Source code for polygraphy.comparator.comparator

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import contextlib
import copy
import queue
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

from polygraphy import mod, util
from polygraphy.common import TensorMetadata
from polygraphy.comparator import util as comp_util
from import CompareFunc
from polygraphy.comparator.data_loader import DataLoader, DataLoaderCache
from polygraphy.comparator.struct import AccuracyResult, IterationResult, RunResults
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER, LogMode

[docs] @mod.export() class Comparator: """ Compares inference outputs. """
[docs] @staticmethod def run( runners, data_loader=None, warm_up=None, use_subprocess=None, subprocess_timeout=None, subprocess_polling_interval=None, save_inputs_path=None, ): """ Runs the supplied runners sequentially. Args: runners (List[BaseRunner]): A list of runners to run. data_loader (Sequence[OrderedDict[str, numpy.ndarray]]): A generator or iterable that yields a dictionary that maps input names to input numpy buffers. In the simplest case, this can be a `List[Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]` . In case you don't know details about the inputs ahead of time, you can access the `input_metadata` property in your data loader, which will be set to an `TensorMetadata` instance by this function. Note that this does not work for generators or lists. The number of iterations run by this function is controlled by the number of items supplied by the data loader. Defaults to an instance of `DataLoader`. warm_up (int): The number of warm up runs to perform for each runner before timing. Defaults to 0. use_subprocess (bool): Whether each runner should be run in a subprocess. This allows each runner to have exclusive access to the GPU. When using a subprocess, runners and loaders will never be modified. subprocess_timeout (int): The timeout before a subprocess is killed automatically. This is useful for handling processes that never terminate. A value of None disables the timeout. Defaults to None. subprocess_polling_interval (int): The polling interval, in seconds, for checking whether a subprocess has completed or crashed. In rare cases, omitting this parameter when subprocesses are enabled may cause this function to hang indefinitely if the subprocess crashes. A value of 0 disables polling. Defaults to 30 seconds. save_inputs_path (str): Path at which to save inputs used during inference. This will include all inputs generated by the provided data_loader, and will be saved as a JSON List[Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]. Returns: RunResults: A mapping of runner names to the results of their inference. The ordering of `runners` is preserved in this mapping. """ warm_up = util.default(warm_up, 0) data_loader = util.default(data_loader, DataLoader()) use_subprocess = util.default(use_subprocess, False) subprocess_polling_interval = util.default(subprocess_polling_interval, 30) loader_cache = DataLoaderCache(data_loader, save_inputs_path=save_inputs_path) def execute_runner(runner, loader_cache): with runner as active_runner: # DataLoaderCache will ensure that the feed_dict does not contain any extra entries # based on the provided input_metadata. loader_cache.set_input_metadata( active_runner.get_input_metadata(use_numpy_dtypes=False) ) if warm_up: G_LOGGER.start( f"{} | Running {warm_up} warm-up run(s)" ) try: feed_dict = loader_cache[0] except IndexError: G_LOGGER.warning( f"{warm_up} warm-up run(s) were requested, but data loader did not supply any data. Skipping warm-up run(s)" ) else: G_LOGGER.ultra_verbose( f"Warm-up Input Buffers:\n{util.indent_block(feed_dict)}" ) # First do a few warm-up runs, and don't time them. for _ in range(warm_up): active_runner.infer(feed_dict=feed_dict) G_LOGGER.finish( f"{} | Finished {warm_up} warm-up run(s)" ) # Then, actual iterations. index = 0 iteration_results = [] total_runtime = 0 for index, feed_dict in enumerate(loader_cache): f"{}\n---- Inference Input(s) ----\n{TensorMetadata().from_feed_dict(feed_dict)}", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) G_LOGGER.extra_verbose( lambda: f"{} | Feeding inputs:\n{util.indent_block(dict(feed_dict))}" ) outputs = active_runner.infer(feed_dict=feed_dict) runtime = active_runner.last_inference_time() total_runtime += runtime # Without a deep copy here, outputs will always reference the output of the last run