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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import os

from polygraphy import mod, util
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER
from import util as args_util
from import OnnxLoadArgs
from import TrtConfigArgs
from import make_trt_enum_val
from import BaseArgs
from import ModelArgs
from import (

[docs] @mod.export() class TrtLoadPluginsArgs(BaseArgs): """ TensorRT Plugin Loading: loading TensorRT plugins. """ def add_parser_args_impl(self): "--plugins", help="Path(s) of plugin libraries to load", nargs="+", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: plugins (List[str]): Path(s) to plugin libraries. """ self.plugins = args_util.get(args, "plugins")
# If plugins are present, wrap the provided loader/object with LoadPlugins
[docs] def add_to_script_impl(self, script, loader_name: str): """ Args: loader_name (str): The name of the loader which should be consumed by the ``LoadPlugins`` loader. """ if self.plugins: script.add_import(imports=["LoadPlugins"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") loader_str = make_invocable( "LoadPlugins", plugins=self.plugins, obj=loader_name ) loader_name = script.add_loader(loader_str, "load_plugins") return loader_name
[docs] @mod.export() class TrtOnnxFlagArgs(BaseArgs): """ ONNX-TRT Parser Flags: setting flags for TensorRT's ONNX parser Depends on: - TrtConfigArgs: If NATIVE_INSTANCENORM should be automatically enabled in VC/HC mode """ def add_parser_args_impl(self): "--onnx-flags", help="Flag(s) for adjusting the default parsing behavior of the ONNX parser." "Flag values come from the `trt.OnnxParserFlag` enum and are case-insensitve." "For example: --onnx-flags native_instancenorm ", nargs="+", default=None, ) "--plugin-instancenorm", help="Switch to clear the `trt.OnnxParserFlag.NATIVE_INSTANCENORM` flag and" "force the usage of the plugin implementation of ONNX InstanceNorm." "Note that `trt.OnnxParserFlag.NATIVE_INSTANCENORM` is ON by default since TensorRT 10.0.", action="store_true", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: flags (List[str]): flags for onnxparser """ self._flags = args_util.get(args, "onnx_flags", default=[]) self._plugin_instancenorm = args_util.get( args, "plugin_instancenorm", default=None )
[docs] def get_flags(self): """ Updates and returns the ONNX parser flags as necessary. This must be called only in `add_to_script_impl`. Flags should not be accessed directly. """ flags = copy.copy(self._flags) or [] if ( TrtConfigArgs in self.arg_groups and ( self.arg_groups[TrtConfigArgs].hardware_compatibility_level is not None or self.arg_groups[TrtConfigArgs].version_compatible ) and "native_instancenorm" not in [f.lower() for f in flags] ): G_LOGGER.warning( f"Version or hardware compatibility mode is enabled. Automatically enabling `NATIVE_INSTANCENORM` ONNX parser flag." ) flags.append("native_instancenorm") return ( [make_trt_enum_val("OnnxParserFlag", f) for f in flags] or None, self._plugin_instancenorm, )
[docs] @mod.export() class TrtLoadNetworkArgs(BaseArgs): """ TensorRT Network Loading: loading TensorRT networks. Depends on: - ModelArgs - TrtLoadPluginsArgs - OnnxLoadArgs: if allow_onnx_loading == True - TrtOnnxFlagArgs """ def __init__( self, allow_custom_outputs: bool = None, allow_onnx_loading: bool = None, allow_tensor_formats: bool = None, ): """ Args: allow_custom_outputs (bool): Whether to allow marking custom output tensors. Defaults to True. allow_onnx_loading (bool): Whether to allow parsing networks from an ONNX model. Defaults to True. allow_tensor_formats (bool): Whether to allow tensor formats and related options to be set. