# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import inspect
import sys
import warnings
from textwrap import dedent
import polygraphy
from polygraphy import config
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER
from polygraphy.mod.util import version
def _add_to_all(symbol, module):
if hasattr(module, "__all__"):
module.__all__ = [symbol]
def _define_in_module(name, symbol, module):
assert name not in vars(module), "This symbol is already defined!"
vars(module)[name] = symbol
_add_to_all(name, module)
def export(funcify=False, func_name=None):
Decorator that exports a symbol into the ``__all__`` attribute of
the caller's module. This makes the symbol visible in a ``*`` import
(e.g. ``from module import *``) and hides other symbols unless they are
also present in ``__all__``.
funcify (bool):
Whether to create and export a function that will call a decorated Polygraphy loader.
The decorated type *must* be a subclass of ``BaseLoader`` if ``funcify=True``.
This is useful to provide convenient short-hands to immediately evaluate loaders.
For example:
class SuperCoolModelFromPath(BaseLoader):
def __init__(self, init_params):
def call_impl(self, call_params):
# We can now magically access an immediately evaluated functional
# variant of the loader:
model = super_cool_model_from_path(init_params, call_params)
# Which is equivalent to:
load_model = SuperCoolModelFromPath(init_params)
model = load_model(call_params)
The signature of the generated function is a combination of the signatures
of ``__init__`` and ``call_impl``. Specifically, parameters without defaults will
precede those with defaults, and ``__init__`` parameters will precede ``call_impl``
parameters. Special parameters like ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` will always be the last
parameters in the generated signature if they are present in the loader method signatures.
The return value(s) will always come from ``call_impl``.
For example:
# With __init__ signature:
def __init__(a, b=0) -> None:
# And call_impl signature:
def call_impl(c, d=0) -> z:
# The generated function will have a signature:
def generated(a, c, b=0, d=0) -> z:
func_name (str):
If funcify is True, this controls the name of the generated function.
By default, the exported function will use the same name as the loader, but
``snake_case`` instead of ``PascalCase``.
module = inspect.getmodule(sys._getframe(1))
# Find a method by wallking the inheritance hierarchy of a type:
def find_method(symbol, method):
hierarchy = inspect.getmro(symbol)
for ancestor in hierarchy:
if method in vars(ancestor):
return vars(ancestor)[method]
assert (
), f"Could not find method: {method} in the inheritance hierarcy of: {symbol}"
def export_impl(func_or_cls):
_add_to_all(func_or_cls.__name__, module)
if funcify:
# We only support funcify-ing BaseLoaders, and only if __init__ and call_impl
# have no overlapping parameters.
from polygraphy.backend.base import BaseLoader
assert inspect.isclass(
), "Decorated type must be a loader to use funcify=True"
assert BaseLoader in inspect.getmro(
), "Decorated type must derive from BaseLoader to use funcify=True"
def get_params(method):
return list(
find_method(func_or_cls, method)
def is_variadic(param):
return param.kind in [param.VAR_POSITIONAL, param.VAR_KEYWORD]
def has_default(param):
return param.default != param.empty
def get_param_name(p):
# For variadic arguments, p.name will drop the *, **
return str(p) if is_variadic(p) else p.name
def param_names(params):
return [get_param_name(p) for p in params]
loader = func_or_cls
init_params = get_params("__init__")
call_impl_params = get_params("call_impl")
assert (
set(param_names(call_impl_params)) - set(param_names(init_params))
) == set(
), "Cannot funcify a type where call_impl and __init__ have the same argument names!"
# Dynamically generate a function with the right signature.
# To generate the signature, we use the init and call_impl arguments,
# but move required arguments (i.e. without default values) to the front.
def build_arg_list(should_include):
def str_from_param(p):
return get_param_name(p) + (
f"={p.default}" if has_default(p) else ""
arg_list = [str_from_param(p) for p in init_params if should_include(p)]
arg_list += [
str_from_param(p) for p in call_impl_params if should_include(p)
return arg_list
non_default_args = build_arg_list(
should_include=lambda p: not is_variadic(p) and not has_default(p)
default_args = build_arg_list(
should_include=lambda p: not is_variadic(p) and has_default(p)
special_args = build_arg_list(should_include=is_variadic)
signature = ", ".join(non_default_args + default_args + special_args)
init_args = ", ".join(param_names(init_params))
call_impl_args = ", ".join(param_names(call_impl_params))
def pascal_to_snake(name):
return "".join(
f"_{c.lower()}" if c.isupper() else c for c in name
nonlocal func_name
func_name = func_name or pascal_to_snake(loader.__name__)
func_code = dedent(
def {func_name}({signature}):
return loader_binding({init_args})({call_impl_args})
func_var = {func_name}
func_code, {"loader_binding": loader}, locals()
) # Need to bind the loader this way, or it won't be accesible from func_code.
