Source code for polygraphy.logger.logger

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import copy
import enum
import functools
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback


def has_colors():
            import colored

            COLORED_MODULE_PRESENT = False
                "[W] 'colored' module is not installed, will not use colors when logging. "
                "To enable colors, please install the 'colored' module: python3 -m pip install colored"

# Context manager to apply indentation to messages
class LoggerIndent:
    def __init__(self, logger, indent):
        self.logger = logger
        self.old_indent = self.logger.logging_indent
        self.indent = indent

    def __enter__(self):
        self.logger.logging_indent = self.indent
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self.logger.logging_indent = self.old_indent

# Context manager to temporarily set verbosity
class LoggerVerbosity:
    def __init__(self, logger, severity):
        self.logger = logger
        self.old_severity = copy.copy(self.logger.module_severity)
        self.module_severity = severity

    def __enter__(self):
        self.logger.module_severity = self.module_severity
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self.logger.module_severity = self.old_severity

[docs] class LogMode(enum.IntEnum): """ Specifies how messages should be logged. """ EACH = 0 """Log the message each time""" ONCE = 1 """Log the message only once. The same message will not be logged again."""
[docs] class SeverityTrie: """ A trie that represents per-path logging verbosities. """ def _split_path(self, path): # Leading or duplicate slashes can create empty elements in the path components. We ignore those. return list(filter(lambda x: x, path.split(os.path.sep))) def __init__(self, severity_dict): assert "" in severity_dict, "severity_dict must include default severity!" self.trie = {} for path, severity in severity_dict.items(): cur_dict = self.trie for path_component in self._split_path(path): if path_component not in cur_dict: cur_dict[path_component] = {} cur_dict = cur_dict[path_component] cur_dict[""] = severity # Skip path checking if we don't have any path entries. self.has_non_default_entries = len(self.trie) > 1
[docs] def get(self, path=None): """ Get the logging verbosity for the given path. Args: path (str): The path Returns: int: The logging verbosity. """ default_severity = self.trie[""] if path is None or not self.has_non_default_entries: return default_severity cur_dict = self.trie def get_value(dct): return dct.get("", default_severity) for path_component in self._split_path(path): if path_component not in cur_dict: return get_value(cur_dict) cur_dict = cur_dict[path_component] return get_value(cur_dict)
def __str__(self): return str(self.trie)
[docs] class Logger: """ Global logging interface. Do **not** construct a logger manually. Instead, use ``G_LOGGER``, the global logger. """ ULTRA_VERBOSE = -20 # Cast it into the flames! """Enable unreasonably verbose messages and above""" SUPER_VERBOSE = -10 """Enable extremely verbose messages and above""" EXTRA_VERBOSE = 0 """Enable extra verbose messages and above""" VERBOSE = 10 """Enable verbose messages and above""" INFO = 20 """Enable informative messages and above""" START = 22 """Enable messages indicating when a task is started and above""" FINISH = 28 """Enable messages indicating when a task is finished and above""" WARNING = 30 """Enable only warning messages and above""" ERROR = 40 """Enable only error messages and above""" CRITICAL = 50 """Enable only critical/fatal error messages and above""" SEVERITY_LETTER_MAPPING = { ULTRA_VERBOSE: "[U]", SUPER_VERBOSE: "[S]", EXTRA_VERBOSE: "[X]", VERBOSE: "[V]", INFO: "[I]", START: "[I]", FINISH: "[I]", WARNING: "[W]", ERROR: "[E]", CRITICAL: "[!]", } SEVERITY_COLOR_MAPPING = { ULTRA_VERBOSE: "dark_gray", SUPER_VERBOSE: "medium_violet_red", EXTRA_VERBOSE: "medium_purple", VERBOSE: "light_magenta", INFO: None, START: "light_cyan", FINISH: "light_green", WARNING: "light_yellow", ERROR: "light_red", CRITICAL: "light_red", } def __init__( self, severity=INFO, colors=True, letter=True, timestamp=False, line_info=False ): """ Args: severity (Union[int, Dict[str, int]]): Severity below which messages will be ignored. This can be specified on a per-submodule/file basis by providing a dictionary of paths to logging severities. In this case, use the ``""`` to indicate the default severity. Paths should be relative to the `polygraphy/` directory. For example, `polygraphy/backend` can be specified with just `backend/`. For example: ``{"": G_LOGGER.INFO, "backend/trt": G_LOGGER.VERBOSE}`` This is converted to a ``SeverityTrie`` on assignment. Defaults to G_LOGGER.INFO. colors (bool): Whether to use colored output. Defaults to True. letter (bool): Whether to prepend each logging message with a letter indicating it's severity. Defaults to True. timestamp (bool): Whether to include a timestamp in the logging output. Defaults to False. line_info (bool): Whether to include file and line number information in the logging output. Defaults to False. """ self.logging_indent = 0 self.once_logged = set() self.colors = colors self.letter = letter self.timestamp = timestamp self.line_info = line_info self.logger_callbacks = [] self.log_file = None """ Path to a log file to write logging output from Polygraphy. This will not include logging messages from libraries used by Polygraphy, like TensorRT or ONNX-Runtime. """ self.module_severity = severity """ Severity