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self._allow_custom_outputs = util.default(allow_custom_outputs, True) self._allow_onnx_loading = util.default(allow_onnx_loading, True) self._allow_tensor_formats = util.default(allow_tensor_formats, False) def add_parser_args_impl(self): if self._allow_custom_outputs: "--trt-outputs", help="Name(s) of TensorRT output(s). " "Using '--trt-outputs mark all' indicates that all tensors should be used as outputs", nargs="+", default=None, ) "--trt-exclude-outputs", help="[EXPERIMENTAL] Name(s) of TensorRT output(s) to unmark as outputs.", nargs="+", default=None, ) "--layer-precisions", help="Compute precision to use for each layer. This should be specified on a per-layer basis, using the format: " "--layer-precisions <layer_name>:<layer_precision>. Precision values come from the TensorRT data type aliases, like " "float32, float16, int8, bool, etc. For example: --layer-precisions example_layer:float16 other_layer:int8. " "When this option is provided, you should also set --precision-constraints to either 'prefer' or 'obey'. ", nargs="+", default=None, ) "--tensor-dtypes", "--tensor-datatypes", help="Data type to use for each network I/O tensor. This should be specified on a per-tensor basis, using the format: " "--tensor-datatypes <tensor_name>:<tensor_datatype>. Data type values come from the TensorRT data type aliases, like " "float32, float16, int8, bool, etc. For example: --tensor-datatypes example_tensor:float16 other_tensor:int8. ", nargs="+", default=None, ) if self._allow_tensor_formats: "--tensor-formats", help="Formats to allow for each network I/O tensor. This should be specified on a per-tensor basis, using the format: " "--tensor-formats <tensor_name>:[<tensor_formats>,...]. Format values come from the `trt.TensorFormat` enum " "and are case-insensitve. " "For example: --tensor-formats example_tensor:[linear,chw4] other_tensor:[chw16]. ", nargs="+", default=None, ) "--trt-network-func-name", help="[DEPRECATED - function name can be specified alongside the script like so: ``] " "When using a trt-network-script instead of other model types, this specifies the name " "of the function that loads the network. Defaults to `load_network`.", default=None, ) "--trt-network-postprocess-script", "--trt-npps", help="[EXPERIMENTAL] Specify a post-processing script to run on the parsed TensorRT network. The script file may " "optionally be suffixed with the name of the callable to be invoked. For example: " "`--trt-npps`. If no callable is specified, then by default " "Polygraphy uses the callable name `postprocess`. " "The callable is expected to take a named argument `network` of type `trt.INetworkDefinition`. " "Multiple scripts may be specified, in which case they are executed in the order given.", nargs="+", default=None, ) "--strongly-typed", help="Mark the network as being strongly typed.", action="store_true", default=None, ) "--mark-debug", help="Specify list of names of tensors to be marked as debug tensors." "For example, `--mark-debug tensor1 tensor2 tensor3`. ", nargs="+", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: outputs (List[str]): Names of output tensors. exclude_outputs (List[str]): Names of tensors which should be unmarked as outputs. trt_network_func_name (str): The name of the function in a custom network script that creates the network. layer_precisions (Dict[str, str]): Layer names mapped to their desired compute precision, in string form. tensor_datatypes (Dict[str, str]): Tensor names mapped to their desired data types, in string form. tensor_formats (Dict[str, List[str]]): Tensor names mapped to their desired formats, in string form. postprocess_scripts (List[Tuple[str, str]]): A list of tuples specifying a path to a network postprocessing script and the name of the postprocessing function. strongly_typed (bool): Whether to mark the network as being strongly typed. mark_debug (List[str]): Names of tensors which should be marked as debug tensors. """ self.outputs = args_util.get_outputs(args, "trt_outputs") self.exclude_outputs = args_util.get(args, "trt_exclude_outputs") self.trt_network_func_name = args_util.get(args, "trt_network_func_name") layer_precisions = args_util.parse_arglist_to_dict( args_util.get(args, "layer_precisions"), allow_empty_key=False ) self.layer_precisions = None if layer_precisions is not None: self.layer_precisions = { name: inline(safe("trt.{}", inline_identifier(value))) for name, value in layer_precisions.items() } tensor_datatypes = args_util.parse_arglist_to_dict( args_util.get(args, "tensor_dtypes"), allow_empty_key=False ) self.tensor_datatypes = None if tensor_datatypes is not None: self.tensor_datatypes = { name: inline(safe("trt.{}", inline_identifier(value))) for name, value in tensor_datatypes.items() } tensor_formats = args_util.parse_arglist_to_dict( args_util.get(args, "tensor_formats"), allow_empty_key=False ) self.tensor_formats = None if tensor_formats is not None: self.tensor_formats = { name: [ inline( safe("trt.TensorFormat.