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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# Sets up everything needed to perform inference in TensorFlow.
import os

from polygraphy import constants, mod, util
from polygraphy.backend.base import BaseLoader
from import util as tf_util
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER

tf = mod.lazy_import("tensorflow<2.0")

[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class OptimizeGraph(BaseLoader): """ Functor that freezes a TensorFlow graph, and folds constants. """ def __init__(self, graph): """ Freezes a TensorFlow graph and folds constants. Args: graph (Union[Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]], Callable() -> Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]]): A tuple containing a TensorFlow graph and output names or a callable that returns one. """ self._graph = graph def constfold(self, graphdef, output_names): from tensorflow.core.protobuf import ( config_pb2, meta_graph_pb2, rewriter_config_pb2, ) from tensorflow.python.framework import importer, ops from tensorflow.python.grappler import tf_optimizer from import saver graph = ops.Graph() with graph.as_default(): output_collection = meta_graph_pb2.CollectionDef() output_list = output_collection.node_list.value for output in output_names: output_list.append(output.encode("utf-8")) importer.import_graph_def(graphdef, name="") metagraph = saver.export_meta_graph( graph_def=graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True), graph=graph ) metagraph.collection_def["train_op"].CopyFrom(output_collection) rewriter_config = rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig() rewriter_config.optimizers.extend(["constfold"]) rewriter_config.meta_optimizer_iterations = ( rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig.ONE ) session_config = config_pb2.ConfigProto() session_config.graph_options.resave_options.CopyFrom(rewriter_config) return tf_optimizer.OptimizeGraph(session_config, metagraph, graph_id=b"graph")
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]: The TensorFlow graph, and the names of its outputs. """ (graph, output_names), _ = util.invoke_if_callable(self._graph) with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess: graphdef = sess.graph.as_graph_def() removed = tf.graph_util.remove_training_nodes(graphdef) G_LOGGER.ultra_verbose(f"Removed nodes: {removed}") for node in graphdef.node: if node.op == "RefSwitch": node.op = "Switch" for index in range(len(node.input)): if "moving_" in node.input[index]: node.input[index] = node.input[index] + "/read" elif node.op == "AssignSub": node.op = "Sub" if "use_locking" in node.attr: del node.attr["use_locking"] elif node.op == "AssignAdd": node.op = "Add" if "use_locking" in node.attr: del node.attr["use_locking"] elif node.op == "Assign": node.op = "Identity" if "use_locking" in node.attr: del node.attr["use_locking"] if "validate_shape" in node.attr: del node.attr["validate_shape"] if len(node.input) == 2: # input0: ref: Should be from a Variable node. May be uninitialized. # input1: value: The value to be assigned to the variable. node.input[0] = node.input[1] del node.input[1] # Strip port information from outputs output_names = [name.split(":")[0] for name in output_names] output_graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( sess, graphdef, output_names ) output_graph_def = self.constfold(output_graph_def, output_names) return graph_from_frozen(output_graph_def)
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class GraphFromKeras(BaseLoader): """ Functor that loads a TensorFlow model from Keras. """ def __init__(self, path): """ Loads a TensorFlow model from Keras. Args: path (Union[str, h5py.File]): A path to the saved model, or the file object. """ self.path = path
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]: The TensorFlow graph, and the names of its outputs. """ from tensorflow.python import keras from tensorflow.python.keras import backend model = keras.models.load_model(self.path) graph = backend.get_session().graph return graph, tf_util.get_graph_output_names(graph)
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class GraphFromFrozen(BaseLoader): """ Functor that loads a TensorFlow frozen model. """ def __init__(self, path): """ Loads a TensorFlow frozen model. Args: path (Union[str, tf.Graph, tf.GraphDef]): A path to the frozen model, or a frozen TensorFlow graph or graphdef. """ self.path = path
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]: The TensorFlow graph, and the names of its outputs. """ graph = tf_util.load_graph(self.path) return graph, tf_util.get_graph_output_names(graph)
