70 virtual void const*
getData() noexcept = 0;
95 virtual bool isPluginV2(
char const* layerName)
noexcept = 0;
106 int32_t nbWeights,
char const* libNamespace =
"") noexcept = 0;
199 virtual
void setPluginNamespace(
char const* libNamespace) noexcept = 0;
218 virtual
void setErrorRecorder(
nvinfer1::IErrorRecorder* recorder) noexcept = 0;
230 virtual
nvinfer1::IErrorRecorder* getErrorRecorder() const noexcept = 0;
257extern "C"
TENSORRTAPI void* createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL() noexcept;
Definition: NvInferRuntimeCommon.h:54
Definition: NvInferRuntimeCommon.h:40
Object used to store and query data extracted from a binaryproto file using the ICaffeParser.
Definition: NvCaffeParser.h:68
virtual TRT_DEPRECATED void destroy() noexcept=0
virtual void const * getData() noexcept=0
virtual nvinfer1::DataType getDataType() noexcept=0
virtual nvinfer1::Dims4 getDimensions() noexcept=0
Object used to store and query Tensors after they have been extracted from a Caffe model using the IC...
Definition: NvCaffeParser.h:44
virtual nvinfer1::ITensor * find(char const *name) const noexcept=0
Given a blob name, returns a pointer to a ITensor object.
virtual ~IBlobNameToTensor()
Definition: NvCaffeParser.h:55
Class used for parsing Caffe models.
Definition: NvCaffeParser.h:120
virtual IBlobNameToTensor const * parseBuffers(uint8_t const *deployBuffer, std::size_t deployLength, uint8_t const *modelBuffer, std::size_t modelLength, nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition &network, nvinfer1::DataType weightType) noexcept=0
Parse a deploy prototxt and a binaryproto Caffe model from memory buffers to extract network definiti...
virtual void setProtobufBufferSize(size_t size) noexcept=0
Set buffer size for the parsing and storage of the learned model.
virtual IBinaryProtoBlob * parseBinaryProto(char const *fileName) noexcept=0
Parse and extract data stored in binaryproto file.
virtual IBlobNameToTensor const * parse(char const *deploy, char const *model, nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition &network, nvinfer1::DataType weightType) noexcept=0
Parse a prototxt file and a binaryproto Caffe model to extract network definition and weights associa...
virtual TRT_DEPRECATED void destroy() noexcept=0
Destroy this ICaffeParser object.
Plugin factory used to configure plugins.
Definition: NvCaffeParser.h:88
virtual nvinfer1::IPluginV2 * createPlugin(char const *layerName, nvinfer1::Weights const *weights, int32_t nbWeights, char const *libNamespace="") noexcept=0
Creates a plugin.
virtual bool isPluginV2(char const *layerName) noexcept=0
A user implemented function that determines if a layer configuration is provided by an IPluginV2.
A network definition for input to the builder.
Definition: NvInfer.h:6582
Plugin class for user-implemented layers.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeCommon.h:394
A tensor in a network definition.
Definition: NvInfer.h:172
An array of weights used as a layer parameter.
Definition: NvInferRuntime.h:126
The TensorRT Caffe parser API namespace.
void shutdownProtobufLibrary() noexcept
Shuts down protocol buffers library.
ICaffeParser * createCaffeParser() noexcept
Creates a ICaffeParser object.
The TensorRT API version 1 namespace.
The type of weights and tensors.
Definition: NvInferRuntimeCommon.h:117