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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 1993-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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from polygraphy import mod
from import util as args_util
from import BaseArgs
from import inline_identifier, inline, safe

[docs] @mod.export() class LoggerArgs(BaseArgs): """ Logging: logging and debug output """ def add_parser_args_impl(self): "-v", "--verbose", help="Increase logging verbosity. Specify multiple times for higher verbosity", action="count", default=0, ) "-q", "--quiet", help="Decrease logging verbosity. Specify multiple times for lower verbosity", action="count", default=0, ) "--verbosity", help=""" The logging verbosity to use. Takes precedence over the `-v` and `-q` options, and unlike them, allows you to control per-path verbosity. Verbosity values should come from Polygraphy's logging verbosities defined in the `Logger` class and are case-insensitive. For example: `--verbosity INFO` or `--verbosity verbose`. To specify per-path verbosity, use the format: `<path>:<verbosity>`. For example: `--verbosity backend/trt:INFO backend/trt/`. Paths should be relative to the `polygraphy/` directory. For example, `polygraphy/backend` should be specified with just `backend`. The most closely matching path is used to determine verbosity. For example, with: `--verbosity warning backend:info backend/trt:verbose`, a file under `polygraphy/comparator` would use `WARNING` verbosity, one under `backend/onnx` would use `INFO`, and one under `backend/trt` would use `VERBOSE`. """, nargs="+", default=None, ) "--silent", help="Disable all output", action="store_true", default=None ) "--log-format", help="Format for log messages: {{'timestamp': Include timestamp, 'line-info': Include file and line number, " "'no-colors': Disable colors}}", choices=["timestamp", "line-info", "no-colors"], nargs="+", default=[], ) "--log-file", help="Path to a file where Polygraphy logging output should be written. " "This may not include logging output from dependencies, like TensorRT or ONNX-Runtime. ", default=None, )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: silent (bool): Whether to disable all logging output. log_format (List[str]): Formatting options for the logger. log_file (str): Path to a file where logging output should be written. verbosity (Dict[str, str]): Per-path logging verbosities. A key of `""` represents the default verbosity. """ self.silent = args_util.get(args, "silent") self.log_format = args_util.get(args, "log_format", default=[]) self.log_file = args_util.get(args, "log_file") severity_level = args_util.get(args, "verbose") - args_util.get(args, "quiet") if severity_level >= 4: default_severity = "ULTRA_VERBOSE" elif severity_level < -4: default_severity = "CRITICAL" else: default_severity = { 3: "SUPER_VERBOSE", 2: "EXTRA_VERBOSE", 1: "VERBOSE", 0: None, -1: "START", -2: "FINISH", -3: "WARNING", -4: "ERROR", }[severity_level] self.verbosity = None verbosity = args_util.parse_arglist_to_dict(args_util.get(args, "verbosity")) if default_severity is not None: if verbosity is not None: verbosity[""] = default_severity else: verbosity = {"": default_severity} if verbosity is not None: self.verbosity = {} for path, sev in verbosity.items(): self.verbosity[path] = inline( safe("G_LOGGER.{:}", inline_identifier(sev.upper())) ) # Enable logger settings immediately on parsing. self.get_logger()
def add_to_script_impl(self, script): # Always required since it is used to print the exit message. script.append_preimport(safe("from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER")) logger_settings = [] if self.silent: logger_settings.append("G_LOGGER.module_severity = G_LOGGER.CRITICAL") elif self.verbosity is not None: # Need to escape braces of the dictionary so it's not treated as a format-string by `safe()`. logger_settings.append( f"G_LOGGER.module_severity = {'{' + repr(self.verbosity) + '}'}" ) for fmt in self.log_format: if fmt == "no-colors": logger_settings.append("G_LOGGER.colors = False") elif fmt == "timestamp": logger_settings.append("G_LOGGER.timestamp = True") elif fmt == "line-info": logger_settings.append("G_LOGGER.line_info = True") if self.log_file: logger_settings.append(f"G_LOGGER.log_file = {repr(self.log_file)}") for setting in logger_settings: script.append_preimport(safe(setting)) return safe("G_LOGGER")
[docs] def get_logger(self): """ Gets the global logger after applying command-line options. Returns: G_LOGGER """ return args_util.run_script(self.add_to_script)