Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import copy
import os

from polygraphy import constants, mod, util
from polygraphy.common import TensorMetadata
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER, LogMode
from import util as args_util
from import make_trt_enum_val
from import BaseArgs
from import DataLoaderArgs
from import ModelArgs
from import (

def parse_profile_shapes(default_shapes, min_args, opt_args, max_args):
    Parses TensorRT profile options from command-line arguments.

        default_shapes (TensorMetadata): The inference input shapes.

        List[OrderedDict[str, Tuple[Shape]]]:
            A list of profiles where each profile is a dictionary that maps
            input names to a tuple of (min, opt, max) shapes.

    def get_shapes(lst, idx):
        # Overwrite a copy of default_shapes with the shapes for min, opt, or max (if applicable)
        nonlocal default_shapes
        default_shapes = copy.copy(default_shapes)
        if idx < len(lst):
            default_shapes.update(args_util.parse_meta(lst[idx], includes_dtype=False))

        # Don't care about dtype, and need to override dynamic dimensions
        shapes = {
            name: util.override_dynamic_shape(shape)
            for name, (_, shape) in default_shapes.items()

        for name, shape in shapes.items():
            if tuple(default_shapes[name].shape) != tuple(shape):
                    f"Input tensor: {name} | For TensorRT profile, overriding dynamic shape: {default_shapes[name].shape} to: {shape}",

        return shapes

    num_profiles = max(len(min_args), len(opt_args), len(max_args))

    # For cases where input shapes are provided, we have to generate a profile
    if not num_profiles and default_shapes:
        num_profiles = 1

    profiles = []
    for idx in range(num_profiles):
        min_shapes = get_shapes(min_args, idx)
        opt_shapes = get_shapes(opt_args, idx)
        max_shapes = get_shapes(max_args, idx)
        if sorted(min_shapes.keys()) != sorted(opt_shapes.keys()):
                f"Mismatch in input names between minimum shapes ({list(min_shapes.keys())}) and optimum shapes ({list(opt_shapes.keys())})"
        elif sorted(opt_shapes.keys()) != sorted(max_shapes.keys()):
                f"Mismatch in input names between optimum shapes ({list(opt_shapes.keys())}) and maximum shapes ({list(max_shapes.keys())})"

        profile = {
            name: (min_shapes[name], opt_shapes[name], max_shapes[name])
            for name in min_shapes.keys()
    return profiles