{}", inline_identifier(value.upper())) ) for value in values ] for name, values in tensor_formats.items() } pps = args_util.parse_arglist_to_tuple_list( args_util.get(args, "trt_network_postprocess_script"), treat_missing_sep_as_val=False, ) if pps is None: pps = [] self.postprocess_scripts = [] for script_path, func in pps: if not func: func = "postprocess" if not os.path.isfile(script_path): G_LOGGER.warning(f"Could not find postprocessing script {script_path}") self.postprocess_scripts.append((script_path, func)) self.strongly_typed = args_util.get(args, "strongly_typed") self.mark_debug = args_util.get(args, "mark_debug")
def add_to_script_impl(self, script): network_func_name = self.arg_groups[ModelArgs].extra_model_info if self.trt_network_func_name is not None: mod.warn_deprecated( "--trt-network-func-name", "the model argument", "0.50.0", always_show_warning=True, ) network_func_name = self.trt_network_func_name model_file = self.arg_groups[ModelArgs].path model_type = self.arg_groups[ModelArgs].model_type outputs = args_util.get_outputs_for_script(script, self.outputs) parser_flags, plugin_instancenorm = self.arg_groups[TrtOnnxFlagArgs].get_flags() if any( arg is not None for arg in [ self.layer_precisions, self.tensor_datatypes, self.tensor_formats, parser_flags, plugin_instancenorm, ] ): script.add_import(imports="tensorrt", imp_as="trt") if model_type == "trt-network-script": script.add_import( imports=["InvokeFromScript"], frm="polygraphy.backend.common" ) loader_str = make_invocable( "InvokeFromScript", model_file, name=network_func_name, ) loader_name = script.add_loader(loader_str, "load_network") elif self._allow_onnx_loading: if self.arg_groups[OnnxLoadArgs].must_use_onnx_loader( disable_custom_outputs=True ): # When loading from ONNX, we need to disable custom outputs since TRT requires dtypes on outputs, # which our marking function doesn't guarantee. script.add_import( imports=["NetworkFromOnnxBytes"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt" ) onnx_loader = self.arg_groups[OnnxLoadArgs].add_to_script( script, disable_custom_outputs=True, serialize_model=True ) loader_str = make_invocable( "NetworkFromOnnxBytes", self.arg_groups[TrtLoadPluginsArgs].add_to_script( script, onnx_loader ), flags=parser_flags, plugin_instancenorm=plugin_instancenorm, strongly_typed=self.strongly_typed, ) loader_name = script.add_loader(loader_str, "parse_network_from_onnx") else: script.add_import( imports=["NetworkFromOnnxPath"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt" ) loader_str = make_invocable( "NetworkFromOnnxPath", self.arg_groups[TrtLoadPluginsArgs].add_to_script( script, model_file ), flags=parser_flags, plugin_instancenorm=plugin_instancenorm, strongly_typed=self.strongly_typed, ) loader_name = script.add_loader(loader_str, "parse_network_from_onnx") else: G_LOGGER.internal_error( "Loading from ONNX is not enabled and a network script was not provided!" ) def add_loader_if_nondefault(loader, result_var_name, **kwargs): loader_str = make_invocable_if_nondefault_kwargs( loader, loader_name, **kwargs ) if loader_str is not None: script.add_import(imports=[loader], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") return script.add_loader(loader_str, result_var_name) return loader_name for i, (script_path, func_name) in enumerate(self.postprocess_scripts): script.add_import( imports=["InvokeFromScript"], frm="polygraphy.backend.common" ) pps = make_invocable("InvokeFromScript", script_path, name=func_name) loader_name = add_loader_if_nondefault( "PostprocessNetwork", f"postprocess_step_{i}", func=pps, name=f"{script_path}:{func_name}", ) loader_name = add_loader_if_nondefault( "ModifyNetworkOutputs", "set_network_outputs", outputs=outputs, exclude_outputs=self.exclude_outputs, ) loader_name = add_loader_if_nondefault( "SetLayerPrecisions", "set_layer_precisions", layer_precisions=self.layer_precisions, ) loader_name = add_loader_if_nondefault( "SetTensorDatatypes", "set_tensor_datatypes", tensor_datatypes=self.tensor_datatypes, ) loader_name = add_loader_if_nondefault( "SetTensorFormats", "set_tensor_formats", tensor_formats=self.tensor_formats ) loader_name = add_loader_if_nondefault( "MarkDebug", "mark_debug", mark_debug=self.mark_debug ) return loader_name
