UFF Operators

All shapes include batch dimension, unless otherwise specified.


An input to the network. Expects a CHW shape.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


Identity layer.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

Input0 to the identity. Must be float32.

Supported Datatypes



A constant in the network. Should not include batch dimension.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A convolution operation.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the convolution. Must be 4 dimensional. Automatically transposed to NCHW.

Kernel [Constant]

The kernel weights for the convolution. Must be 4 dimensional. Automatically transposed to NCHW.


dilation [List[int]]

The HW dilations.

strides [List[int]]

The HW strides.

padding [List[int]]

The HW padding. Asymmetric padding is unsupported.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A transposed convolution, also known as deconvolution.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the transposed convolution. Must be 4 dimensional. Automatically transposed to NCHW.

Kernel [Constant]

The kernel weights for the transposed convolution. Must be 4 dimensional. Automatically transposed to NCHW.

Shape [Constant]

The HW dimensions of the output.


strides [List[int]]

The HW strides.

padding [List[int]]

The HW padding. Asymmetric padding is unsupported.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A pooling layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the pooling layer. Must be 4 dimensional.


func [Enum[max, avg]]

The type of pooling to apply.

kernel [List[int]]

The HW shape of the kernel.

strides [List[int]]

The HW strides.

padding [List[int]]

The HW padding.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A fully connected layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the fully connected layer. Must be at least 4 dimensional. Automatically transposed to -NC-.

Weights [Constant]

The weights for the fully connected layer. Must be 3 dimensional. Automatically transposed to CHW, where C is the number of output channels.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


An LRN layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the LRN. Must be at least 4 dimensional.


window_size [int]

The window size.

alpha [double]

The LRN alpha value.

beta [double]

The LRN beta value.

k [double]

The LRN k value.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A binary layer.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The first input to the binary layer.

Input1 [Tensor or Constant]

The second input to the binary layer.

If either input is a constant, then at least one of the inputs must be 4 dimensional.


func [Enum[min, max, mul, sub, div, add, pow]]

The type of operation to perform.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A unary layer.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The input to the unary layer.

The output of a unary layer with a Constant input is treated as a Constant, and therefore will not work with layers expecting a Tensor input.


func [Enum[neg, exp, log, abs, sqrt, rsqrt, square, sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh, atanh, ceil, floor]]

The type of operation to perform.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A reshape layer. NOTE: this layer destroys order information. Therefore, subsequent layers will cease to automatically transpose their inputs to the correct format.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The input to the reshape layer.

Shape [Constant]

The desired shape. If the shape has fewer than 3 non-batch dimensions, 1s are inserted in the least significant dimensions. For example, if the shape specified is [1, 300, 5], it will be treated as [1, 300, 5, 1] instead. - -1 specifies that the dimension should be automatically deduced - this can only be used at most once in any given shape. - 0 specifies that the dimension should be copied from the input.

The output of a reshape layer with a Constant input is treated as a Constant, and therefore will not work with layers expecting a Tensor input.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


An unsqueeze layer. NOTE: this layer destroys order information. Therefore, subsequent layers will cease to automatically transpose their inputs to the correct format.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to unsqueeze.

If the resulting output has fewer than 3 non-batch dimensions, it is unsqueezed further with additional 1s inserted in the least significant dimensions. For example, with an input of shape [1, 300], and axis of 1, the shape of the output will be [1, 300, 1, 1] rather than [1, 300, 1].


axis [int]

The axis on which to unsqueeze, excluding batch dimension. For example, unsqueezing an NCHW tensor with an axis of 0 will result in a N1CHW tensor.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


An argmax layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the argmax layer.


axis [int]

The axis on which to perform the argmax, with 0 corresponding to the batch dimension. The specified dimension is removed. For example, performing argmax on an input of shape [1, 300, 150], with an axis of 1 would result in an output of shape [1, 150]. NOTE: argmax on the batch dimension is not supported.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


An argmin layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the argmin layer.


axis [int]

