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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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import os

from polygraphy import mod, util
from polygraphy.common import TensorMetadata
from polygraphy.logger import G_LOGGER
from import util as args_util
from import BaseArgs
from import RunnerSelectArgs

[docs] @mod.export() class ModelArgs(BaseArgs): """ Model: the model Depends on: - RunnerSelectArgs: if guess_model_type_from_runners == True """ EXT_MODEL_TYPE_MAPPING = { ".hdf5": "keras", ".uff": "uff", ".prototxt": "caffe", ".onnx": "onnx", ".engine": "engine", ".plan": "engine", ".graphdef": "frozen", ".py": "trt-network-script", }
[docs] class ModelType(str): TF_TYPES = ["frozen", "keras", "ckpt"] ONNX_TYPES = ["onnx"] TRT_TYPES = ["engine", "uff", "trt-network-script"] OTHER_TYPES = ["caffe"] VALID_TYPES = TF_TYPES + ONNX_TYPES + TRT_TYPES + OTHER_TYPES def __new__(cls, model_type): assert model_type in ModelArgs.ModelType.VALID_TYPES or model_type is None return str.__new__(cls, model_type) def is_tf(self): return self in ModelArgs.ModelType.TF_TYPES def is_onnx(self): return self in ModelArgs.ModelType.ONNX_TYPES def is_trt(self): return self in ModelArgs.ModelType.TRT_TYPES
def __init__( self, model_opt_required: bool = None, required_model_type: str = None, input_shapes_opt_name: str = None, input_shapes_opt_doc: str = None, guess_model_type_from_runners: bool = None, ): """ Args: model_opt_required (bool): Whether the model argument is required. Defaults to False. required_model_type (str): The required type of model. Use a value of ``None`` for tools that work with multiple model types. If provided, it causes the tool to support only one type of model and disables the ``--model-type`` option. Defaults to None. input_shapes_opt_name (str): The name of the option used to specify input shapes. A second option name will be automatically added by dropping the final ``s`` in the specified option and suffixing ``-shapes``. For example, a value of "inputs" would generate an alias called "--input-shapes". Defaults to "inputs". Use a value of ``False`` to disable the option. input_shapes_opt_doc (str): Custom help text output for the input shapes option. guess_model_type_from_runners (bool): Whether to guess the model type based on which runners have been specified, if any. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self._model_opt_required = util.default(model_opt_required, False) self._input_shapes_opt_name = util.default(input_shapes_opt_name, "inputs") # If model type is provided, it means the tool only supports a single type of model. self._required_model_type = required_model_type self._input_shapes_opt_doc = util.default( input_shapes_opt_doc, "Model input(s) and their shape(s). " "Used to determine shapes to use while generating input data for inference", ) self._guess_model_type_from_runners = util.default( guess_model_type_from_runners, False ) def add_parser_args_impl(self): "model_file", help="Path to the model", nargs=None if self._model_opt_required else "?", ) if self._required_model_type is None: "--model-type", help="The type of the input model: {{'frozen': TensorFlow frozen graph; 'keras': Keras model; " "'ckpt': TensorFlow checkpoint directory; 'onnx': ONNX model; 'engine': TensorRT engine; 'trt-network-script': " "A Python script that defines a `load_network` function that takes no arguments and returns a TensorRT Builder, " "Network, and optionally Parser. If the function name is not `load_network`, it can be specified after the model file, " "separated by a colon. For example: ``; " "'uff': UFF file [deprecated]; 'caffe': Caffe prototxt [deprecated]}}", choices=ModelArgs.ModelType.VALID_TYPES, default=None, ) if self._input_shapes_opt_name: arg_name = f"--{self._input_shapes_opt_name.rstrip('s')}-shapes" arg_name, f"--{self._input_shapes_opt_name}", help=f"{self._input_shapes_opt_doc}. Format: {arg_name} <name>:<shape>. " f"For example: {arg_name} image:[1,3,224,224] other_input:[10]", nargs="+", default=None, dest="input_shapes", )
[docs] def parse_impl(self, args): """ Parses command-line arguments and populates the following attributes: Attributes: input_shapes (TensorMetadata): Input names and their shapes. path (str): Path to the model. model_type (ModelArgs.ModelType): The type of model. extra_model_info (str): Any extra model information specified after the model argument, separated by a colon. The meaning of this information may be specific to each model type. In most cases, no extra model information is provided. """ def determine_model_type(model_file): model_type = args_util.get(args, "model_type") if model_type is not None: return model_type.lower() if model_file is None: return None def use_ext(ext_mapping): file_ext = os.path.splitext(model_file)[-1] if file_ext in ext_mapping: return ext_mapping[file_ext] runner_opts = [] if self._guess_model_type_from_runners: if not hasattr(self.arg_groups[RunnerSelectArgs], "runners"): G_LOGGER.internal_error( "RunnerSelectArgs must be parsed before ModelArgs when `guess_model_type_from_runners` is enabled!" ) runner_opts = list(self.arg_groups[RunnerSelectArgs].runners.keys()) if args_util.get(args, "ckpt") or os.path.isdir(model_file): return "ckpt" elif "tf" in runner_opts or "trt-legacy" in runner_opts: if args_util.get(args, "caffe_model"): return "caffe" return use_ext(ModelArgs.EXT_MODEL_TYPE_MAPPING) or "frozen" else: model_type = use_ext(ModelArgs.EXT_MODEL_TYPE_MAPPING) if model_type: return model_type G_LOGGER.critical( f"Could not automatically determine model type for: {model_file}" f"\nPlease explicitly specify the type with the --model-type option" ) self.input_shapes = TensorMetadata() if args_util.get(args, "input_shapes"): self.input_shapes = args_util.parse_meta( args_util.get(args, "input_shapes"), includes_dtype=False ) self.path = None self.extra_model_info = None self.path, self.extra_model_info = args_util.parse_script_and_func_name( args_util.get(args, "model_file") ) self.path = args_util.parse_path(self.path, "Model") model_type_str = ( self._required_model_type if self._required_model_type else determine_model_type(self.path) ) self.model_type = ( ModelArgs.ModelType(model_type_str) if model_type_str else None ) # Set up extra_model_info defaults for each model type if self.model_type == "trt-network-script": if not self.path or not self.path.endswith(".py"): G_LOGGER.critical( f"TensorRT network scripts must exist and have '.py' extensions.\n" f"Note: Provided network script path was: {self.path}" ) self.extra_model_info = util.default(self.extra_model_info, "load_network")