[docs] @mod.export() class TrtConfigArgs(BaseArgs): """ TensorRT Builder Configuration: creating the TensorRT BuilderConfig. Depends on: - DataLoaderArgs - ModelArgs: if allow_custom_input_shapes == True """ def __init__( self, precision_constraints_default: bool = None, allow_random_data_calib_warning: bool = None, allow_custom_input_shapes: bool = None, allow_engine_capability: bool = None, allow_tensor_formats: bool = None, ): """ Args: precision_constraints_default (str): The default value to use for the precision constraints option. Defaults to "none". allow_random_data_calib_warning (bool): Whether to issue a warning when randomly generated data is being used for calibration. Defaults to True. allow_custom_input_shapes (bool): Whether to allow custom input shapes when randomly generating data. Defaults to True. allow_engine_capability (bool): Whether to allow engine capability to be specified. Defaults to False. allow_tensor_formats (bool): Whether to allow tensor formats and related options to be set. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self._precision_constraints_default = util.default( precision_constraints_default, "none" ) self._allow_random_data_calib_warning = util.default( allow_random_data_calib_warning, True ) self._allow_custom_input_shapes = util.default(allow_custom_input_shapes, True) self._allow_engine_capability = util.default(allow_engine_capability, False) self._allow_tensor_formats = util.default(allow_tensor_formats, False) def add_parser_args_impl(self): "--trt-min-shapes", action="append", help="The minimum shapes the optimization profile(s) will support. " "Specify this option once for each profile. If not provided, inference-time input shapes are used. " "Format: --trt-min-shapes <input0>:[D0,D1,..,DN] .. <inputN>:[D0,D1,..,DN]", nargs="+", default=[], ) "--trt-opt-shapes", action="append", help="The shapes for which the optimization profile(s) will be most performant. " "Specify this option once for each profile. If not provided, inference-time input shapes are used. " "Format: --trt-opt-shapes <input0>:[D0,D1,..,DN] .. <inputN>:[D0,D1,..,DN]", nargs="+", default=[], ) "--trt-max-shapes", action="append", help="The maximum shapes the optimization profile(s) will support. " "Specify this option once for each profile. If not provided, inference-time input shapes are used. " "Format: --trt-max-shapes <input0>:[D0,D1,..,DN] .. <inputN>:[D0,D1,..,DN]", nargs="+", default=[], ) "--tf32", help="Enable tf32 precision in TensorRT", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--fp16", help="Enable fp16 precision in TensorRT", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--bf16", help="Enable bf16 precision in TensorRT", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--fp8", help="Enable fp8 precision in TensorRT", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--int8", help="Enable int8 precision in TensorRT. " "If calibration is required but no calibration cache is provided, this option will cause TensorRT to run " "int8 calibration using the Polygraphy data loader to provide calibration data. " "If calibration is run and the model has dynamic shapes, the last optimization profile will be " "used as the calibration profile. ", action="store_true", default=None, ) precision_constraints_group = precision_constraints_group.add_argument( "--precision-constraints", help=f"If set to `prefer`, TensorRT will restrict available tactics to layer precisions specified in the network unless no implementation exists with the preferred layer constraints, in which case it will issue a warning and use the fastest available implementation. If set to `obey`, TensorRT will instead fail to build the network if no implementation exists with the preferred layer constraints. Defaults to `{self._precision_constraints_default}`", choices=("prefer", "obey", "none"), default=self._precision_constraints_default, ) "--sparse-weights", help="Enable optimizations for sparse weights in TensorRT", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--version-compatible", help="Builds an engine designed to be forward TensorRT version compatible.", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--exclude-lean-runtime", help="Exclude the lean runtime from the plan when version compatibility is enabled. ", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--calibration-cache", help="Path to load/save a calibration cache. " "Used to store calibration scales to speed up the process of int8 calibration. " "If the provided path does not yet exist, int8 calibration scales will be calculated and written to it during engine building. " "If