The axis on which to perform the argmin, with 0 corresponding to the batch dimension. The specified dimension is removed. For example, performing argmin on an input of shape [1, 300, 150], with an axis of 1 would result in an output of shape [1, 150]. NOTE: argmin on the batch dimension is not supported.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A transpose layer. A no-op in the network, this layer only modifies the UFF parser’s internal order information. Therefore, when followed by any layer that destroys order information, the transpose will not be performed.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the transpose layer.


permutation [int]

The permutation to perform. Must be 4 dimensional.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A reduce layer. NOTE: this layer destroys order information. Therefore, subsequent layers will cease to automatically transpose their inputs to the correct format.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The input to the reduce layer.

The output of a reduce layer with a Constant input is treated as a Constant, and therefore will not work with layers expecting a Tensor input.


func [Enum[sum, prod, max, min, mean]]

The reduction operation to perform.

axes [List[int]]

The axes on which to reduce, with 0 corresponding to the batch dimension. Reduction on the batch dimension is unsupported.

keepdims [bool]

Whether to keep the dimensions which were reduced. NOTE: The UFF parser ignored this value, and always keeps dimensions.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A concatenation layer.


Inputs (variadic) [List[Tensor]]

The tensors to concatenate. All inputs are transposed to the same format as the first input. Inputs must be at least 4 dimensional.


axis [int]

The axis on which to perform the concatenation, with 0 corresponding to the batch dimension. Concatenating on the batch dimension is unsupported.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


The output of the network.


Inputs (variadic) [List[Tensor]]

The inputs to this layer. Automatically transposed to the same order as the outputs of the original TensorFlow network.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


An activation layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the activation.


func [Enum[relu, relu6, sigmoid, tanh, elu, selu, softsign, softplus]]

The operation to perform.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A softmax layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the softmax.


axis [int]

The axis on which to perform the reduction. NOTE: This value is ignored by the UFF parser.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A batchnorm layer.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the batchnorm. Must be 4 dimensional.

Gamma [Constant]

The gamma values.

Beta [Constant]

The beta values.

Mean [Constant]

The mean values.

Variance [Constant]

The variance values.


epsilon [double]

The epsilon value.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A shape layer. Returns the shape of its input. NOTE: the output of this layer is a Constant, and therefore will not work with layers expecting a Tensor input.


Input0 [Tensor]

The input to the shape layer.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A strided slice layer.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The input to the strided slice.

Begin [Constant]

The indices at which to begin slicing.

End [Constant]

The indices at which to end slicing.

Strides [Constant]

Strides to use when slicing.


begin_mask [int]

See TensorFlow stridedSlice documentation.

end_mask [int]

See TensorFlow stridedSlice documentation.

shrink_axis_mask [int]

See TensorFlow stridedSlice documentation. This value is ignored unless the input is a constant.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A stack layer. NOTE: the output of this layer is a Constant, and therefore will not work with layers expecting a Tensor input.


Inputs (variadic) [List[Constant]]

The inputs to the stack layer.


axis [int]

The axis on which to stack. NOTE: this value is ignored by the UFF parser.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


Not implemented


A flatten layer. A no-op in the UFF parser.


Input0 [Tensor]

The tensor to flatten.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A padding layer.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The input to pad. The input is automatically transposed if padding is applied to non-HW dimensions.

Padding [Constant]

The padding to apply. Padding is supported on 2 dimensions at most.

The output of a padding layer with a Constant input is treated as a Constant, and therefore will not work with layers expecting a Tensor input.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A gather layer.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The input to the gather layer. If the input is constant, it is assumed to be of shape NC11.

Indices [Tensor or Constant]

The indices to gather along. These are assumed to be on the first non-batch dimension.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8


A gatherV2 layer.


Input0 [Tensor or Constant]

The input to the gather layer. If the input is constant, it is assumed to be of shape NC11.

Indices [Tensor or Constant]

The indices to gather along.


axis [int]

The axis along which to gather, excluding batch dimension.

Supported Datatypes

float32, float16, int32, int8