Source code for polygraphy.backend.trt.util

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import contextlib
import json
import os
import signal

from polygraphy import config, mod, util, cuda
from polygraphy.common import TensorMetadata
from polygraphy.datatype import DataType
from polygraphy.exception import PolygraphyException
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER, LogMode

trt = mod.lazy_import("tensorrt>=8.5")
np = mod.lazy_import("numpy")


[docs] @mod.export() def get_trt_logger(): """ Get the global TensorRT logger created by Polygraphy. Returns: trt.Logger: The TensorRT logger. """ global TRT_LOGGER if TRT_LOGGER is not None: return TRT_LOGGER class CustomTrtLogger(trt.ILogger): def __init__(self): trt.ILogger.__init__(self) def log(self, severity, msg): try: log_func = { # This function cannot throw, so `critical` should not be used here! trt.Logger.INTERNAL_ERROR: G_LOGGER.error, trt.Logger.ERROR: G_LOGGER.error, # Reduce warning spam from TRT. trt.Logger.WARNING: lambda msg: G_LOGGER.warning( msg, mode=LogMode.ONCE ), trt.Logger.INFO: G_LOGGER.verbose, trt.Logger.VERBOSE: G_LOGGER.extra_verbose, }.get(severity, G_LOGGER.super_verbose) log_func(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: # `log()` is `noexcept` so we need to convert exceptions to signals so that # ctrl-C will work as expected. os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) TRT_LOGGER = CustomTrtLogger() return TRT_LOGGER
def fail_unavailable(what): G_LOGGER.backtrace() G_LOGGER.critical(f"{what} is not available on TensorRT version {trt.__version__}.") def check_onnx_parser_errors(parser, success): if parser.num_errors > 0: for index in range(parser.num_errors): G_LOGGER.error(parser.get_error(index)) G_LOGGER.critical("Could not parse ONNX correctly") if not success: G_LOGGER.critical( "Failed to parse ONNX model. Does the model file exist and contain a valid ONNX model?" ) def get_layer_class_mapping(): layer_class_mapping = {} def try_add(layer_type, layer_cls): try: layer_type = getattr(trt.LayerType, layer_type) layer_cls = getattr(trt, layer_cls) except AttributeError: if config.INTERNAL_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS: G_LOGGER.warning( f"Could not find layer type: {layer_type} or layer class: {layer_cls}" ) else: layer_class_mapping[layer_type] = layer_cls try_add("CONVOLUTION", "IConvolutionLayer") try_add("FULLY_CONNECTED", "IFullyConnectedLayer") try_add("ACTIVATION", "IActivationLayer") try_add("POOLING", "IPoolingLayer") try_add("LRN", "ILRNLayer") try_add("SCALE", "IScaleLayer") try_add("SOFTMAX", "ISoftMaxLayer") try_add("DECONVOLUTION", "IDeconvolutionLayer") try_add("CONCATENATION", "IConcatenationLayer") try_add("ELEMENTWISE", "IElementWiseLayer") try_add("PLUGIN", "IPluginLayer") try_add("UNARY", "IUnaryLayer") try_add("PADDING", "IPaddingLayer") try_add("SHUFFLE", "IShuffleLayer") try_add("REDUCE", "IReduceLayer") try_add("TOPK", "ITopKLayer") try_add("GATHER", "IGatherLayer") try_add("MATRIX_MULTIPLY", "IMatrixMultiplyLayer") try_add("RAGGED_SOFTMAX", "IRaggedSoftMaxLayer") try_add("CONSTANT", "IConstantLayer") try_add("RNN", "IRNNLayer") try_add("RNN_V2", "IRNNv2Layer") try_add("IDENTITY", "IIdentityLayer") try_add("PLUGIN_V2", "IPluginV2Layer") try_add("SLICE", "ISliceLayer") try_add("SHAPE", "IShapeLayer") try_add("PARAMETRIC_RELU", "IParametricReLULayer") try_add("RESIZE", "IResizeLayer") try_add("TRIP_LIMIT", "ITripLimitLayer") try_add("RECURRENCE", "IRecurrenceLayer") try_add("ITERATOR", "IIteratorLayer") try_add("LOOP_OUTPUT", "ILoopOutputLayer") try_add("SELECT", "ISelectLayer") try_add("FILL", "IFillLayer") try_add("QUANTIZE", "IQuantizeLayer") try_add("DEQUANTIZE", "IDequantizeLayer") try_add("CONDITION", "IConditionLayer") try_add("CONDITIONAL_INPUT", "IIfConditionalInputLayer") try_add("CONDITIONAL_OUTPUT", "IIfConditionalOutputLayer") try_add("ASSERTION", "IAssertionLayer") try_add("SCATTER", "IScatterLayer") try_add("EINSUM", "IEinsumLayer") try_add("GRID_SAMPLE", "IGridSampleLayer") try_add("ONE_HOT", "IOneHotLayer") try_add("NON_ZERO", "INonZeroLayer") try_add("NMS", "INMSLayer") try_add("REVERSE_SEQUENCE", "IReverseSequenceLayer") try_add("NORMALIZATION", "INormalizationLayer") try_add("CAST", "ICastLayer") return