The type of encoding used for decoding the bounding boxes and loc_data.
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:127
Use box centers and size.
Use box centers and size but flip x and y coordinates.
Use box centers and size.
The TensorRT API version 1 namespace.
The DetectionOutput plugin layer generates the detection output based on location and confidence pred...
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:154
int32_t backgroundLabelId
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:156
float confidenceThreshold
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:157
bool confSigmoid
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:160
int32_t inputOrder[3]
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:159
bool isBatchAgnostic
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:162
int32_t keepTopK
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:156
bool shareLocation
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:155
int32_t numClasses
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:156
bool varianceEncodedInTarget
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:155
int32_t topK
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:156
bool isNormalized
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:161
float nmsThreshold
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:157
CodeTypeSSD codeType
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:158
The Anchor Generator plugin layer generates the prior boxes of designated sizes and aspect ratios acr...
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:115
int32_t W
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:118
float * aspectRatios
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:117
int32_t H
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:118
float minSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:116
int32_t numAspectRatios
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:118
float variance[4]
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:119
float maxSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:116
The NMSParameters are used by the BatchedNMSPlugin for performing the non_max_suppression operation o...
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:218
int32_t topK
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:220
float iouThreshold
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:221
int32_t numClasses
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:220
int32_t backgroundLabelId
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:220
int32_t keepTopK
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:220
bool shareLocation
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:219
float scoreThreshold
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:221
bool isNormalized
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:222
The PriorBox plugin layer generates the prior boxes of designated sizes and aspect ratios across all ...
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:61
float * maxSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:62
float stepH
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:68
float variance[4]
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:66
float offset
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:69
int32_t imgW
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:67
int32_t numMaxSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:63
bool clip
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:65
int32_t numMinSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:63
float stepW
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:68
bool flip
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:64
float * aspectRatios
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:62
int32_t numAspectRatios
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:63
int32_t imgH
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:67
float * minSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:62
The Permute plugin layer permutes the input tensor by changing the memory order of the data....
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:36
RPROIParams is used to create the RPROIPlugin instance. It contains:
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:88
int32_t featureStride
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:91
int32_t poolingH
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:89
int32_t preNmsTop
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:92
int32_t anchorsScaleCount
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:95
float spatialScale
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:98
float iouThreshold
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:96
int32_t nmsMaxOut
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:93
int32_t anchorsRatioCount
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:94
int32_t poolingW
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:90
float minBoxSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:97
The Region plugin layer performs region proposal calculation: generate 5 bounding boxes per cell (for...
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:193
int32_t num
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:194
softmaxTree * smTree
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:197
int32_t coords
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:195
int32_t classes
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:196
When performing yolo9000, softmaxTree is helping to do softmax on confidence scores,...
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:169
int32_t * parent
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:172
int32_t * leaf
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:170
int32_t * group
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:174
int32_t * groupOffset
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:179
int32_t n
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:171
int32_t * child
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:173
char ** name
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:175
int32_t groups
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:177
int32_t * groupSize
Definition: NvInferPluginUtils.h:178