[docs] def load_network(self): """ Loads a TensorRT Network model according to arguments provided on the command-line. Returns: tensorrt.INetworkDefinition """ loader = args_util.run_script(self.add_to_script) return loader()
[docs] @mod.export() class TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs(BaseArgs): """ TensorRT Engine Saving: saving TensorRT engines. Saves a serialized engine. This should be preferred over `TrtSaveEngineArgs()` since as of TensorRT 8.6, version compatible engines cannot be re-serialized after they have been initially deserialized. """ def __init__(self, output_opt: str = None, output_short_opt: str = None): """ Args: output_opt (str): The name of the output path option. Defaults to "output". Use a value of ``False`` to disable the option. output_short_opt (str): The short option to use for the output path. Defaults to "-o". Use a value of ``False`` to disable the short option. """ super().__init__() self._output_opt = util.default(output_opt, "output") self._output_short_opt = util.default(output_short_opt, "-o") def add_parser_args_impl(self): if self._output_opt: params = ([self._output_short_opt] if self._output_short_opt else []) + [ f"--{self._output_opt}" ] *params, help="Path to save the TensorRT Engine", dest="save_engine", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: path (str): The path at which to save the TensorRT engine. """ self.path = args_util.get(args, "save_engine")
[docs] def add_to_script_impl(self, script, loader_name): """ Args: loader_name (str): The name of the loader which will generate the serialized engine. Returns: str: The name of the loader added to the script. """ if self.path is None: return loader_name script.add_import(imports=["SaveBytes"], frm="polygraphy.backend.common") return script.add_loader( make_invocable("SaveBytes", loader_name, path=self.path), "save_engine_bytes", )
[docs] def save_engine_bytes(self, engine_bytes, path=None): """ Saves a serialized TensorRT engine according to arguments provided on the command-line. Args: engine_bytes (bytes): The serialized TensorRT engine to save. path (str): The path at which to save the engine. If no path is provided, it is determined from command-line arguments. Returns: bytes: The serialized engine that was saved. """ with util.TempAttrChange(self, {"path": path}): loader = args_util.run_script(self.add_to_script, engine_bytes) return loader()
@mod.deprecate(remove_in="0.55.0", use_instead="TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs") @mod.export() class TrtSaveEngineArgs(BaseArgs): """ TensorRT Engine Saving: saving TensorRT engines. Depends on: - TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs """ # For backwards-compatibility @property def path(self): return self.arg_groups[TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs].path def add_to_script_impl(self, script, loader_name): """ Args: loader_name (str): The name of the loader which will generate the engine. Returns: str: The name of the loader added to the script. """ path = self.arg_groups[TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs].path if path is None: return loader_name script.add_import(imports=["BytesFromEngine"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") loader_name = script.add_loader( make_invocable("BytesFromEngine", loader_name, path=path), "bytes_from_engine", ) return self.arg_groups[TrtSaveEngineArgs].add_to_script(script, loader_name) def save_engine(self, engine, path=None): """ Saves a TensorRT engine according to arguments provided on the command-line. Args: engine (trt.ICudaEngine): The TensorRT engine to save. path (str): The path at which to save the engine. If no path is provided, it is determined from command-line arguments. Returns: tensorrt.ICudaEngine: The engine that was saved. """ with util.TempAttrChange(self, {"path": path}): loader = args_util.run_script(self.add_to_script, engine) return loader()