layer_class_mapping def get_network_input_names_meta(network): names = [] meta = TensorMetadata() for i in range(network.num_inputs): tensor = network.get_input(i) names.append( meta.add(, dtype=DataType.from_dtype(tensor.dtype, "tensorrt"), shape=tensor.shape, ) return names, meta def get_network_output_names_meta(network): names = [] meta = TensorMetadata() for i in range(network.num_outputs): tensor = network.get_output(i) names.append( meta.add(, dtype=DataType.from_dtype(tensor.dtype, "tensorrt"), shape=tensor.shape, ) return names, meta def get_layer_input_names_meta(layer): names = [] meta = TensorMetadata() for i in range(layer.num_inputs): inp = layer.get_input(i) if inp: names.append( meta.add(, DataType.from_dtype(inp.dtype, "tensorrt"), inp.shape) return names, meta def get_layer_output_names_meta(layer): names = [] meta = TensorMetadata() for i in range(layer.num_outputs): out = layer.get_output(i) if out: names.append( meta.add(, DataType.from_dtype(out.dtype, "tensorrt"), out.shape) return names, meta def str_from_layer(layer, index): input_names, input_meta = get_layer_input_names_meta(layer) output_names, output_meta = get_layer_output_names_meta(layer) return util.str_from_layer( "Layer", index,, layer.type, input_names, input_meta, output_names, output_meta, ) def get_layer_attribute_names(layer): def is_special_attribute(attr): return attr.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__") def is_valid_attribute(attr, layer): if ( type(layer) == trt.IPoolingLayer or type(layer) == trt.IConvolutionLayer or type(layer) == trt.IDeconvolutionLayer ): if len(layer.get_input(0).shape) > 4: # 3D pooling uses padding_nd return attr not in ["padding", "stride", "window_size"] if type(layer) == trt.IResizeLayer: if layer.num_inputs > 1: return attr not in ["scales"] if type(layer) == trt.ISliceLayer: if layer.num_inputs > 1: return attr not in ["shape", "start", "stride"] return True return [ attr for attr in dir(layer) if not is_special_attribute(attr) and not hasattr(trt.ILayer, attr) and is_valid_attribute(attr, layer) ] def str_from_network(network, show_layers=None, show_attrs=None, show_weights=None): """ Converts a TensorRT network to a human-readable representation Args: network (trt.INetworkDefinition): The network. show_layers (bool): Whether to display per-layer information. show_attrs (bool): Whether to display per-layer attributes. show_weights (bool): Whether to display the value of weights. Returns: str """ show_layers = util.default(show_layers, False) show_attrs = util.default(show_attrs, False) show_weights = util.default(show_weights, False) LAYER_TYPE_CLASS_MAPPING = get_layer_class_mapping() network_str = f"Name: {} | {'Implicit' if hasattr(network, 'has_implicit_batch_dimension') and network.has_implicit_batch_dimension else 'Explicit'} Batch{' Strongly Typed' if hasattr(network, 'get_flag') and network.get_flag(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.STRONGLY_TYPED) else ''} Network\n" network_str += "\n" _, input_metadata = get_network_input_names_meta(network) network_str += ( f"---- {len(input_metadata)} Network Input(s) ----\n{input_metadata}\n\n" ) _, output_metadata = get_network_output_names_meta(network) network_str += ( f"---- {len(output_metadata)} Network Output(s) ----\n{output_metadata}\n\n" ) network_str += f"---- {network.num_layers} Layer(s) ----\n" if show_layers: for index, layer in enumerate(network): if layer.type in LAYER_TYPE_CLASS_MAPPING: layer.__class__ = LAYER_TYPE_CLASS_MAPPING[layer.type] network_str += str_from_layer(layer, index) if show_attrs: # Exclude special attributes, as well as any attributes of the base layer class (those can be displayed above). attrs = get_layer_attribute_names(layer) if attrs: network_str += util.indent_block("---- Attributes ----") + "\n" for attr in attrs: with G_LOGGER.verbosity(): try: val = getattr(layer, attr) except Exception as err: val = f"<Error: could not retrieve layer attribute: {attr}. Note: Error was: {err}>" if show_weights or not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): attr_str = "" if attr_str += f"{}." network_str += ( util.indent_block(f"{attr_str}{attr} = {val}") + "\n" ) network_str += "\n" return util.indent_block(network_str, level=0) def get_all_tensors(network): all_tensors = set() for layer in network: for i in range(layer.num_inputs): all_tensors.add(layer.get_input(i)) for i in range(layer.num_outputs): all_tensors.add(layer.get_output(i)) # Optional tensors that are omitted are reported as `None`s, so we need to exclude them. return { t for t in all_tensors if t is not None} def mark_outputs(network, outputs): """ Mark the specified outputs as network outputs. Args: network (trt.INetworkDefinition): The network in which to mark outputs. outputs (Sequence[str]): The names of tensors to mark as outputs. """ outputs = util.unique_list(outputs) tensor_map = get_all_tensors(network) util.check_sequence_contains( tensor_map.keys(), outputs, name="the network", items_name="outputs", check_extra=False, ) for tensor in tensor_map.values(): # Clear all old outputs if tensor.is_network_output: network.unmark_output(tensor) for name in outputs: G_LOGGER.ultra_verbose(f"Marking {name} as an output") network.mark_output(tensor_map[name]) def mark_layerwise(network): # Layers within loops cannot be marked as network outputs. LOOP_START_NAMES = ["TRIP_LIMIT", "ITERATOR", "RECURRENCE"] LOOP_END_NAMES = ["LOOP_OUTPUT"] LOOP_START_LAYERS = [ getattr(trt.LayerType, attr) for attr in LOOP_START_NAMES if hasattr(trt.LayerType, attr) ] LOOP_END_LAYERS = [ getattr(trt.LayerType, attr) for attr in LOOP_END_NAMES if hasattr(trt.LayerType, attr) ] EXCLUDE_LAYERS = [trt.LayerType.SHAPE, trt.LayerType.CONSTANT] outputs = [] in_loop = False for layer in network: if layer.type in LOOP_START_LAYERS: G_LOGGER.warning( "Loop detected. Please ensure the network is topologically sorted so that layers within " "the loop body are not marked as network outputs in layerwise mode", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) in_loop = True elif layer.type in LOOP_END_LAYERS: in_loop = False should_mark_layer = not in_loop and layer.type not in EXCLUDE_LAYERS if should_mark_layer: for index in range(layer.num_outputs): tensor = layer.get_output(index) if tensor is not None: outputs.append( G_LOGGER.verbose(f"Marking {len(outputs)} tensors as outputs") mark_outputs(network, outputs) def unmark_outputs(network, outputs): outputs = util.unique_list(outputs) tensor_map = get_all_tensors(network) util.check_sequence_contains( tensor_map.keys(), outputs, name="the network", items_name="outputs", check_extra=False, ) for name in outputs: tensor = tensor_map[name] if tensor.is_network_output: network.unmark_output(tensor) def str_from_config(config): # Check the default device type so that we can trigger this from the tests. # On non-DLA platforms, config.DLA_core can never be set to anything other than -1, # but default_device_type can be set to DLA.. using_dla = config.DLA_core >= 0 or config.default_device_type == trt.DeviceType.DLA lines = [] def str_from_list(lst): return "[" + ", ".join(lst) + "]" def add_line(title, line): lines.append((f"{title:{22}} | " + line).strip()) def get_enabled_enum_vals(EnumType, is_enabled): # is_enabled is a Callable[[enum_val], bool] which reports whether to include the enum value. return [ name for name, enum_val in EnumType.__members__.items() if is_enabled(enum_val) ] # Flags enabled_builder_flags = get_enabled_enum_vals( trt.BuilderFlag, lambda flag: config.get_flag(flag) ) add_line("Flags", f"{str_from_list(enabled_builder_flags)}") # Engine Capability with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): add_line("Engine Capability", str(config.engine_capability)) # Memory Pools with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): mem_pool_limits = [ f"{name}: {config.get_memory_pool_limit(pool_type) / float(1<<20):.2f} MiB" for name, pool_type in trt.MemoryPoolType.