the provided path does exist, it will be read and int8 calibration will be skipped during engine building. ", default=None, ) "--calib-base-cls", "--calibration-base-class", dest="calibration_base_class", help="The name of the calibration base class to use. For example, 'IInt8MinMaxCalibrator'. ", default=None, ) "--quantile", type=float, help="The quantile to use for IInt8LegacyCalibrator. Has no effect for other calibrator types.", default=None, ) "--regression-cutoff", type=float, help="The regression cutoff to use for IInt8LegacyCalibrator. Has no effect for other calibrator types.", default=None, ) "--load-timing-cache", help="Path to load tactic timing cache. " "Used to cache tactic timing information to speed up the engine building process. " "If the file specified by --load-timing-cache does not exist, Polygraphy will emit a warning and fall back to " "using an empty timing cache.", default=None, ) "--error-on-timing-cache-miss", help="Emit error when a tactic being timed is not present in the timing cache.", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--disable-compilation-cache", help="Disable caching JIT-compiled code", action="store_true", default=None, ) replay_group = replay_group.add_argument( "--save-tactics", "--save-tactic-replay", help="Path to save a Polygraphy tactic replay file. " "Details about tactics selected by TensorRT will be recorded and stored at this location as a JSON file. ", dest="save_tactics", default=None, ) replay_group.add_argument( "--load-tactics", "--load-tactic-replay", help="Path to load a Polygraphy tactic replay file, such as one created by --save-tactics. " "The tactics specified in the file will be used to override TensorRT's default selections. ", dest="load_tactics", default=None, ) "--tactic-sources", help="Tactic sources to enable. This controls which libraries " "(e.g. cudnn, cublas, etc.) TensorRT is allowed to load tactics from. " "Values come from the names of the values in the trt.TacticSource enum and are case-insensitive. " "If no arguments are provided, e.g. '--tactic-sources', then all tactic sources are disabled." "Defaults to TensorRT's default tactic sources.", nargs="*", default=None, ) "--trt-config-script", help="Path to a Python script that defines a function that creates a " "TensorRT IBuilderConfig. The function should take a builder and network as parameters and return a " "TensorRT builder configuration. When this option is specified, all other config arguments are ignored. " "By default, Polygraphy looks for a function called `load_config`. You can specify a custom function name " "by separating it with a colon. For example: ``", default=None, ) "--trt-config-func-name", help="[DEPRECATED - function name can be specified with --trt-config-script like so: ``]" "When using a trt-config-script, this specifies the name of the function " "that creates the config. Defaults to `load_config`. ", default=None, ) "--trt-config-postprocess-script", "--trt-cpps", help="[EXPERIMENTAL] Path to a Python script that defines a function that modifies a TensorRT IBuilderConfig. " "This function will be called after Polygraphy has finished created the builder configuration and should take a builder, " "network, and config as parameters and modify the config in place. " "Unlike `--trt-config-script`, all other config arguments will be reflected in the config passed to the function." "By default, Polygraphy looks for a function called `postprocess_config`. You can specify a custom function name " "by separating it with a colon. For example: ``", default=None, ) "--trt-safety-restricted", help="Enable safety scope checking in TensorRT", action="store_true", default=None, dest="restricted", ) "--refittable", help="Enable the engine to be refitted with new weights after it is built.", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--strip-plan", help="Builds the engine with the refittable weights stripped.", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--use-dla", help="[EXPERIMENTAL] Use DLA as the default device type", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--allow-gpu-fallback", help="[EXPERIMENTAL] Allow layers unsupported on the DLA to fall back to GPU. Has no effect if --use-dla is not set.", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--pool-limit", "--memory-pool-limit", dest="memory_pool_limit", help="Memory pool limits. Memory pool names come from the names of values in the `trt.MemoryPoolType` enum and are case-insensitive" "Format: `--pool-limit <pool_name>:<pool_limit> ...