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class GraphFromCkpt(BaseLoader): """ Functor that loads a TensorFlow model from a checkpoint. Note that in order to use checkpoints, you must NOT use subprocesses in the Comparator. """ def __init__(self, dir, name=None): """ Loads a TensorFlow model from a checkpoint. Args: dir (str): Path to a directory containing checkpoints. name (str): The name of the checkpoint to load, not including the file extension. For example, to load `model.meta`, the argument would be `model`. """ self.dir = dir = name
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]: The TensorFlow graph, and the names of its outputs. """ # If `name` is not provided, this expects that the directory contains a `checkpoint` file with the contents: # # model_checkpoint_path: "model" # all_model_checkpoint_paths: "model" # # where "model" is the checkpoint name if not os.path.isdir(self.dir): G_LOGGER.warning( f"Specified checkpoint directory: {self.dir} does not look like a directory." ) if is None: G_LOGGER.verbose( "Checkpoint name was not explicitly provided, searching for `checkpoint` file" ) checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(self.dir) if checkpoint is None: ckpt_file_contents = '\nmodel_checkpoint_path: "model"\nall_model_checkpoint_paths: "model"\n' G_LOGGER.critical( f"Checkpoint directory: {self.dir} does not contain a `checkpoint` file, and the checkpoint name was not provided. Please either create a checkpoint file with the contents:\n{ckpt_file_contents} \nWhere `model` is the name of the checkpoint, or explicitly provide the name with --ckpt, not including file extensions" ) input_checkpoint = checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path else: input_checkpoint = os.path.join(self.dir, meta_file = input_checkpoint + ".meta" with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph, tf.compat.v1.Session( graph=graph ).as_default() as sess: saver = tf.compat.v1.train.import_meta_graph(meta_file, clear_devices=True) saver.restore(sess, input_checkpoint) return graph, tf_util.get_graph_output_names(graph)
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class UseTfTrt(BaseLoader): """ [UNTESTED] Functor that optimizes a TensorFlow model using TF-TRT. """ def __init__( self, graph, max_workspace_size=None, fp16=None, int8=None, max_batch_size=None, is_dynamic_op=False, minimum_segment_size=None, ): """ Optimizes a TensorFlow model using TF-TRT. Args: graph (Union[Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]], Callable() -> Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]]): A tuple containing a TensorFlow graph and output names or a callable that returns one. max_workspace_size (int): The maximum workspace size. fp16 (bool): Whether to run in FP16 mode. max_batch_size (int): The maximum batch size. """ self._graph = graph self.max_workspace_size = util.default(max_workspace_size, 1 << 24) self.fp16 = util.default(fp16, False) self.fp8 = util.default(fp8, False) self.int8 = util.default(int8, False) self.max_batch_size = util.default(max_batch_size, 1) self.is_dynamic_op = is_dynamic_op self.minimum_segment_size = util.default(minimum_segment_size, 3)
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]: The TensorFlow graph, and the names of its outputs. """ from tensorflow.contrib import tensorrt as tf_trt (graph, output_names), _ = util.invoke_if_callable(self._graph) precision_mode = "FP16" if self.fp16 else "FP32" precision_mode = "INT8" if self.int8 else precision_mode precision_mode = "FP8" if self.fp8 else precision_mode f"For TF-TRT, using outputs={output_names}, max_workspace_size_bytes={self.max_workspace_size}, max_batch_size={self.max_batch_size}, minimum_segment_size={self.minimum_segment_size}, is_dynamic_op={self.is_dynamic_op}, precision_mode={precision_mode}" ) graphdef = tf_trt.create_inference_graph( graph.as_graph_def(), outputs=output_names, max_workspace_size_bytes=self.max_workspace_size, max_batch_size=self.max_batch_size, minimum_segment_size=self.minimum_segment_size, is_dynamic_op=self.is_dynamic_op, precision_mode=precision_mode, ) segment_number = 0 for node in graphdef.node: if node.op == "TRTEngineOp": engine = node.attr["serialized_segment"].s segment_number += 1"Found {segment_number} engines in TFTRT graph") with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: tf.import_graph_def(graphdef, name="") return graph, tf_util.get_graph_output_names(graph)