__members__.items() # Only show DLA memory pools when DLA is in use if (not name.startswith("DLA") or using_dla) ] add_line("Memory Pools", f"{str_from_list(mem_pool_limits)}") # Tactic Sources with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): source_vals = get_enabled_enum_vals( trt.TacticSource, lambda val: (1 << int(val)) & config.get_tactic_sources() ) add_line("Tactic Sources", f"{str_from_list(source_vals)}") # DLA if using_dla: add_line( "DLA", f"Default Device Type: {config.default_device_type}, Core: {config.DLA_core}", ) # Profiling Verbosity with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): add_line("Profiling Verbosity", f"{config.profiling_verbosity}") # Optimization Profiles if ( config.num_optimization_profiles > 1 ): # Not particularly interesting unless there are multiple. add_line( "Optimization Profiles", f"{config.num_optimization_profiles} profile(s)" ) # Preview Features with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): feature_vals = get_enabled_enum_vals( trt.PreviewFeature, lambda val: config.get_preview_feature(val) ) if feature_vals: add_line("Preview Features", f"{str_from_list(feature_vals)}") # Calibrator if config.int8_calibrator: add_line("Calibrator", f"{config.int8_calibrator}") # Quantization Flags with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): quantization_flags = get_enabled_enum_vals( trt.QuantizationFlag, lambda val: config.get_quantization_flag(val) ) if quantization_flags: add_line("Quantization Flags", f"{str_from_list(quantization_flags)}") return "\n".join(lines) def check_profile(profile): if not bool(profile): G_LOGGER.critical( f"Profile is not valid, please provide profile data.\nNote: profile was: {profile}" ) return profile def str_from_tensor(tensor, is_shape_tensor): ret = "Input " if is_shape_tensor: ret += "shape-tensor" else: ret += "tensor" ret += f": {} (dtype={tensor.dtype}, shape={tensor.shape})" return ret # Note: When `force_opt_shapes=True` this method is treated as being specific to calibration. def get_input_metadata_from_network(network, profile, force_opt_shapes=None): """ Returns metadata about the inputs of a network, referring to the values set in a profile for dynamic shapes. Args: network (trt.INetworkDefinition): The network the profile applies to. profile (trt.IOptimizationProfile): The profile from which to retrieve input metadata. force_opt_shapes (bool): Whether to ignore the minimum and maximum shapes in the profile and always use OPT shapes. Defaults to False. Returns: TensorMetadata: A mapping of input names to their types and shapes. Shapes are retrieved from the OPT values in the profile. Raises: PolygraphyException: If the network has dynamic shapes or shape tensor inputs but no profile was provided. """ force_opt_shapes = util.default(force_opt_shapes, False) input_metadata = TensorMetadata() for index in range(network.num_inputs): tensor = network.get_input(index) # Only access the profile if we actually need to. # This way, this method works with static networks even without a profile set. min_shape = None max_shape = None opt_shape = tensor.shape if tensor.is_shape_tensor or util.is_shape_dynamic(tensor.shape): if tensor.is_shape_tensor: min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape = profile.get_shape_input( else: min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape = profile.get_shape( if force_opt_shapes and tuple(min_shape) != tuple(max_shape): G_LOGGER.warning( "TensorRT does not currently support using dynamic shapes during calibration. " "The `OPT` shapes from the calibration profile will be used for tensors with dynamic shapes. " "Calibration data is expected to conform to those shapes. ", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) input_metadata.add(, dtype=tensor.dtype, shape=opt_shape if force_opt_shapes else tensor.shape, min_shape=None if force_opt_shapes else min_shape, max_shape=None if force_opt_shapes else max_shape, ) return input_metadata # calib_profile parameter is used to bypass `get_calibration_profile()` to make this work on TRT 7.0 and older. def try_setup_polygraphy_calibrator(config, network, calib_profile=None): """ Tries to call setup methods specific to Polygraphy calibrators. Returns early if there is no calibrator or if it is not a Polygraphy calibrator. """ calibrator = config.int8_calibrator if calibrator is None or not ( hasattr(calibrator, "is_polygraphy_calibrator") and calibrator.is_polygraphy_calibrator ): # No calibrator or not a Polygraphy