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nvinfer1::IPluginCreator Class Referenceabstract

Plugin creator class for user implemented layers. More...

#include <NvInfer.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual int getTensorRTVersion () const
 Return the version of the API the plugin creator was compiled with.
virtual const char * getPluginName () const =0
 Return the plugin name.
virtual const char * getPluginVersion () const =0
 Return the plugin version.
virtual const
getFieldNames ()=0
 Return a list of fields that needs to be passed to createPlugin. More...
virtual IPluginV2createPlugin (const char *name, const PluginFieldCollection *fc)=0
 Return a plugin object. Return nullptr in case of error.
virtual IPluginV2deserializePlugin (const char *name, const void *serialData, size_t serialLength)=0
 Called during deserialization of plugin layer. Return a plugin object.
virtual void setPluginNamespace (const char *pluginNamespace)=0
 Set the namespace of the plugin creator based on the plugin library it belongs to. This can be set while registering the plugin creator. More...
virtual const char * getPluginNamespace () const =0
 Return the namespace of the plugin creator object.

Detailed Description

Plugin creator class for user implemented layers.

See Also
IPlugin and IPluginFactory

Member Function Documentation

virtual const PluginFieldCollection* nvinfer1::IPluginCreator::getFieldNames ( )
pure virtual

Return a list of fields that needs to be passed to createPlugin.

See Also
virtual void nvinfer1::IPluginCreator::setPluginNamespace ( const char *  pluginNamespace)
pure virtual

Set the namespace of the plugin creator based on the plugin library it belongs to. This can be set while registering the plugin creator.

See Also

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