

Error codes that can be returned by TensorRT during execution.



An error occurred during execution that caused the data to become corrupted, but execution finished. Examples of this error are NaN squashing or integer overflow. In a dynamic system, the data can be thrown away and the next frame can be processed or execution can be retried. This is either a data corruption error, an input error, or a range error.


An error occurred during execution that caused TensorRT to end prematurely, either an asynchronous error or other execution errors reported by CUDA/DLA. In a dynamic system, the data can be thrown away and the next frame can be processed or execution can be retried. This is either an execution error or a memory error.


An error that does not fall into any other category. This error is included for forward compatibility.


An error occurred when comparing the state of an argument relative to other arguments. For example, the dimensions for concat differ between two tensors outside of the channel dimension. This error is triggered when an argument is correct in isolation, but not relative to other arguments. This is to help to distinguish from the simple errors from the more complex errors. This is a violation of the API contract.


An error occurred when performing an allocation of memory on the host or the device. A memory allocation error is normally fatal, but in the case where the application provided its own memory allocation routine, it is possible to increase the pool of available memory and resume execution.


An error occurred due to the network not being supported on the device due to constraints of the hardware or system. An example is running a unsafe layer in a safety certified context, or a resource requirement for the current network is greater than the capabilities of the target device. The network is otherwise correct, but the network and hardware combination is problematic. This can be recoverable. Examples: * Scratch space requests larger than available device memory and can be recovered by increasing allowed workspace size. * Tensor size exceeds the maximum element count and can be recovered by reducing the maximum batch size.

SUCCESS : Execution completed successfully.


An argument passed to the function is invalid in isolation. This is a violation of the API contract.


One, or more, of the components that TensorRT relies on did not initialize correctly. This is a system setup issue.

INTERNAL_ERROR : A non-recoverable TensorRT error occurred.


TensorRT was put into a bad state by incorrect sequence of function calls. An example of an invalid state is specifying a layer to be DLA only without GPU fallback, and that layer is not supported by DLA. This can occur in situations where a service is optimistically executing networks for multiple different configurations without checking proper error configurations, and instead throwing away bad configurations caught by TensorRT. This is a violation of the API contract, but can be recoverable.

Example of a recovery: GPU fallback is disabled and conv layer with large filter(63x63) is specified to run on DLA. This will fail due to DLA not supporting the large kernel size. This can be recovered by either turning on GPU fallback or setting the layer to run on the GPU.

class tensorrt.IErrorRecorder(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IErrorRecorder) → None

Reference counted application-implemented error reporting interface for TensorRT objects.

The error reporting mechanism is a user defined object that interacts with the internal state of the object that it is assigned to in order to determine information about abnormalities in execution. The error recorder gets both an error enum that is more descriptive than pass/fail and also a description that gives more detail on the exact failure modes. In the safety context, the error strings are all limited to 128 characters in length. The ErrorRecorder gets passed along to any class that is created from another class that has an ErrorRecorder assigned to it. For example, assigning an ErrorRecorder to an IBuilder allows all INetwork’s, ILayer’s, and ITensor’s to use the same error recorder. For functions that have their own ErrorRecorder accessor functions. This allows registering a different error recorder or de-registering of the error recorder for that specific object.

The ErrorRecorder object implementation must be thread safe if the same ErrorRecorder is passed to different interface objects being executed in parallel in different threads. All locking and synchronization is pushed to the interface implementation and TensorRT does not hold any synchronization primitives when accessing the interface functions.

clear(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IErrorRecorder) → None

Clear the error stack on the error recorder.

Removes all the tracked errors by the error recorder. This function must guarantee that after this function is called, and as long as no error occurs, num_errors will be zero.

get_error_code(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IErrorRecorder, arg0: int) → tensorrt.tensorrt.ErrorCodeTRT

Returns the ErrorCode enumeration.

The error_idx specifies what error code from 0 to num_errors-1 that the application wants to analyze and return the error code enum.


error_idx – A 32bit integer that indexes into the error array.


Returns the enum corresponding to error_idx.

get_error_desc(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IErrorRecorder, arg0: int) → str

Returns description of the error.

For the error specified by the idx value, return description of the error. In the safety context there is a constant length requirement to remove any dynamic memory allocations and the error message may be truncated. The format of the error description is “<EnumAsStr> - <Description>”.


error_idx – A 32bit integer that indexes into the error array.


Returns description of the error.

has_overflowed(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IErrorRecorder) → bool

Determine if the error stack has overflowed.

In the case when the number of errors is large, this function is used to query if one or more errors have been dropped due to lack of storage capacity. This is especially important in the automotive safety case where the internal error handling mechanisms cannot allocate memory.


True if errors have been dropped due to overflowing the error stack.

num_errors(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IErrorRecorder) → int

Return the number of errors

Determines the number of errors that occurred between the current point in execution and the last time that the clear() was executed. Due to the possibility of asynchronous errors occuring, a TensorRT API can return correct results, but still register errors with the Error Recorder. The value of getNbErrors must monotonically increases until clear() is called.


Returns the number of errors detected, or 0 if there are no errors.

report_error(self: tensorrt.tensorrt.IErrorRecorder, arg0: tensorrt.tensorrt.ErrorCodeTRT, arg1: str) → bool

Clear the error stack on the error recorder.

Report an error to the user that has a given value and human readable description. The function returns false if processing can continue, which implies that the reported error is not fatal. This does not guarantee that processing continues, but provides a hint to TensorRT.

  • val – The error code enum that is being reported.

  • desc – The description of the error.


True if the error is determined to be fatal and processing of the current function must end.