Source code for polygraphy.cuda.cuda

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ctypes
import os
import sys

from polygraphy import func, mod, util
from polygraphy.datatype import DataType
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER

np = mod.lazy_import("numpy")

def void_ptr(val=None):
    return ctypes.c_void_p(val)

[docs] @mod.export() class MemcpyKind: """ Enumerates different kinds of copy operations. """ HostToHost = ctypes.c_int(0) """Copies from host memory to host memory""" HostToDevice = ctypes.c_int(1) """Copies from host memory to device memory""" DeviceToHost = ctypes.c_int(2) """Copies from device memory to host memory""" DeviceToDevice = ctypes.c_int(3) """Copies from device memory to device memory""" Default = ctypes.c_int(4)
[docs] @mod.export() class Cuda: """ NOTE: Do *not* construct this class manually. Instead, use the ``wrapper()`` function to get the global wrapper. Wrapper that exposes low-level CUDA functionality. """ def __init__(self): self.handle = None fallback_lib = None if sys.platform.startswith("win"): cuda_paths = [os.environ.get("CUDA_PATH", "")] cuda_paths += os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.path.pathsep) lib_pat = "cudart64_*.dll" else: cuda_paths = [ *os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "").split(os.path.pathsep), os.path.join("/", "usr", "local", "cuda", "lib64"), os.path.join("/", "usr", "lib"), os.path.join("/", "lib"), ] lib_pat = "*" fallback_lib = "" cuda_paths = list( filter(lambda x: x, cuda_paths) ) # Filter out empty paths (i.e. "") candidates = util.find_in_dirs(lib_pat, cuda_paths) if not candidates: log_func = G_LOGGER.critical if fallback_lib is None else G_LOGGER.warning log_func( f"Could not find the CUDA runtime library.\nNote: Paths searched were:\n{cuda_paths}" ) lib = fallback_lib G_LOGGER.warning(f"Attempting to load: '{lib}' using default loader paths") else: G_LOGGER.verbose(f"Found candidate CUDA libraries: {candidates}") lib = candidates[0] self.handle = ctypes.CDLL(lib) if not self.handle: G_LOGGER.critical( "Could not load the CUDA runtime library. Is it on your loader path?" ) @func.constantmethod def check(self, status): if status != 0: G_LOGGER.critical( f"CUDA Error: {status}. To figure out what this means, refer to" ) @func.constantmethod def create_stream(self): # Signature: () -> int ptr = void_ptr() self.check(self.handle.cudaStreamCreate(ctypes.byref(ptr))) return ptr.value @func.constantmethod def stream_synchronize(self, ptr): # Signature: int -> None self.check(self.handle.cudaStreamSynchronize(void_ptr(ptr))) @func.constantmethod def destroy_stream(self, ptr): # Signature: int -> None self.check(self.handle.cudaStreamDestroy(void_ptr(ptr)))
[docs] @func.constantmethod def malloc(self, nbytes): """ Allocates memory on the GPU. Args: nbytes (int): The number of bytes to allocate. Returns: int: The memory address of the allocated region, i.e. a device pointer. Raises: PolygraphyException: If an error was encountered during the allocation. """ ptr = void_ptr() nbytes = ctypes.c_size_t(nbytes) # Required to prevent overflow self.check(self.handle.cudaMalloc(ctypes.byref(ptr), nbytes)) return ptr.value
[docs] @func.constantmethod def free(self, ptr): """ Frees memory allocated on the GPU. Args: ptr (int): The memory address, i.e. a device pointer. Raises: PolygraphyException: If an error was encountered during the free. """ self.check(self.handle.cudaFree(void_ptr(ptr)))
[docs] @func.constantmethod def memcpy(self, dst, src, nbytes, kind, stream_ptr=None): """ Copies data between host and device memory. Args: dst (int): The memory address of the destination, i.e. a pointer. src (int): The memory address of the source, i.e. a pointer. nbytes (int): The number of bytes to copy. kind (MemcpyKind): The kind of copy to perform. stream_ptr (int): The memory address of a CUDA stream, i.e. a pointer. If this is not provided, a synchronous copy is performed. Raises: PolygraphyException: If an error was encountered during the copy. """ nbytes = ctypes.c_size_t(nbytes) # Required to prevent overflow if stream_ptr is not None: self.check( self.handle.cudaMemcpyAsync( void_ptr(dst), void_ptr(src), nbytes, kind, void_ptr(stream_ptr) ) ) else: self.check( self.handle.cudaMemcpy(void_ptr(dst), void_ptr(src), nbytes, kind) )