iteration_results.append( IterationResult( outputs=copy.deepcopy(outputs), runtime=runtime,, ) ) f"{}\n---- Inference Output(s) ----\n{TensorMetadata().from_feed_dict(outputs)}", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) G_LOGGER.extra_verbose( lambda: f"{} | Inference Time: {runtime * 1000.0:.3f} ms | Received outputs:\n{util.indent_block(dict(outputs))}" ) total_runtime_ms = total_runtime * 1000.0 G_LOGGER.finish( f"{} | Completed {index + 1} iteration(s) in {total_runtime_ms:.4g} ms | Average inference time: {total_runtime_ms / float(index + 1):.4g} ms." ) return iteration_results # Wraps execute_runner to use a queue. def execute_runner_with_queue(runner_queue, runner, loader_cache): iteration_results = None try: iteration_results = execute_runner(runner, loader_cache) except: # Cannot necessarily send the exception back over the queue. G_LOGGER.backrace() util.try_send_on_queue(runner_queue, iteration_results) # After finishing, send the updated loader_cache back. util.try_send_on_queue(runner_queue, loader_cache) # Do all inferences in one loop, then comparisons at a later stage. # We run each runner in a separate process so that we can provide exclusive GPU access for each runner. run_results = RunResults() if not runners: G_LOGGER.warning( "No runners were provided to Inference will not be run, and run results will be empty." ) for runner in runners: G_LOGGER.start(f"{} | Activating and starting inference") if use_subprocess: runner_queue = Queue() process = Process( target=execute_runner_with_queue, args=(runner_queue, runner, loader_cache), ) process.start() # If a subprocess hangs in a certain way, then process.join could block forever. Hence, # we need to keep polling the process to make sure it really is alive. iteration_results = None while process.is_alive() and iteration_results is None: try: iteration_results = util.try_receive_on_queue( runner_queue, timeout=subprocess_polling_interval / 2 ) # Receive updated loader cache, or fall back if it could not be sent. loader_cache = util.try_receive_on_queue( runner_queue, timeout=subprocess_polling_interval / 2 ) except queue.Empty: G_LOGGER.extra_verbose("Polled subprocess - still running") try: assert iteration_results is not None run_results.append((, iteration_results)) process.join(subprocess_timeout) except: G_LOGGER.critical( f"{} | Terminated prematurely. Check the exception logged above. If there is no exception logged above, make sure not to use the --use-subprocess flag or set use_subprocess=False in" ) finally: process.terminate() if loader_cache is None: G_LOGGER.critical( "Could not send data loader cache to runner subprocess. Please try disabling subprocesses " "by removing the --use-subprocess flag, or setting use_subprocess=False in" ) else: run_results.append((, execute_runner(runner, loader_cache))) G_LOGGER.verbose(f"Successfully ran: {[ for r in runners]}") return run_results
[docs] @staticmethod def postprocess(run_results, postprocess_func): """ Applies post processing to all the outputs in the provided run results. This is a convenience function to avoid the need for manual iteration over the run_results dictionary. Args: run_results (RunResults): The result of postprocess_func (Callable(IterationResult) -> IterationResult): The function to apply to each ``IterationResult``. Returns: RunResults: The updated run results. """ G_LOGGER.start( f"Applying post-processing to outputs: {postprocess_func.__name__}" ) for _, iteration_results in run_results: for index, iter_res in enumerate(iteration_results): iteration_results[index] = postprocess_func(iter_res) G_LOGGER.finish("Finished applying post-processing") return run_results
@staticmethod def default_comparisons(run_results): # Sets up default comparisons - which is to compare each runner to the subsequent one. return [(i, i + 1) for i in range(len(run_results) - 1)]
