () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by getDeviceMemorySizeV2().
- Member nvinfer1::ICudaEngine::getDeviceMemorySizeForProfile (int32_t profileIndex) const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by getDeviceMemorySizeForProfileV2(int32_t).
- Member nvinfer1::ICudaEngine::getMinimumWeightStreamingBudget () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. The minimum budget is 0 in the V2 APIs.
- Member nvinfer1::ICudaEngine::getWeightStreamingBudget () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superceded by getWeightStreamingBudgetV2().
- Member nvinfer1::ICudaEngine::hasImplicitBatchDimension () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implicit batch is no supported since TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::ICudaEngine::setWeightStreamingBudget (int64_t gpuMemoryBudget) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superceded by setWeightStreamingBudgetV2().
- Member nvinfer1::IExecutionContext::allInputShapesSpecified () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. setInputShapeBinding() is removed since TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::IExecutionContext::setDeviceMemory (void *memory) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superceded by setDeviceMemoryV2().
- Class nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator::getBatchSize () const noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implicit batch support is removed in TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addDequantize (ITensor &input, ITensor &scale) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 9.0. Superseded by three-argument addDequantize.
- Member nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addFill (Dims const &dimensions, FillOperation op) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 9.0. Superseded by three-argument addFill.
- Member nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addQuantize (ITensor &input, ITensor &scale) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 9.0. Superseded by three-argument addQuantize.
- Member nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::hasImplicitBatchDimension () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implicit batch is not supported since TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator (IPluginCreator const &creator) noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator(IPluginCreatorInterface const&).
- Member nvinfer1::IPluginRegistry::getPluginCreator (AsciiChar const *const pluginName, AsciiChar const *const pluginVersion, AsciiChar const *const pluginNamespace="") noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by IPluginRegistry::getCreator(AsciiChar const* const, AsciiChar const* const, AsciiChar const* const).
- Member nvinfer1::IPluginRegistry::getPluginCreatorList (int32_t *const numCreators) const noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by IPluginRegistry::getAllCreators(int32_t* const).
- Member nvinfer1::IPluginRegistry::registerCreator (IPluginCreator &creator, AsciiChar const *const pluginNamespace) noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by IPluginRegistry::registerCreator(IPluginCreatorInterface&, AsciiChar const* const).
- Class nvinfer1::IPluginV2
- Deprecated in TensorRT 8.5. Implement IPluginV3 instead.
- Class nvinfer1::IPluginV2DynamicExt
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Please implement IPluginV3 instead.
- Class nvinfer1::IPluginV2Ext
- Deprecated in TensorRT 8.5. Implement IPluginV3 instead.
- Member nvinfer1::IPluginV2Ext::canBroadcastInputAcrossBatch (int32_t inputIndex) const noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implicit batch support is removed in TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::IPluginV2Ext::isOutputBroadcastAcrossBatch (int32_t outputIndex, bool const *inputIsBroadcasted, int32_t nbInputs) const noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implicit batch support is removed in TensorRT 10.0.
- Class nvinfer1::IPluginV2IOExt
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implement IPluginV3 instead.
- Member nvinfer1::IRefitter::getDynamicRangeMax (char const *tensorName) const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IRefitter::getDynamicRangeMin (char const *tensorName) const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IRefitter::getTensorsWithDynamicRange (int32_t size, char const **tensorNames) const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IRefitter::setDynamicRange (char const *tensorName, float min, float max) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::IRuntime::deserializeCudaEngine (IStreamReader &streamReader)
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.7. Superseded by deserializeCudaEngine that takes an IStreamReaderV2 instead of IStreamReader.
- Member nvinfer1::ITensor::dynamicRangeIsSet () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::ITensor::getBroadcastAcrossBatch () const noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implicit batch is not supported since TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::ITensor::setBroadcastAcrossBatch (bool broadcastAcrossBatch) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Implicit batch is not supported since TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::ITensor::setDynamicRange (float min, float max) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::ITensor::setLocation (TensorLocation location) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. RNNv2 is not supported and the location must always be TensorLocation::kDEVICE since TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::kCUBLAS
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::kCUBLAS_LT
- Deprecated in TensorRT 9.0.
- Member nvinfer1::kCUDNN
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0.
- Member nvinfer1::kDIRECT_IO
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.7. Unneeded API.
- Member nvinfer1::kPROFILE_SHARING_0806
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. The default value for this flag is on and can not be changed.
- Member nvinfer1::kWEIGHTLESS
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by kSTRIP_PLAN.
- Member nvinfer1::plugin::CodeTypeSSD
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. DetectionOutput plugin is deprecated.
- Class nvinfer1::plugin::DetectionOutputParameters
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. DetectionOutput plugin is deprecated.
- Class nvinfer1::plugin::NMSParameters
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. BatchedNMSPlugin plugin is deprecated.
- Member nvinfer1::QuantizationFlag
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.1. Superseded by explicit quantization.
- Member nvinfer1::v_1_0::IGpuAllocator::allocate (uint64_t const size, uint64_t const alignment, AllocatorFlags const flags) noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by allocateAsync
- Member nvinfer1::v_1_0::IGpuAllocator::deallocate (void *const memory) noexcept=0
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by deallocateAsync
- Member nvinfer1::v_1_0::IGpuAsyncAllocator::allocate (uint64_t const size, uint64_t const alignment, AllocatorFlags const flags) noexcept override
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by allocateAsync
- Member nvinfer1::v_1_0::IGpuAsyncAllocator::deallocate (void *const memory) noexcept override
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by deallocateAsync
- Member nvinfer1::v_1_0::IOutputAllocator::reallocateOutput (char const *tensorName, void *currentMemory, uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment) noexcept
- Deprecated in TensorRT 10.0. Superseded by reallocateOutputAsync with cudaStream_t argument
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