G_CUDA = None
[docs] @mod.export() def wrapper(): """ Returns the global Polygraphy CUDA wrapper. Returns: Cuda: The global CUDA wrapper. """ global G_CUDA if G_CUDA is None: G_CUDA = Cuda() return G_CUDA
[docs] @mod.export() class Stream: """ High-level wrapper for a CUDA stream. """ def __init__(self): self.ptr = wrapper().create_stream() """int: The memory address of the underlying CUDA stream""" def __enter__(self): return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Frees the underlying CUDA stream. """
[docs] def free(self): """ Frees the underlying CUDA stream. You can also use a context manager to manage the stream lifetime. For example: :: with Stream() as stream: ... """ wrapper().destroy_stream(self.ptr) self.handle = ctypes.c_void_p(None)
[docs] def synchronize(self): """ Synchronizes the stream. """ wrapper().stream_synchronize(self.ptr)
def try_get_stream_handle(stream): if stream is None: return None return stream.ptr
[docs] @mod.export() class DeviceView: """ A read-only view of a GPU memory region. """ def __init__(self, ptr, shape, dtype): """ Args: ptr (int): A pointer to the region of memory. shape (Tuple[int]): The shape of the region. dtype (DataType): The data type of the region. """ self.ptr = int(ptr) """int: The memory address of the underlying GPU memory""" self.shape = shape """Tuple[int]: The shape of the device buffer""" self.itemsize = None self.dtype = dtype """DataType: The data type of the device buffer""" def _check_host_buffer(self, host_buffer, copying_from): if util.array.dtype(host_buffer) != self._dtype: G_LOGGER.error( f"Host buffer type: {util.array.dtype(host_buffer)} does not match the type of this device buffer: {self._dtype}. This may cause CUDA errors!" ) if not util.array.is_contiguous(host_buffer): G_LOGGER.critical( "Provided host buffer is not contiguous in memory.\n" "Hint: Use `util.make_contiguous()` or `np.ascontiguousarray()` to make the array contiguous in memory." ) # If the host buffer is an input, the device buffer should be large enough to accomodate it. # Otherwise, the host buffer needs to be large enough to accomodate the device buffer. if copying_from: if util.array.nbytes(host_buffer) > self.nbytes: G_LOGGER.critical( f"Provided host buffer is larger than device buffer.\n" f"Note: host buffer is {util.array.nbytes(host_buffer)} bytes but device buffer is only {self.nbytes} bytes.\n" f"Hint: Use `resize()` to resize the device buffer to the correct shape." ) else: if util.array.nbytes(host_buffer) < self.nbytes: G_LOGGER.critical( f"Provided host buffer is smaller than device buffer.\n" f"Note: host buffer is only {util.array.nbytes(host_buffer)} bytes but device buffer is {self.nbytes} bytes.\n" f"Hint: Use `util.array.resize_or_reallocate()` to resize the host buffer to the correct shape." ) @property def dtype(self): try: # For backwards compatibility mod.warn_deprecated( "Using NumPy data types in DeviceView/DeviceArray", use_instead=None, remove_in="0.50.0", ) G_LOGGER.warning( f"In the future, you will need to use `DataType.from_dtype(device_view.dtype).numpy()` to retrieve the NumPy data type" ) return DataType.to_dtype(self._dtype, "numpy") except: return self._dtype @dtype.setter def dtype(self, new): self._dtype = DataType.from_dtype(new) self.itemsize = self._dtype.itemsize @property def nbytes(self): """ The number of bytes in the memory region. """ return util.volume(self.shape) * self.itemsize
[docs] @func.constantmethod def copy_to(self, host_buffer, stream=None): """ Copies from this device buffer to the provided host buffer. Args: host_buffer (Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The host buffer to copy into. The buffer must be contiguous in memory (see np.ascontiguousarray or torch.Tensor.contiguous) and large enough to accomodate the device buffer. stream (Stream): A Stream instance. Performs a synchronous copy if no stream is provided. Returns: np.ndarray: The host buffer """ if not self.nbytes: return host_buffer self._check_host_buffer(host_buffer, copying_from=False) wrapper().memcpy( dst=util.array.data_ptr(host_buffer), src=self.ptr, nbytes=self.nbytes, kind=MemcpyKind.DeviceToHost, stream_ptr=try_get_stream_handle(stream), ) return host_buffer