calibrator. return if calib_profile is None: try: calib_profile = config.get_calibration_profile() except AttributeError: G_LOGGER.extra_verbose( "Cannot get calibration profile on TensorRT 7.0 and older." ) # Return early so we don't emit extraneous warnings on TRT 7.0 and older. return try: # TensorRT does not currently support shapes other than the OPT shape. input_metadata = get_input_metadata_from_network( network, calib_profile, force_opt_shapes=True ) except PolygraphyException as err: G_LOGGER.warning( "Could not determine input_metadata to provide to the calibrator because no calibration profile is set. " "Please either set a calibration profile in the config or call `calibrator.set_input_metadata()` manually. " f"\nNote: Error was:\n{err}", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) else: calibrator.set_input_metadata(input_metadata) def get_tensor_format(engine, context, name): try: return engine.get_tensor_format(name, context.active_optimization_profile) except TypeError: return engine.get_tensor_format(name) def get_hwc_shape_from_chw(shape, strides): # The relative size (descending sorted order) of the strides should give the permutation to convert the shape perm = sorted(range(len(strides)), key=strides.__getitem__, reverse=True) return tuple([shape[i] for i in perm]) def get_chw_shape_from_hwc(shape, strides): perm = sorted(range(len(strides)), key=strides.__getitem__, reverse=True) inv_perm = sorted(range(len(perm)), key=perm.__getitem__) return tuple([shape[i] for i in inv_perm]) def get_metadata_from_engine(engine, context, mode): meta = TensorMetadata() for idx in range(engine.num_io_tensors): name = engine.get_tensor_name(idx) if engine.get_tensor_mode(name) != mode: continue shape = engine.get_tensor_shape(name) # If the input format is HWC, make sure the input is shaped accordingly if get_tensor_format(engine, context, name) == trt.TensorFormat.HWC: shape = get_hwc_shape_from_chw(shape, context.get_tensor_strides(name)) meta.add( name=name, dtype=DataType.from_dtype(engine.get_tensor_dtype(name), "tensorrt"), shape=shape, ) return meta def str_from_engine(engine, context, show_layers=None, show_attrs=None): show_layers = util.default(show_layers, False) show_attrs = util.default(show_attrs, False) num_io_tensors = engine.num_io_tensors engine_str = f"Name: {} | {'Refittable ' if engine.refittable else ''}{'Implicit' if hasattr(engine, 'has_implicit_batch_dimension') and engine.has_implicit_batch_dimension else 'Explicit'} Batch Engine\n" engine_str += "\n" # Show metadata for the first profile (i.e. the dynamic shapes) input_metadata = get_metadata_from_engine( engine, context, mode=trt.TensorIOMode.INPUT ) output_metadata = get_metadata_from_engine( engine, context, mode=trt.TensorIOMode.OUTPUT ) engine_str += ( f"---- {len(input_metadata)} Engine Input(s) ----\n{input_metadata}\n\n" ) engine_str += ( f"---- {len(output_metadata)} Engine Output(s) ----\n{output_metadata}\n\n" ) engine_str += ( f"---- Memory ----\nDevice Memory: {engine.device_memory_size} bytes\n\n" ) engine_str += f"---- {engine.num_optimization_profiles} Profile(s) ({num_io_tensors} Tensor(s) Each) ----\n" for profile_index in range(engine.num_optimization_profiles): engine_str += f"- Profile: {profile_index}\n" max_width = ( max( [ len(engine.get_tensor_name(idx)) for idx in range(engine.num_io_tensors) ] ) + 8 ) for idx in range(num_io_tensors): name = engine.get_tensor_name(idx) binding_type = ( " (Input)" if engine.get_tensor_mode(name) == trt.TensorIOMode.INPUT else "(Output)" ) engine_str += util.indent_block( f"Tensor: {name:<{max_width}} {binding_type}, Index: {idx}" ) if engine.get_tensor_mode(name) == trt.TensorIOMode.INPUT: min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape = engine.get_tensor_profile_shape( name, profile_index ) engine_str += ( f" | Shapes: min={min_shape}, opt={opt_shape}, max={max_shape}\n" ) else: engine_str += f" | Shape: {engine.get_tensor_shape(name)}\n" engine_str += "\n" layers_per_profile = engine.num_layers // engine.num_optimization_profiles engine_str += f"---- {layers_per_profile} Layer(s){' Per Profile' if engine.num_optimization_profiles > 1 else ''} ----\n" if show_layers: try: inspector = engine.create_engine_inspector() except AttributeError: G_LOGGER.warning( f"Cannot show layer information because IEngineInspector is not available in this version of TensorRT ({trt.