`. For example, `--pool-limit dla_local_dram:1e9 workspace:16777216`. " "Optionally, use a `K`, `M`, or `G` suffix to indicate KiB, MiB, or GiB respectively. " "For example, `--pool-limit workspace:16M` is equivalent to `--pool-limit workspace:16777216`. ", nargs="+", default=None, ) "--preview-features", dest="preview_features", help="Preview features to enable. Values come from the names of the values " "in the trt.PreviewFeature enum, and are case-insensitive." "If no arguments are provided, e.g. '--preview-features', then all preview features are disabled. " "Defaults to TensorRT's default preview features.", nargs="*", default=None, ) "--builder-optimization-level", help="The builder optimization level. Setting a higher optimization " "level allows the optimizer to spend more time searching for optimization opportunities. " "The resulting engine may have better performance compared to an engine built with a lower optimization level. " "Refer to the TensorRT API documentation for details. ", type=int, default=None, ) "--hardware-compatibility-level", help="The hardware compatibility level to use for the engine. This allows engines built on one GPU architecture to work on GPUs " "of other architectures. Values come from the names of values in the `trt.HardwareCompatibilityLevel` enum and are case-insensitive. " "For example, `--hardware-compatibility-level ampere_plus` ", default=None, ) "--max-aux-streams", help="The maximum number of auxiliary streams that TensorRT is allowed to use. If the network contains " "operators that can run in parallel, TRT can execute them using auxiliary streams in addition to the one " "provided to the IExecutionContext.execute_async_v3() call. " "The default maximum number of auxiliary streams is determined by the heuristics in TensorRT on " "whether enabling multi-stream would improve the performance. " "Refer to the TensorRT API documentation for details.", type=int, default=None, ) "--quantization-flags", dest="quantization_flags", help="Int8 quantization flags to enable. Values come from the names of values " "in the trt.QuantizationFlag enum, and are case-insensitive. " "If no arguments are provided, e.g. '--quantization-flags', then all quantization flags are disabled. " "Defaults to TensorRT's default quantization flags.", nargs="*", default=None, ) "--profiling-verbosity", help="The verbosity of NVTX annotations in the generated engine." "Values come from the names of values in the `trt.ProfilingVerbosity` enum and are case-insensitive. " "For example, `--profiling-verbosity detailed`. " "Defaults to 'verbose'.", default=None, ) "--weight-streaming", help="Build a weight streamable engine. Must be set with --strongly-typed. The weight streaming amount can be set with --weight-streaming-budget.", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--runtime-platform", help="The target runtime platform (operating system and CPU architecture) for the execution of the TensorRT engine. " "TensorRT provides support for cross-platform engine compatibility when the target runtime platform is different from the build platform. " "Values come from the names of values in the `trt.RuntimePlatform` enum and are case-insensitive. " "For example, `--runtime-platform same_as_build`, `--runtime-platform windows_amd64` ", default=None, ) if self._allow_engine_capability: "--engine-capability", help="The desired engine capability. " "Possible values come from the names of the values in the trt.EngineCapability enum and are case-insensitive. ", default=None, ) if self._allow_tensor_formats: "--direct-io", help="Disallow reformatting layers at network input/output tensors which have user-specified formats. ", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--tiling-optimization-level", help="The tiling optimization level. Setting a higher optimization " "level allows TensorRT to spend more building time for more tiling strategies. " "Values come from the names of values in the `trt.TilingOptimizationLevel` enum and are case-insensitive.", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: profile_dicts (List[OrderedDict[str, Tuple[Shape]]]): A list of profiles where each profile is a dictionary that maps input names to a tuple of (min, opt, max) shapes. tf32 (bool): Whether to enable TF32. fp16 (bool): Whether to enable FP16. bf16 (bool): Whether to enable BF16. fp8 (bool): Whether to enable FP8. int8 (bool): Whether to enable INT8. precision_constraints (str): The precision constraints to apply. restricted (bool): Whether to enable safety scope checking in the builder. calibration_cache (str): Path to the calibration cache. calibration_base_class (str): The name of the base class to use for the calibrator. sparse_weights (bool): Whether to enable sparse weights. load_timing_cache (str): Path from which to load a timing cache. load_tactics (str): Path from which to load a tactic replay file. save_tactics (str): Path at which to save a tactic replay file. tactic_sources (List[str]): Strings representing enum values of the tactic sources to enable. trt_config_script (str): Path to a custom TensorRT config script. trt_config_func_name (str): Name of the function in the custom config script that creates the config. trt_config_postprocess_script (str): Path to a TensorRT config postprocessing script. trt_config_postprocess_func_name (str): Name of the function in the config postprocessing script that applies the post-processing. use_dla (bool): Whether to enable DLA. allow_gpu_fallback (bool): Whether to allow GPU fallback when DLA is enabled. memory_pool_limits (Dict[str, int]): Mapping of strings representing memory pool enum values to memory limits in bytes. engine_capability (str): The desired engine capability. direct_io (bool): Whether to disallow reformatting layers at network input/output tensors which have user-specified formats. preview_features (List[str]): Names of preview features to enable. refittable (bool): Whether the engine should be refittable. strip_plan (bool): Whether the engine should be built with the refittable weights stripped. builder_optimization_level (int): The builder optimization level. hardware_compatibility_level (str): A string representing a hardware compatibility level enum value. profiling_verbosity (str): A string representing a profiling verbosity level enum value. max_aux_streams (int): The maximum number of auxiliary streams that TensorRT is allowed to use. version_compatible (bool): Whether or not to build a TensorRT forward-compatible. exclude_lean_runtime (bool): Whether to exclude the lean runtime from a version compatible plan. quantization_flags (List[str]): Names of quantization flags to enable. error_on_timing_cache_miss (bool): Whether to emit error when a tactic being timed is not present in the timing cache. disable_compilation_cache (bool): Whether to disable caching JIT-compiled code. weight_streaming (bool): Whether to enable weight streaming for the TensorRT Engine. runtime_platform (str): A string representing the target runtime platform enum value. tiling_optimization_level (str): The tiling optimization level. """ trt_min_shapes = args_util.get(args, "trt_min_shapes", default=[]) trt_max_shapes = args_util.get(args, "trt_max_shapes", default=[]) trt_opt_shapes = args_util.get(args, "trt_opt_shapes", default=[]) default_shapes = TensorMetadata() if self._allow_custom_input_shapes: if not hasattr(self.arg_groups[ModelArgs], "input_shapes"): G_LOGGER.internal_error( "ModelArgs must be parsed before TrtConfigArgs!" ) default_shapes = self.arg_groups[ModelArgs].input_shapes self.profile_dicts = parse_profile_shapes( default_shapes, trt_min_shapes, trt_opt_shapes, trt_max_shapes ) self.tf32 = args_util.get(args, "tf32") self.fp16 = args_util.get(args, "fp16") self.bf16 = args_util.get(args, "bf16") self.int8 = args_util.get(args, "int8") self.fp8 = args_util.get(args, "fp8") self.precision_constraints = args_util.get(args, "precision_constraints") if self.precision_constraints == "none": self.precision_constraints = None self.restricted = args_util.get(args, "restricted") self.refittable = args_util.get(args, "refittable") self.strip_plan = args_util.get(args, "strip_plan") self.calibration_cache = args_util.get(args, "calibration_cache") calib_base = args_util.get(args, "calibration_base_class") self.calibration_base_class = None if calib_base is not None: self.calibration_base_class = inline( safe("trt.{:}", inline_identifier(calib_base)) ) self._quantile = args_util.get(args, "quantile") self._regression_cutoff = args_util.get(args, "regression_cutoff") self.sparse_weights = args_util.get(args, "sparse_weights") self.load_timing_cache = args_util.get(args, "load_timing_cache") self.load_tactics = args_util.get(args, "load_tactics") self.save_tactics = args_util.get(args, "save_tactics") tactic_sources = args_util.get(args, "tactic_sources") self.tactic_sources = None if tactic_sources is not None: self.tactic_sources = [ make_trt_enum_val("TacticSource", source) for source in tactic_sources ] self.trt_config_script, self.trt_config_func_name = ( args_util.parse_script_and_func_name( args_util.get(args, "trt_config_script"), default_func_name="load_config", ) ) ( self.trt_config_postprocess_script, self.trt_config_postprocess_func_name, ) = args_util.parse_script_and_func_name( args_util.get(args, "trt_config_postprocess_script"), default_func_name="postprocess_config", ) func_name = args_util.get(args, "trt_config_func_name") if func_name is not None: mod.warn_deprecated( "--trt-config-func-name", "the config script argument", "0.50.0", always_show_warning=True, ) self.trt_config_func_name = func_name self.use_dla = args_util.get(args, "use_dla") self.allow_gpu_fallback = args_util.get(args, "allow_gpu_fallback") memory_pool_limits = args_util.parse_arglist_to_dict( args_util.get(args, "memory_pool_limit"), cast_to=args_util.parse_num_bytes, allow_empty_key=False, ) self.memory_pool_limits = None if memory_pool_limits is not None: self.memory_pool_limits = { make_trt_enum_val("MemoryPoolType", pool_type): pool_size for pool_type, pool_size in memory_pool_limits.items() } preview_features = args_util.get(args, "preview_features") self.preview_features = None if preview_features is not None: self.preview_features = [ make_trt_enum_val("PreviewFeature", feature) for feature in preview_features ] engine_capability = args_util.get(args, "engine_capability") self.engine_capability = None if engine_capability is not None: self.engine_capability = make_trt_enum_val( "EngineCapability", engine_capability ) self.direct_io = args_util.get(args, "direct_io") self.builder_optimization_level = args_util.get( args, "builder_optimization_level" ) self.hardware_compatibility_level = None hardware_compatibility_level = args_util.get( args, "hardware_compatibility_level" ) if hardware_compatibility_level is not None: self.hardware_compatibility_level = make_trt_enum_val( "HardwareCompatibilityLevel", hardware_compatibility_level ) self.runtime_platform = None runtime_platform = args_util.get( args, "runtime_platform" ) if runtime_platform is not None: self.runtime_platform = make_trt_enum_val( "RuntimePlatform", runtime_platform ) self.profiling_verbosity = None profiling_verbosity = args_util.get(args, "profiling_verbosity") if profiling_verbosity is not None: self.profiling_verbosity = make_trt_enum_val( "ProfilingVerbosity", profiling_verbosity ) self.max_aux_streams = args_util.get(args, "max_aux_streams") self.version_compatible = args_util.get(args, "version_compatible") self.exclude_lean_runtime = args_util.get(args, "exclude_lean_runtime") quantization_flags = args_util.get(args, "quantization_flags") self.quantization_flags = None if quantization_flags is not None: self.quantization_flags = [ make_trt_enum_val("QuantizationFlag", flag) for flag in quantization_flags ] if self.exclude_lean_runtime and not self.version_compatible: G_LOGGER.critical( f"`--exclude-lean-runtime` requires `--version-compatible` to be enabled." ) self.error_on_timing_cache_miss = args_util.get( args, "error_on_timing_cache_miss" ) self.disable_compilation_cache = args_util.get( args, "disable_compilation_cache" ) self.weight_streaming = args_util.get(args, "weight_streaming") self.tiling_optimization_level = None tiling_optimization_level = args_util.get( args, "tiling_optimization_level" ) if tiling_optimization_level is not None: self.tiling_optimization_level = make_trt_enum_val( "TilingOptimizationLevel", tiling_optimization_level )
def add_to_script_impl(self, script): profiles = [] for profile_dict in self.profile_dicts: profile_str = "Profile()" for name in profile_dict.keys(): profile_str += safe( ".add({:}, min={:}, opt={:}, max={:})", name, *profile_dict[name] ).unwrap() profiles.append(profile_str) if profiles: script.add_import(imports=["Profile"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") profiles = safe( "[\n{tab}{:}\n]", inline(safe(f",\n{constants.TAB}".join(profiles))), tab=inline(safe(constants.TAB)), ) profile_name = script.add_loader(profiles, "profiles") else: profile_name = None calibrator = None if ( any( arg is not None for arg in [self.calibration_cache, self.calibration_base_class] ) and not self.int8 ): G_LOGGER.warning( "Some int8 calibrator options were set, but int8 precision is not enabled. " "Calibration options will be ignored. Please set --int8 to enable calibration. " ) if self.int8: script.add_import(imports=["Calibrator"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") script.add_import(imports=["DataLoader"], frm="polygraphy.comparator") data_loader_name = self.arg_groups[DataLoaderArgs].add_to_script(script) if self.calibration_base_class: script.add_import(imports="tensorrt", imp_as="trt") if ( self.arg_groups[DataLoaderArgs].is_using_random_data() and ( not self.calibration_cache or not os.path.exists(self.calibration_cache) ) and self._allow_random_data_calib_warning ): G_LOGGER.warning( "Int8 Calibration is using randomly generated input data.