[docs] @staticmethod def compare_accuracy( run_results, fail_fast=False, comparisons=None, compare_func=None ): """ Args: run_results (RunResults): The result of fail_fast (bool): Whether to exit after the first failure comparisons (List[Tuple[int, int]]): Comparisons to perform, specified by runner indexes. For example, [(0, 1), (1, 2)] would compare the first runner with the second, and the second with the third. By default, this compares each result to the subsequent one. compare_func (Callable(IterationResult, IterationResult) -> OrderedDict[str, bool]): A function that takes in two IterationResults, and returns a dictionary that maps output names to a boolean (or anything convertible to a boolean) indicating whether outputs matched. The order of arguments to this function is guaranteed to be the same as the ordering of the tuples contained in `comparisons`. Returns: AccuracyResult: A summary of the results of the comparisons. The order of the keys (i.e. runner pairs) is guaranteed to be the same as the order of `comparisons`. For more details, see the AccuracyResult docstring (e.g. help(AccuracyResult)). """ def find_mismatched(match_dict): return [name for name, matched in match_dict.items() if not bool(matched)] compare_func = util.default(compare_func, CompareFunc.simple()) comparisons = util.default( comparisons, Comparator.default_comparisons(run_results) ) accuracy_result = AccuracyResult() for runner0_index, runner1_index in comparisons: (runner0_name, results0), (runner1_name, results1) = ( run_results[runner0_index], run_results[runner1_index], ) G_LOGGER.start(f"Accuracy Comparison | {runner0_name} vs. {runner1_name}") with G_LOGGER.indent(): runner_pair = (runner0_name, runner1_name) accuracy_result[runner_pair] = [] num_iters = min(len(results0), len(results1)) for iteration, (result0, result1) in enumerate(zip(results0, results1)): if num_iters > 1:"Iteration: {iteration}") with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: if num_iters > 1: stack.enter_context(G_LOGGER.indent()) iteration_match_dict = compare_func(result0, result1) accuracy_result[runner_pair].append(iteration_match_dict) mismatched_outputs = find_mismatched(iteration_match_dict) if fail_fast and mismatched_outputs: return accuracy_result G_LOGGER.extra_verbose( f"Finished comparing {runner0_name} with {runner1_name}" ) passed, _, total = accuracy_result.stats(runner_pair) pass_rate = accuracy_result.percentage(runner_pair) * 100.0 msg = f"Accuracy Summary | {runner0_name} vs. {runner1_name} | Passed: {passed}/{total} iterations | Pass Rate: {pass_rate}%" if passed == total: G_LOGGER.finish(msg) else: G_LOGGER.error(msg) return accuracy_result
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(run_results, check_inf=None, check_nan=None, fail_fast=None): """ Checks output validity. Args: run_results (Dict[str, List[IterationResult]]): The result of check_inf (bool): Whether to fail on Infs. Defaults to False. check_nan (bool): Whether to fail on NaNs. Defaults to True. fail_fast (bool): Whether to fail after the first invalid value. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if all outputs were valid, False otherwise. """ check_inf = util.default(check_inf, False) check_nan = util.default(check_nan, True) fail_fast = util.default(fail_fast, False) def is_finite(output): non_finite = util.array.logical_not(util.array.isfinite(output)) if util.array.any(non_finite): G_LOGGER.error( "Inf Detected | One or more non-finite values were encountered in this output" ) "Note: Use -vv or set logging verbosity to EXTRA_VERBOSE to display non-finite values", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) G_LOGGER.extra_verbose(f"Note: non-finite values at:\n{non_finite}") G_LOGGER.extra_verbose( f"Note: non-finite values:\n{output[non_finite]}" ) return False return True def is_not_nan(output): nans = util.array.isnan(output) if util.array.any(nans): G_LOGGER.error( "NaN Detected | One or more NaNs were encountered in this output" ) "Note: Use -vv or set logging verbosity to EXTRA_VERBOSE to display locations of NaNs", mode=LogMode.ONCE, ) G_LOGGER.extra_verbose(f"Note: NaNs at:\n{nans}") return False return True def validate_output(runner_name, output_name, output): G_LOGGER.start( f"{runner_name:35} | Validating output: {output_name} (check_inf={check_inf}, check_nan={check_nan})" ) with G_LOGGER.indent(): comp_util.log_output_stats(output) output_valid = True if check_nan: output_valid &= is_not_nan(output) if check_inf: output_valid &= is_finite(output) if output_valid: G_LOGGER.finish(f"PASSED | Output: {output_name} is valid") else: G_LOGGER.error(f"FAILED | Errors detected in output: {output_name}") return output_valid all_valid = True G_LOGGER.start(f"Output Validation | Runners: {list(run_results.keys())}") with G_LOGGER.indent(): for runner_name, results in run_results: for result in results: for output_name, output in result.items(): all_valid &= validate_output(runner_name, output_name, output) if fail_fast and not all_valid: return False if all_valid: G_LOGGER.finish("PASSED | Output Validation") else: G_LOGGER.error("FAILED | Output Validation") return all_valid