below which messages will be ignored. This can be specified on a per-submodule/file basis by providing a dictionary of paths to logging severities. In this case, use the ``""`` to indicate the default severity. Paths should be relative to the `polygraphy/` directory. For example, `polygraphy/backend` can be specified with just `backend/`. For example: ``{"": G_LOGGER.INFO, "backend/trt": G_LOGGER.VERBOSE}`` This is converted to a ``SeverityTrie`` on assignment. Defaults to G_LOGGER.INFO. """ @property def log_file(self): return self._log_path @log_file.setter def log_file(self, value): self._log_path = value self._log_file = None if self._log_path: dir_path = os.path.dirname(self._log_path) if dir_path: dir_path = os.path.realpath(dir_path) os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) self._log_file = open(self._log_path, "w") @property def module_severity(self): return self._module_severity @module_severity.setter def module_severity(self, value): if isinstance(value, SeverityTrie): self._module_severity = value else: if not isinstance(value, dict): value = {"": value} if "" not in value: value[""] = Logger.INFO self._module_severity = SeverityTrie(value) self._run_callbacks() @property def severity(self): print( "Warning: Accessing the `severity` property of G_LOGGER is deprecated and will be removed in v0.50.0. Use `module_severity` instead" ) return self._module_severity.get() @severity.setter def severity(self, value): print( "Warning: Accessing the `severity` property of G_LOGGER is deprecated and will be removed in v0.50.0. Use `module_severity` instead" ) self.module_severity = value
[docs] def module_path(self, path): """ Converts a given path to a path relative to the Polygraphy root module. If the path is not part of the Polygraphy module, returns a path relative to the common prefix. Args: path (str): The path Returns: str: The path relative to the Polygraphy root module or common prefix. """ import polygraphy module_root_dir = polygraphy.__path__[0] file_path = os.path.relpath(path, module_root_dir) if os.pardir in file_path: common_path_len = len(os.path.commonpath([module_root_dir, path])) file_path = path[common_path_len:].lstrip(os.path.sep) return file_path
def _run_callbacks(self): for callback in self.logger_callbacks: callback(self._module_severity)
[docs] def register_callback(self, callback): """ Registers a callback with the logger, which will be invoked when the logging severity is modified. The callback is guaranteed to be called at least once in the register_callback function. Args: callback (Callable(SeverityTrie)): A callback that accepts the current logger severity trie. """ callback(self._module_severity) self.logger_callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def indent(self, level=1): """ Returns a context manager that indents all strings logged by the specified amount. Args: level (int): The indentation level """ return LoggerIndent(self, level + self.logging_indent)
[docs] def verbosity(self, severity=CRITICAL): """ Returns a context manager that temporarily changes the severity of the logger for its duration. Args: severity (Union[int, Dict[str, int]]): Severity below which messages will be ignored. This can be specified on a per-submodule/file basis by providing a dictionary of paths to logging severities. In this case, use the ``""`` to indicate the default severity. For example: ``{"": G_LOGGER.INFO, "backend/trt": G_LOGGER.VERBOSE}`` Defaults to Logger.CRITICAL, which will suppress all messages. """ return LoggerVerbosity(self, severity)
[docs] def log(self, message, severity, mode=LogMode.EACH, stack_depth=2, error_ok=False): """ Logs a message to stdout. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. severity (int): The severity with which to log this message. If the severity is less than the logger's current severity, the message is suppressed. Provided callables will not be called in that case. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. stack_depth (int): The stack depth to use to determine file and line information. Defaults to 2. error_ok (bool): Whether to suppress errors encountered while logging. When this is True, in the event of an error, the message will not be logged, but the logger will recover and resume execution. When False, the logger will re-raise the exception. """ from polygraphy import config, constants def get_rel_file_path_and_lineno(): file_path = sys._getframe(stack_depth).f_code.co_filename line_no = sys._getframe(stack_depth).f_lineno # If we can't get a valid path, keep walking the stack until we can. new_stack_depth = stack_depth while not os.path.exists(file_path) and new_stack_depth > 0: new_stack_depth -= 1 file_path = sys._getframe(new_stack_depth).f_code.co_filename line_no = sys._getframe(new_stack_depth).f_lineno return self.module_path(file_path), line_no def process_message(message, file_path, line_no): def get_prefix(): prefix = "" if self.letter: prefix += Logger.SEVERITY_LETTER_MAPPING[severity] + " " if self.timestamp: prefix += f"({time.strftime('%X')}) " if self.line_info: prefix += f"[{file_path}:{line_no}] " return prefix def apply_indentation(prefix, message): message_lines = str(message).splitlines() tab = constants.TAB * self.logging_indent newline_tab = "\n" + tab + " " * len(prefix) return tab + newline_tab.join([line for line in message_lines]) def apply_color(message): if self.colors and has_colors(): import colored color = Logger.SEVERITY_COLOR_MAPPING[severity] if color: try: color = [colored.fg(color)] except