# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
from polygraphy import config, mod, util
from polygraphy.common.interface import TypedDict, TypedList
from polygraphy.json import Decoder, Encoder, add_json_methods, load_json, save_json
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER
class LazyArray:
Represents a lazily loaded NumPy array or PyTorch Tensor.
For example, large arrays may be serialized to temporary files on the disk
to save memory.
def __init__(self, arr):
arr (Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The array.
self.arr = None
self.tmpfile = None
if config.ARRAY_SWAP_THRESHOLD_MB >= 0 and util.array.nbytes(arr) > (
self.tmpfile = util.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".json")
f"Evicting large array ({util.array.nbytes(arr) / 1024.0 ** 2:.3f} MiB) from memory and saving to {self.tmpfile.name}"
save_json(arr, self.tmpfile.name)
self.arr = arr
def load(self):
Load the array, deserializing from the disk if it was stored earlier.
Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]: The array
if self.arr is not None:
return self.arr
if self.tmpfile is None:
f"self.arr is None but self.tmpfile is also None; this should be impossible."
return load_json(self.tmpfile.name)
@Encoder.register(LazyArray, alias="LazyNumpyArray")
def encode(lazy_arr):
return {
"values": lazy_arr.load(),
@Decoder.register(LazyArray, alias="LazyNumpyArray")
def decode(dct):
return LazyArray(dct["values"])
class IterationResult(TypedDict(lambda: str, lambda: LazyArray)):
An ordered dictionary containing the result of a running a single iteration of a runner.
This maps output names to arrays, and preserves the output ordering from the runner.
NOTE: The ``POLYGRAPHY_ARRAY_SWAP_THRESHOLD_MB`` environment variable can be set to enable
the arrays to be swapped to the disk.
Also includes additional fields indicating the name of the runner which produced the
outputs, and the time required to do so.
def _to_lazy(nparray):
if isinstance(nparray, LazyArray):
return nparray
return LazyArray(nparray)
def _to_lazy_dict(nparray_dict):
if nparray_dict is None:
return None
# Converts a Dict[str, np.ndarray] to a Dict[str, LazyArray]
lazy = OrderedDict()
for name, out in nparray_dict.items():
lazy[name] = IterationResult._to_lazy(out)
return lazy
def __init__(self, outputs=None, runtime=None, runner_name=None):
outputs (Dict[str, Union[np.array, torch.Tensor]]): The outputs of this iteration, mapped to their names.
runtime (float):
The time required for this iteration, in seconds.
Only used for logging purposes.
runner_name (str):
The name of the runner that produced this output.
If this is omitted, a default name is generated.
if outputs and config.ARRAY_SWAP_THRESHOLD_MB < 0:
total_size_gb = sum(
for arr in outputs.values()
if util.array.is_torch(arr) or util.array.is_numpy(arr)
) / (1024.0**3)
if total_size_gb >= 1:
f"It looks like the outputs of this network are very large ({total_size_gb:.3f} GiB).\n"
"To reduce memory usage, you may want to allow Polygraphy to swap these arrays to the disk "
"using the POLYGRAPHY_ARRAY_SWAP_THRESHOLD_MB environment variable."
self.runtime = runtime
self.runner_name = util.default(runner_name, "custom_runner")
# Convenience methods to preserve np.ndarray in the interface.
def update(self, other):
return super().update(IterationResult._to_lazy_dict(other))
def __setitem__(self, name, arr):
return super().__setitem__(name, IterationResult._to_lazy(arr))
def values(self):
for arr in super().values():
yield arr.load()
def items(self):
for name, arr in super().items():
yield name, arr.load()
def __getitem__(self, name):
return super().__getitem__(name).load()
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.runtime != other.runtime or self.runner_name != other.runner_name:
return False
for key, val in self.items():
if key not in other:
return False
if not util.array.equal(val, other[key]):
return False
return True
def encode(iter_result):
return {
"outputs": iter_result.dct,
"runtime": iter_result.runtime,
"runner_name": iter_result.runner_name,
def decode(dct):
return IterationResult(
outputs=dct["outputs"], runtime=dct["runtime"], runner_name=dct["runner_name"]
@add_json_methods("inference results")
class RunResults(TypedList(lambda: tuple)):
Maps runners to per-iteration outputs (in the form of a ``List[IterationResult]``).