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class ModifyGraphOutputs(BaseLoader): """ Functor that modifies outputs of a TensorFlow graph. """ def __init__(self, graph, outputs=None): """ Modifies outputs of a TensorFlow graph. Args: graph (Union[Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]], Callable() -> Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]]): A tuple containing a TensorFlow graph and output names or a callable that returns one. outputs (List[str]): Names of output tensors. If provided, this will override the outputs determined by the loader. If a value of `constants.MARK_ALL` is used instead of a list, all tensors in the network are marked. """ self._graph = graph self.outputs = outputs
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]: The TensorFlow graph, and the names of its outputs. """ (graph, outputs), _ = util.invoke_if_callable(self._graph) if self.outputs == constants.MARK_ALL: outputs = list(tf_util.get_output_metadata(graph, layerwise=True).keys()) elif self.outputs is not None: outputs = self.outputs return graph, outputs
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class SaveGraph(BaseLoader): """ Functor that writes out artifacts from a TensorFlow graph. """ def __init__(self, graph, path=None, tensorboard_dir=None, engine_dir=None): """ Writes out artifacts from a TensorFlow Graph. Args: graph (Union[Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]], Callable() -> Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]]): A tuple containing a TensorFlow graph and output names or a callable that returns one. path (str): Path at which to save the frozen graphdef. tensorboard_dir (str): The directory in which to write TensorBoard visualizations. engine_dir (str): The directory in which to save TF-TRT engines, """ self._graph = graph self.path = path self.tensorboard_dir = tensorboard_dir self.engine_dir = engine_dir
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]: The TensorFlow graph, and the names of its outputs. """ (graph, outputs), _ = util.invoke_if_callable(self._graph) if self.path: util.save_file(graph.as_graph_def().SerializeToString(), dest=self.path) if self.tensorboard_dir:"Writing tensorboard events to {self.tensorboard_dir}") train_writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter(self.tensorboard_dir) train_writer.add_graph(graph) if self.engine_dir is not None: graphdef = graph.as_graph_def() segment_number = 0 for node in graphdef.node: if node.op == "TRTEngineOp": engine = node.attr["serialized_segment"].s if self.engine_dir is not None: util.save_file( contents=engine, dest=os.path.join( self.engine_dir, f"segment-{segment_number}" ), ) segment_number += 1 return graph, outputs
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class CreateConfig(BaseLoader): """ Functor that creates a TensorFlow config. """ def __init__(self, gpu_memory_fraction=None, allow_growth=None, use_xla=None): """ Creates a TensorFlow config. Args: gpu_memory_fraction (float): The fraction of GPU memory that will be made available to TensorFlow. This should be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. allow_growth (bool): Whether to allow GPU memory allocated by TensorFlow to grow. use_xla (bool): Whether to attempt to enable XLA. """ self.gpu_memory_fraction = util.default(gpu_memory_fraction, 0.9) self.allow_growth = util.default(allow_growth, False) self.use_xla = util.default(use_xla, False)
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: tf.ConfigProto: The TensorFlow config. """ # Session configuration gpu_options = tf.compat.v1.GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=self.gpu_memory_fraction, allow_growth=self.allow_growth, ) config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) if self.use_xla: config.graph_options.optimizer_options.global_jit_level = ( tf.OptimizerOptions.ON_1 ) G_LOGGER.verbose( f"Using gpu memory fraction: {self.gpu_memory_fraction}, XLA: {self.use_xla}" ) return config
[docs] @mod.export(funcify=True) class SessionFromGraph(BaseLoader): """ Functor that creates a TensorFlow session that can be used for inference. """ def __init__(self, graph, config=None): """ Creates a TensorFlow session. Args: graph (Union[Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]], Callable() -> Tuple[tf.Graph, Sequence[str]]]): A tuple containing a TensorFlow graph and output names or a callable that returns one. config (Union[tf.ConfigProto, Callable() -> tf.ConfigProto]): A TensorFlow ConfigProto or a callable that returns one. """ self.graph = graph self.config = util.default(config, CreateConfig())
[docs] @util.check_called_by("__call__") def call_impl(self): """ Returns: tf.Session: The TensorFlow session. """ config, _ = util.invoke_if_callable(self.config) (graph, output_names), _ = util.invoke_if_callable(self.graph) with graph.as_default() as graph, tf.compat.v1.Session( graph=graph, config=config ).as_default() as sess: G_LOGGER.verbose(f"Using TensorFlow outputs: {output_names}") G_LOGGER.extra_verbose("Initializing variables in TensorFlow Graph") return sess, output_names