Source code for polygraphy.backend.base.runner

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import copy
import time
from collections import defaultdict

from polygraphy import config, func, mod, util
from polygraphy.datatype import DataType
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER, LogMode
from polygraphy.backend.base import util as base_util

np = mod.lazy_import("numpy")

[docs] @mod.export() class BaseRunner: """ Base class for Polygraphy runners. All runners should override the functions and attributes specified here. """ RUNNER_COUNTS = defaultdict(int) def __init__(self, name=None, prefix=None): """ Args: name (str): The name to use for this runner. prefix (str): The human-readable name prefix to use for this runner. A runner count and timestamp will be appended to this prefix. Only used if name is not provided. """ prefix = util.default(prefix, "Runner") if name is None: count = BaseRunner.RUNNER_COUNTS[prefix] BaseRunner.RUNNER_COUNTS[prefix] += 1 name = f"{prefix}-N{count}-{time.strftime('%x')}-{time.strftime('%X')}" = name self.inference_time = None self.is_active = False """bool: Whether this runner has been activated, either via context manager, or by calling ``activate()``."""
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Activate the runner for inference. For example, this may involve allocating CPU or GPU memory. """ self.activate() return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Deactivate the runner. For example, this may involve freeing CPU or GPU memory. """ self.deactivate()
# Implementation for runner activation. Derived classes should override this function # rather than ``activate()``. def activate_impl(self): pass
[docs] def activate(self): """ Activate the runner for inference. For example, this may involve allocating CPU or GPU memory. Generally, you should use a context manager instead of manually activating and deactivating. For example: :: with RunnerType(...) as runner: runner.infer(...) """ if self.is_active: G_LOGGER.warning( f"{} | Already active; will not activate again. " "If you really want to activate this runner again, call activate_impl() directly" ) return if config.INTERNAL_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS: self._pre_activate_runner_state = copy.copy(vars(self)) self.activate_impl() self.is_active = True
def get_input_metadata_impl(self): """ Implemenation for `get_input_metadata`. Derived classes should override this function rather than `get_input_metadata`. Derived classes may return any kind of data type supported by Polygraphy's DataType class (e.g. np.dtype, torch.dtype, etc.) """ raise NotImplementedError("BaseRunner is an abstract class")
[docs] @func.constantmethod def get_input_metadata(self, use_numpy_dtypes=None): """ Returns information about the inputs of the model. Shapes here may include dynamic dimensions, represented by ``None``. Must be called only after ``activate()`` and before ``deactivate()``. Args: use_numpy_dtypes (bool): [DEPRECATED] Whether to return NumPy data types instead of Polygraphy ``DataType`` s. This is provided to retain backwards compatibility. In the future, this parameter will be removed and Polygraphy ``DataType`` s will always be returned. These can be converted to NumPy data types by calling the `numpy()` method. Defaults to True. Returns: TensorMetadata: Input names, shapes, and data types. """ if not self.is_active: G_LOGGER.critical( f"{} | Must be activated prior to calling get_input_metadata()" ) use_numpy_dtypes = util.default(use_numpy_dtypes, True) meta = self.get_input_metadata_impl() for name, (dtype, _) in meta.items(): dtype = DataType.from_dtype(dtype) if use_numpy_dtypes: mod.warn_deprecated( "Returning NumPy data types instead of Polygraphy `DataType`s from `get_input_metadata()`", use_instead=None, remove_in="0.60.0", ) meta[name]._dtype = DataType.to_dtype(dtype, "numpy") return meta
# Implementation for runner inference. Derived classes should override this function # rather than ``infer()`` # Derived classes should also set the `inference_time` property so that performance metrics are accurate. def infer_impl(self, feed_dict): raise NotImplementedError("BaseRunner is an abstract class")
[docs] def infer(self, feed_dict, check_inputs=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs inference using the provided feed_dict. Must be called only after ``activate()`` and before ``deactivate()``. NOTE: Some runners may accept additional parameters in infer(). For details on these, see the documentation for their `infer_impl()` methods. Args: feed_dict (OrderedDict[str, numpy.ndarray]): A mapping of input tensor names to corresponding input NumPy arrays. check_inputs (bool): Whether to check that the provided ``feed_dict`` includes the expected inputs with the expected data types and shapes. Disabling this may improve performance. Defaults to True. Attributes: inference_time (float): The time required to run inference in seconds. Returns: OrderedDict[str, numpy.ndarray]: A mapping of output tensor names to their corresponding NumPy arrays. IMPORTANT: Runners may reuse these output buffers. Thus, if you need to save outputs from multiple inferences, you should make a copy with ``copy.deepcopy(outputs)``. """ if not self.is_active: G_LOGGER.critical( f"{} | Must be activated prior to calling infer()" ) if check_inputs: input_metadata = self.get_input_metadata(use_numpy_dtypes=False) G_LOGGER.verbose( f"{} | Input metadata is: {input_metadata}", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) base_util.check_inputs(feed_dict, input_metadata) return self.infer_impl(feed_dict, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @func.constantmethod def last_inference_time(self): """ Returns the total inference time in seconds required during the last call to ``infer()``. Must be called only after ``activate()`` and before ``deactivate()``. Returns: float: The time in seconds, or None if runtime was not measured by the runner. """ if self.inference_time is None: msg = f"{} | `inference_time` was not set. Inference time will be incorrect! " msg += "To correctly compare runtimes, please set the `inference_time` attribute in `infer_impl()`" G_LOGGER.internal_error(msg) G_LOGGER.warning(msg, mode=LogMode.ONCE) return None return self.inference_time
# Implementation for runner deactivation. Derived classes should override this function # rather than ``deactivate()``. def deactivate_impl(self): pass
[docs] def deactivate(self): """ Deactivate the runner. For example, this may involve freeing CPU or GPU memory. Generally, you should use a context manager instead of manually activating and deactivating. For example: :: with RunnerType(...) as runner: runner.infer(...) """ if not self.is_active: G_LOGGER.warning( f"{} | Not active; will not deactivate. If you really want to deactivate this runner, call deactivate_impl() directly" ) return self.inference_time = None self.is_active = None self.deactivate_impl() self.is_active = False if config.INTERNAL_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS: old_state = self._pre_activate_runner_state del self._pre_activate_runner_state if old_state != vars(self): G_LOGGER.internal_error( f"Runner state was not reset after deactivation. Note:\nOld state: {old_state}\nNew state: {vars(self)}" )
def __del__(self): if self.is_active: # __del__ is not guaranteed to be called, but when it is, this could be a useful warning. print( f"[W] {} | Was activated but never deactivated. This could cause a memory leak!" )