For example, if ``results`` is an instance of ``RunResults()``, then
to access the outputs of the first iteration from a specified runner, do:
iteration = 0
runner_name = "trt-runner"
outputs = results[runner_name][iteration]
# `outputs` is a `Dict[str, np.ndarray]`
Note: Technically, this is a ``List[Tuple[str, List[IterationResult]]]``, but includes
helpers that make it behave like an OrderedDict that can contain duplicates.
def items(self):
Creates a generator that yields ``Tuple[str, List[IterationResult]]`` - runner names
and corresponding outputs.
for name, iteration_results in self.lst:
yield name, iteration_results
def keys(self):
Creates a generator that yields runner names (str).
for name, _ in self.lst:
yield name
def values(self):
Creates a generator that yields runner outputs (List[IterationResult]).
for _, iteration_results in self.lst:
yield iteration_results
def update(self, other):
Updates the results stored in this instance.
other (Union[Dict[str, List[IterationResult]], RunResults]):
A dictionary or RunResults instance from which to update this one.
for name, iteration_results in other.items():
self.lst[name] = iteration_results
return self
def add(self, out_list, runtime=None, runner_name=None):
A helper to create a ``List[IterationResult]`` and map it to the specified runner_name.
This method cannot be used to modify an existing entry.
Calling this method is equivalent to:
results[runner_name] = []
for out in out_list:
results[runner_name].append(IterationResult(out, runtime, runner_name))
out_list (List[Dict[str, np.array]]):
One or more set of outputs where each output is a dictionary
of output names mapped to NumPy arrays.
runtime (float):
The time required for this iteration, in seconds.
Only used for logging purposes.
runner_name (str):
The name of the runner that produced this output.
If this is omitted, a default name is generated.
runner_name = util.default(runner_name, "custom_runner")
iter_results = [IterationResult(out, runtime, runner_name) for out in out_list]
self[runner_name] = iter_results
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, int):
return self.lst[key]
for name, iteration_results in self.lst:
if name == key:
return iteration_results
f"{key:35} does not exist in this RunResults instance. Note: Available runners: {list(self.keys())}"
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if isinstance(key, int):
self.lst[key] = value
for index, name in enumerate(self.keys()):
if name == key:
self.lst[index] = (key, value)
self.append((key, value))
def __contains__(self, val):
if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, bytes):
return val in list(self.keys())
return val in self.lst
def __eq__(self, other):
for (r0, its0), (r1, its1) in zip(self.lst, other.lst):
if r0 != r1:
return False
if its0 != its1:
return False
return True
def encode(results):
return {"lst": results.lst}
def decode(dct):
return RunResults(list(map(tuple, dct["lst"])))
class AccuracyResult(TypedDict(lambda: tuple, lambda: list)):
An ordered dictionary including details about the result of ``Comparator.compare_accuracy``.
More specifically, it is an ``OrderedDict[Tuple[str, str], List[OrderedDict[str, bool]]]`` which maps a runner
pair (a tuple containing both runner names) to a list of dictionaries of booleans (or anything that can be
converted into a boolean, such as an ``OutputCompareResult``), indicating whether there was a match in the outputs of
the corresponding iteration. The ``List[OrderedDict[str, bool]]`` is constructed from the dictionaries returned
by ``compare_func`` in ``compare_accuracy``.
For example, to see if there's a match between ``runner0`` and
``runner1`` during the 1st iteration for an output called ``output0``:
runner_pair = ("runner0", "runner1")
iteration = 0
output_name = "output0"
match = bool(accuracy_result[runner_pair][iteration][output_name])
If there's a mismatch, you can inspect the outputs from
the results of ``Comparator.run()``, assumed here to be called ``run_results``:
runner0_output = run_results["runner0"][iteration][output_name]
runner1_output = run_results["runner1"][iteration][output_name]
def __bool__(self):
Whether all outputs matched for every iteration.
You can use this function to avoid manually checking each output. For example:
if accuracy_result:
print("All matched!")
return all(
for outs in self.values()
for out in outs
for match in out.values()
def _get_runner_pair(self, runner_pair):
return util.default(runner_pair, list(self.keys())[0])
def percentage(self, runner_pair=None):
Returns the percentage of iterations that matched for the given pair of runners,
expressed as a decimal between 0.0 and 1.0.
Always returns 1.0 when the number of iterations is 0, or when there are no runner comparisons.
runner_pair (Tuple[str, str]):
A pair of runner names describing which runners to check.
Defaults to the first pair in the dictionary.
if not list(self.keys()):
return 1.0 # No data in this result.
matched, _, total = self.stats(runner_pair)
if not total:
return 1.0 # No iterations
return float(matched) / float(total)
def stats(self, runner_pair=None):
Returns the number of iterations that matched, mismatched, and the total number of iterations.
runner_pair (Tuple[str, str]):
A pair of runner names describing which runners to check.
Defaults to the first pair in the dictionary.
Tuple[int, int, int]: Number of iterations that matched, mismatched, and total respectively.
runner_pair = self._get_runner_pair(runner_pair)
outs = self[runner_pair]
matched = sum([all([match for match in out.values()]) for out in outs])
total = len(outs)
return matched, total - matched, total