__version__})" ) else: inspector.execution_context = context for profile_idx in range(engine.num_optimization_profiles): indent_level = 0 if engine.num_optimization_profiles >= 1: indent_level = 1 engine_str += f"- Profile: {profile_idx}\n" offset = profile_idx * layers_per_profile for index in range(layers_per_profile): layer_info = json.loads( inspector.get_layer_information( offset + index, trt.LayerInformationFormat.JSON ) ) op = "Unknown" input_names, input_meta = [], TensorMetadata() output_names, output_meta = [], TensorMetadata() origin = "Unknown" tactic = "Unknown" if engine.profiling_verbosity == trt.ProfilingVerbosity.DETAILED: name = layer_info.get("Name", "Unknown") op = layer_info.get("LayerType", "Unknown") def names_meta_from_inspector(key): def dtype_from_fmt_dtype(contents): contents = contents.upper() mapping = { "BFLOAT16": DataType.BFLOAT16, "FLOAT": DataType.FLOAT32, "FP32": DataType.FLOAT32, "FP16": DataType.FLOAT16, "INT8": DataType.INT8, "INT32": DataType.INT32, "INT64": DataType.INT64, "BOOL": DataType.BOOL, "N/A": None, } for key, val in mapping.items(): if key in contents: return val G_LOGGER.internal_error( f"Could not determine data type from format string: {contents}" ) return None names = [] meta = TensorMetadata() info = layer_info.get(key) if info is None: return meta for elem in info: names.append(elem["Name"]) meta.add( name=elem["Name"], dtype=dtype_from_fmt_dtype(elem["Format/Datatype"]), shape=elem["Dimensions"], docstring=( f"Format: {elem['Format/Datatype']}" if "N/A" not in elem["Format/Datatype"] else None ), ) return names, meta input_names, input_meta = names_meta_from_inspector("Inputs") output_names, output_meta = names_meta_from_inspector("Outputs") origin = layer_info.get("Origin", "Unknown") tactic = layer_info.get("TacticValue", "Unknown") # For Myelin layers, use `TacticName` instead of `TacticValue` if "TacticValue" not in layer_info: tactic = layer_info.get("TacticName", "Unknown") else: G_LOGGER.warning( f"This engine was created with a profiling verbosity of: {engine.profiling_verbosity}. Some layer information may be missing. Try setting a higher profiling verbosity to see more detailed layer information. ", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) name = layer_info engine_str += ( util.indent_block( util.str_from_layer( "Layer", index, name, op, input_names, input_meta, output_names, output_meta, ), indent_level, ) + "\n" ) if show_attrs: engine_str += ( util.indent_block("---- Attributes ----", indent_level + 1) + "\n" ) engine_str += ( util.indent_block(f"Origin = {origin}", indent_level + 1) + "\n" ) engine_str += ( util.indent_block(f"Tactic = {tactic}", indent_level + 1) + "\n" ) engine_str += "\n" return util.indent_block(engine_str, level=0) def _get_array_on_gpu(arr, name, device_buffers, stream=None): """ Copies the provided array to GPU memory if needed and returns a pointer to the GPU memory. If sufficient GPU memory has not been allocated for the array in ``device_buffers``, this function will allocate new memory. Args: arr (Union[DeviceView, numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The array. name (str): The name of the array. device_buffers (Dict[str, DeviceArray]): A mapping of names to DeviceArrays. stream (cuda.Stream): The CUDA stream to use. Returns: int: A pointer to the GPU memory. """ if util.array.is_on_gpu(arr): return util.array.data_ptr(arr) arr = util.array.make_contiguous(arr) shape = (util.array.nbytes(arr),) if name not in device_buffers: # We intentionally don't set the shape here so that it's treated as a scalar and therefore has # some memory allocated. Otherwise, if there's an empty tensor, we won't allocate anything # and the device pointer will be 0 (i.e. nullptr), which TensorRT will complain about. device_buffers[name] = cuda.DeviceArray.raw() device_buffers[name].resize(shape) device_buffers[name].copy_from(util.array.view(arr, DataType.UINT8, shape), stream) return device_buffers[name].ptr