AttributeError: color = colored.fore(color) return colored.stylize(message, color) if color else message return message prefix = get_prefix() message = apply_indentation(prefix, message) return apply_color(f"{prefix}{message}") file_path, line_no = None, None if self.line_info or self.module_severity.has_non_default_entries: file_path, line_no = get_rel_file_path_and_lineno() def should_log(message): if severity < self.module_severity.get(file_path): return False if mode == LogMode.ONCE: message_hash = hash(message) if message_hash in self.once_logged: return False self.once_logged.add(message_hash) return True if not should_log(message): return if callable(message): try: message = message() except Exception as err: if not error_ok or config.INTERNAL_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS: raise message = f"<Error while logging this message: {str(err)}>" message = str(message) # Use the warnings module in correctness checking mode so all warnings are # visible in the test result summary. if config.INTERNAL_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS and severity == Logger.WARNING: import warnings warnings.warn(message) message = process_message(message, file_path, line_no) if self._log_file is not None: self._log_file.write(message + "\n") self._log_file.flush() print(message, file=sys.stdout if severity < Logger.CRITICAL else sys.stderr)
def backtrace(self, depth=0, limit=None, severity=ERROR): limit = ( limit if limit is not None else (3 - self.module_severity.get() // 10) * 2 ) # Info provides 1 stack frame limit = max(limit, 0) frame = sys._getframe(depth + 2) self.log( " ".join(traceback.format_stack(f=frame, limit=limit)), severity=severity )
[docs] def ultra_verbose(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with ULTRA_VERBOSE severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.ULTRA_VERBOSE, mode=mode, stack_depth=3, error_ok=True)
[docs] def super_verbose(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with SUPER_VERBOSE severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.SUPER_VERBOSE, mode=mode, stack_depth=3, error_ok=True)
[docs] def extra_verbose(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with EXTRA_VERBOSE severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.EXTRA_VERBOSE, mode=mode, stack_depth=3, error_ok=True)
[docs] def verbose(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with VERBOSE severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.VERBOSE, mode=mode, stack_depth=3, error_ok=True)
[docs] def info(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with INFO severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.INFO, mode=mode, stack_depth=3)
[docs] def start(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with START severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.START, mode=mode, stack_depth=3)
[docs] def finish(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with FINISH severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.FINISH, mode=mode, stack_depth=3)
[docs] def warning(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with WARNING severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.WARNING, mode=mode, stack_depth=3)
[docs] def error(self, message, mode=LogMode.EACH): """ Logs a message to stdout with ERROR severity. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. mode (LogMode): Controls how the message is logged. See LogMode for details. """ self.log(message, Logger.ERROR, mode=mode, stack_depth=3)
[docs] def critical(self, message, ExceptionType=None): """ Logs a message to stdout with CRITICAL severity and raises an exception. Args: message (Union[str, Callable() -> str]): A string or callable which returns a string of the message to log. ExceptionType (type): The type of exception to raise. Defaults to PolygraphyException. Raises: ExceptionType """ self.log(message, Logger.CRITICAL, stack_depth=3) from polygraphy.exception import PolygraphyException ExceptionType = ExceptionType or PolygraphyException raise ExceptionType(message) from None
def internal_error(self, message): from polygraphy import config if not config.INTERNAL_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS: return self.log(message, Logger.CRITICAL, stack_depth=3) from polygraphy.exception import PolygraphyInternalException raise PolygraphyInternalException(message) def _str_from_module_info(self, module, name=None): ret = "" def try_append(func): nonlocal ret try: ret += func() except: pass try_append(lambda: name or f"Loaded Module: {module.__name__}") try_append(lambda: f" | Version: {module.__version__}") try_append(lambda: f" | Path: {list(map(os.path.realpath, module.__path__))}") return ret def module_info(self, module, name=None, severity=VERBOSE): message = self._str_from_module_info(module, name) self.log(message, severity=severity, stack_depth=3, mode=LogMode.ONCE)
[docs] def log_exception(self, func): """ Decorator that causes exceptions in a function to be logged. This is useful in cases where the exception is caught by a caller, but should still be logged. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): from polygraphy.exception import PolygraphyException try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except PolygraphyException: # `PolygraphyException`s are always logged. raise except Exception as err: G_LOGGER.error(err) raise return wrapped
G_LOGGER = Logger() """The global logger. Use this instead of constructing a logger""" # For backwards compatibility G_LOGGER.exit = G_LOGGER.critical