func = locals()["func_var"]
# Next we setup the docstring so that it is a combination of the __init__
# and call_impl docstrings.
func.__doc__ = f"Immediately evaluated functional variant of :class:`{loader.__name__}` .\n"
def try_add_method_doc(method):
call_impl = find_method(loader, method)
if call_impl.__doc__:
func.__doc__ += dedent(call_impl.__doc__)
# Now that the function has been defined, we just need to add it into the module's
# __dict__ so it is accessible like a normal symbol.
_define_in_module(func_name, func, module)
# We don't actually want to modify the decorated object.
return func_or_cls
return export_impl
def warn_deprecated(
name, use_instead, remove_in, module_name=None, always_show_warning=False
if version(polygraphy.__version__) >= version(remove_in):
f"{name} should have been removed in version: {remove_in}"
full_obj_name = f"{module_name}.{name}" if module_name else name
msg = (
f"{full_obj_name} is deprecated and will be removed in Polygraphy {remove_in}."
if use_instead is not None:
msg += f" Use {use_instead} instead."
warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
if always_show_warning:
def deprecate(remove_in, use_instead, module_name=None, name=None):
Decorator that marks a function or class as deprecated.
When the function or class is used, a warning will be issued.
remove_in (str):
The version in which the decorated type will be removed.
use_instead (str):
The function or class to use instead.
module_name (str):
The name of the containing module. This will be used to
generate more informative warnings.
Defaults to None.
name (str):
The name of the object being deprecated.
If not provided, this is automatically determined based on the decorated type.
Defaults to None.
def deprecate_impl(obj):
if config.INTERNAL_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS and version(
) >= version(remove_in):
f"{obj} should have been removed in version: {remove_in}"
nonlocal name
name = name or obj.__name__
if inspect.ismodule(obj):
class DeprecatedModule:
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
warn_deprecated(name, use_instead, remove_in, module_name)
self = obj
return getattr(self, attr_name)
def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value):
warn_deprecated(name, use_instead, remove_in, module_name)
self = obj
return setattr(self, attr_name, value)
DeprecatedModule.__doc__ = f"Deprecated: Use {use_instead} instead"
return DeprecatedModule()
elif inspect.isclass(obj):
class Deprecated(obj):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
warn_deprecated(name, use_instead, remove_in, module_name)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Deprecated.__doc__ = f"Deprecated: Use {use_instead} instead"
return Deprecated
elif inspect.isfunction(obj):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
warn_deprecated(name, use_instead, remove_in, module_name)
return obj(*args, **kwargs)
wrapped.__doc__ = f"Deprecated: Use {use_instead} instead"
return wrapped
G_LOGGER.internal_error(f"deprecate is not implemented for: {obj}")
return deprecate_impl
def export_deprecated_alias(name, remove_in, use_instead=None):
Decorator that creates and exports a deprecated alias for
the decorated class or function.
The alias will behave like the decorated type, except it will
issue a deprecation warning when used.
To create a deprecated alias for an entire module, invoke the
function manually within the module like so:
mod.export_deprecated_alias("old_mod_name", remove_in="0.0.0")(sys.modules[__name__])
name (str):
The name of the deprecated alias.
remove_in (str):
The version, as a string, in which the deprecated alias will be removed.
use_instead (str):
The name of the function, class, or module to use instead.
If this is ``None``, the new name will be automatically determined.
Defaults to None.
module = inspect.getmodule(sys._getframe(1))
def export_deprecated_alias_impl(obj):
new_obj = deprecate(
use_instead=use_instead or obj.__name__,
_define_in_module(name, new_obj, module)
return obj
return export_deprecated_alias_impl