[docs] @mod.export() class TrtLoadEngineBytesArgs(BaseArgs): """ TensorRT Engine: loading or building TensorRT engines. Depends on: - ModelArgs - TrtLoadPluginsArgs - TrtLoadNetworkArgs: if support for building engines is required - TrtConfigArgs: if support for building engines is required - TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs: if allow_saving == True """ def __init__(self, allow_saving: bool = None): """ Args: allow_saving (bool): Whether to allow loaded models to be saved. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self._allow_saving = util.default(allow_saving, False) def add_parser_args_impl(self): "--save-timing-cache", help="Path to save tactic timing cache if building an engine. " "Existing caches will be appended to with any new timing information gathered. ", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: save_timing_cache (str): Path at which to save the tactic timing cache. """ self.save_timing_cache = args_util.get(args, "save_timing_cache")
[docs] def add_to_script_impl(self, script, network_name=None): """ Args: network_name (str): The name of a variable in the script pointing to a network loader. """ if self.arg_groups[ModelArgs].model_type == "engine": script.add_import( imports=["BytesFromPath"], frm="polygraphy.backend.common" ) return script.add_loader( make_invocable("BytesFromPath", self.arg_groups[ModelArgs].path), "load_engine_bytes", ) network_loader_name = network_name if network_loader_name is None: network_loader_name = self.arg_groups[TrtLoadNetworkArgs].add_to_script( script ) script.add_import( imports=["EngineBytesFromNetwork"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt" ) config_loader_name = self.arg_groups[TrtConfigArgs].add_to_script(script) script.add_import( imports=["EngineBytesFromNetwork"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt" ) loader_str = make_invocable( "EngineBytesFromNetwork", self.arg_groups[TrtLoadPluginsArgs].add_to_script( script, network_loader_name ), config=config_loader_name, save_timing_cache=self.save_timing_cache, ) loader_name = script.add_loader(loader_str, "build_engine") if self._allow_saving: loader_name = self.arg_groups[TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs].add_to_script( script, loader_name ) return loader_name
[docs] def load_engine_bytes(self, network=None): """ Loads a TensorRT engine according to arguments provided on the command-line. Args: network (Tuple[trt.Builder, trt.INetworkDefinition, Optional[parser]]): A tuple containing a TensorRT builder, network and optionally parser. Returns: tensorrt.ICudaEngine: The engine. """ loader = args_util.run_script(self.add_to_script, network) return loader()
[docs] @mod.export() class TrtLoadEngineArgs(BaseArgs): """ TensorRT Engine: loading TensorRT engines. Depends on: - TrtLoadEngineBytesArgs - TrtLoadPluginsArgs """ # For backwards-compatibility @property def save_timing_cache(self): return self.arg_groups[TrtLoadEngineBytesArgs].save_timing_cache def add_parser_args_impl(self): "--load-runtime", help="Path from which to load a runtime that can be used to load a version compatible " "engine that excludes the lean runtime. ", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: load_runtime (str): Path rom which to load a runtime that can be used to load a version compatible engine that excludes the lean runtime. """ self.load_runtime = args_util.parse_path( args_util.get(args, "load_runtime"), "Runtime" )
[docs] def add_to_script_impl(self, script, network_name=None): """ Args: network_name (str): The name of a variable in the script pointing to a network loader. """ load_serialized_engine = self.arg_groups[TrtLoadEngineBytesArgs].add_to_script( script, network_name ) script.add_import(imports=["EngineFromBytes"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") runtime_loader = None if self.load_runtime is not None: script.add_import(imports=["LoadRuntime"], frm="polygraphy.backend.trt") runtime_loader = script.add_loader( make_invocable("LoadRuntime", self.load_runtime), "load_runtime" ) return script.add_loader( make_invocable( "EngineFromBytes", self.arg_groups[TrtLoadPluginsArgs].add_to_script( script, load_serialized_engine ), runtime=runtime_loader, ), "deserialize_engine", )
[docs] def load_engine(self, network=None): """ Loads a TensorRT engine according to arguments provided on the command-line. Args: network (Tuple[trt.Builder, trt.INetworkDefinition, Optional[parser]]): A tuple containing a TensorRT builder, network and optionally parser. Returns: tensorrt.ICudaEngine: The engine. """ loader = args_util.run_script(self.add_to_script, network) return loader()