\n" "This could negatively impact accuracy if the inference-time input data is dissimilar " "to the randomly generated calibration data.\n" "You may want to consider providing real data via the --data-loader-script option." ) calibrator = make_invocable( "Calibrator", data_loader=( data_loader_name if data_loader_name else inline(safe("DataLoader()")) ), cache=self.calibration_cache, BaseClass=self.calibration_base_class, quantile=self._quantile, regression_cutoff=self._regression_cutoff, ) algo_selector = None if self.load_tactics is not None: script.add_import(imports=["TacticReplayer"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") algo_selector = make_invocable("TacticReplayer", replay=self.load_tactics) elif self.save_tactics is not None: script.add_import(imports=["TacticRecorder"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") algo_selector = make_invocable("TacticRecorder", record=self.save_tactics) # Add a `tensorrt` import if any argument requires direct access to the module. if any( arg is not None for arg in [ self.tactic_sources, self.memory_pool_limits, self.preview_features, self.engine_capability, self.profiling_verbosity, self.hardware_compatibility_level, self.runtime_platform, self.quantization_flags, ] ): script.add_import(imports="tensorrt", imp_as="trt") if self.trt_config_script is not None: script.add_import( imports=["InvokeFromScript"], frm="polygraphy.backend.common" ) config_loader_str = make_invocable( "InvokeFromScript", self.trt_config_script, name=self.trt_config_func_name, ) else: config_loader_str = make_invocable_if_nondefault( "CreateTrtConfig", tf32=self.tf32, fp16=self.fp16, bf16=self.bf16, int8=self.int8, fp8=self.fp8, precision_constraints=self.precision_constraints, restricted=self.restricted, profiles=profile_name, calibrator=calibrator, load_timing_cache=self.load_timing_cache, algorithm_selector=algo_selector, sparse_weights=self.sparse_weights, tactic_sources=self.tactic_sources, use_dla=self.use_dla, allow_gpu_fallback=self.allow_gpu_fallback, memory_pool_limits=self.memory_pool_limits, refittable=self.refittable, strip_plan=self.strip_plan, preview_features=self.preview_features, engine_capability=self.engine_capability, direct_io=self.direct_io, builder_optimization_level=self.builder_optimization_level, hardware_compatibility_level=self.hardware_compatibility_level, profiling_verbosity=self.profiling_verbosity, max_aux_streams=self.max_aux_streams, version_compatible=self.version_compatible, exclude_lean_runtime=self.exclude_lean_runtime, quantization_flags=self.quantization_flags, error_on_timing_cache_miss=self.error_on_timing_cache_miss, disable_compilation_cache=self.disable_compilation_cache, weight_streaming=self.weight_streaming, runtime_platform=self.runtime_platform, tiling_optimization_level=self.tiling_optimization_level, ) if config_loader_str is not None: script.add_import( imports="CreateConfig", frm="polygraphy.backend.trt", imp_as="CreateTrtConfig", ) if config_loader_str is not None: config_loader_name = script.add_loader( config_loader_str, "create_trt_config" ) else: config_loader_name = None if self.trt_config_postprocess_script is not None: # Need to set up a default config if there isn't one since `PostprocessConfig` will require a config. if config_loader_name is None: script.add_import( imports="CreateConfig", frm="polygraphy.backend.trt", imp_as="CreateTrtConfig", ) config_loader_name = script.add_loader( make_invocable("CreateTrtConfig"), "create_trt_config" ) script.add_import( imports=["InvokeFromScript"], frm="polygraphy.backend.common" ) script.add_import( imports=["PostprocessConfig"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt", imp_as="PostprocessTrtConfig", ) func = make_invocable( "InvokeFromScript", self.trt_config_postprocess_script, name=self.trt_config_postprocess_func_name, ) config_loader_name = script.add_loader( make_invocable("PostprocessTrtConfig", config_loader_name, func=func), "postprocess_trt_config", ) return config_loader_name
[docs] def create_config(self, builder, network): """ Creates a TensorRT BuilderConfig according to arguments provided on the command-line. Args: builder (trt.Builder): The TensorRT builder to use to create the configuration. network (trt.INetworkDefinition): The TensorRT network for which to create the config. The network is used to automatically create a default optimization profile if none are provided. Returns: trt.IBuilderConfig: The TensorRT builder configuration. """ from polygraphy.backend.trt import CreateConfig loader = util.default(args_util.run_script(self.add_to_script), CreateConfig()) return loader(builder, network)