[docs] @func.constantmethod def numpy(self): """ Create a new NumPy array containing the contents of this device buffer. Returns: np.ndarray: The newly created NumPy array. """ arr = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=DataType.to_dtype(self._dtype, "numpy")) self.copy_to(arr) return arr
def __str__(self): return f"DeviceView[(dtype={}, shape={self.shape}), ptr={hex(self.ptr)}]" def __repr__(self): return util.make_repr( "DeviceView", ptr=self.ptr, shape=self.shape, dtype=self._dtype )[0]
[docs] @mod.export() class DeviceArray(DeviceView): """ An array on the GPU. """ def __init__(self, shape=None, dtype=None): """ Args: shape (Tuple[int]): The initial shape of the buffer. dtype (DataType): The data type of the buffer. """ super().__init__( ptr=0, shape=util.default(shape, tuple()), dtype=util.default(dtype, DataType.FLOAT32), ) self.allocated_nbytes = 0 self.resize(self.shape) def __enter__(self): return self
[docs] @staticmethod def raw(shape=None): """ Creates an untyped device array of the specified shape. Args: shape (Tuple[int]): The initial shape of the buffer, in units of bytes. For example, a shape of ``(4, 4)`` would allocate a 16 byte array. Returns: DeviceArray: The raw device array. """ return DeviceArray(shape=shape, dtype=DataType.UINT8)
[docs] def resize(self, shape): """ Resizes or reshapes the array to the specified shape. If the allocated memory region is already large enough, no reallocation is performed. Args: shape (Tuple[int]): The new shape. Returns: DeviceArray: self """ nbytes = util.volume(shape) * self.itemsize if nbytes > self.allocated_nbytes: self.ptr = wrapper().malloc(nbytes) self.allocated_nbytes = nbytes self.shape = shape return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Frees the underlying memory of this DeviceArray. """
[docs] def free(self): """ Frees the GPU memory associated with this array. You can also use a context manager to ensure that memory is freed. For example: :: with DeviceArray(...) as arr: ... """ wrapper().free(self.ptr) self.shape = tuple() self.allocated_nbytes = 0 self.ptr = 0
[docs] def copy_from(self, host_buffer, stream=None): """ Copies from the provided host buffer into this device buffer. Args: host_buffer (Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The host buffer to copy from. The buffer must be contiguous in memory (see np.ascontiguousarray or torch.Tensor.contiguous) and not larger than this device buffer. stream (Stream): A Stream instance. Performs a synchronous copy if no stream is provided. Returns: DeviceArray: self """ if not util.array.nbytes(host_buffer): return self self._check_host_buffer(host_buffer, copying_from=True) wrapper().memcpy( dst=self.ptr, src=util.array.data_ptr(host_buffer), nbytes=util.array.nbytes(host_buffer), kind=MemcpyKind.HostToDevice, stream_ptr=try_get_stream_handle(stream), ) return self
[docs] def view(self, shape=None, dtype=None): """ Creates a read-only DeviceView from this DeviceArray. Args: shape (Sequence[int]): The desired shape of the view. Defaults to the shape of this array or view. dtype (DataType): The desired data type of the view. Defaults to the data type of this array or view. Returns: DeviceView: A view of this arrays data on the device. """ shape = util.default(shape, self.shape) dtype = util.default(dtype, self._dtype) view = DeviceView(self.ptr, shape, dtype) if view.nbytes > self.nbytes: G_LOGGER.critical( "A view cannot exceed the number of bytes of the original array.\n" f"Note: Original array has shape: {self.shape} and dtype: {self._dtype}, which requires {self.nbytes} bytes, " f"while the view has shape: {shape} and dtype: {dtype}, which requires {view.nbytes} bytes, " ) return view
def __str__(self): return f"DeviceArray[(dtype={}, shape={self.shape}), ptr={hex(self.ptr)}]" def __repr__(self): return util.make_repr("DeviceArray", shape=self.shape, dtype=self._dtype)[0]