Base Interface

The base interface for all argument groups.


class ArgGroups(dct=None)[source]

Bases: Interface

Maps argument group types to argument groups.

class BaseArgs[source]

Bases: object

Adds a arguments to a command-line parser, and provides capabilities to create Polygraphy objects based on the arguments.

Child classes that add options must define a docstring that includes a section header for the argument group, a brief description which should complete the sentence: “Options related to …”, and finally, any dependencies:

Section Header: Description

Depends on:

    - OtherArgs0
    - OtherArgs1: <additional info: condition under which it is needed, or reason for dependency>

<Optional Additional Documentation>

For example:

TensorRT Engine: loading TensorRT engines.

Depends on:

    - ModelArgs
    - TrtLoadPluginsArgs
    - TrtLoadNetworkArgs: if building engines
    - TrtConfigArgs: if building engines
    - TrtSaveEngineBytesArgs: if allow_saving == True

The section header and description will be used to popluate the tool’s help output.


The argparse argument group associated with this argument group


Maps argument group types to argument groups




Whether to allow abbreviated options. When this is enabled, a prefix of an option can be used instead of specifying the entire option. For example, an --iterations could be specified with just --iter. This breaks argparse.REMAINDER, so any argument groups using that should disable this. The default implementation returns True.




Registers a dictionary of all available argument groups with this argument group.


arg_groups (ArgGroups) – Maps argument group types to argument groups.


Add arguments to a command-line parser.

This method is guaranteed to only be called after register.


parser (argparse.ArgumentParser) – The argument parser.


Parses relevant arguments from command-line arguments and populates corresponding attributes of this argument group.

This method is guaranteed to only be called after add_parser_args.


args – Arguments provided by argparse.

add_to_script(script, *args, **kwargs) str[source]

Adds code to the given script that performs the functionality provided by this argument group.

For example, TrtConfigArgs would add a call to CreateConfig.

This method is guaranteed to only be called after parse.


script ( – A script to which code should be added.


The name of the variable that was modified or added in the script.

Return type:


class BaseRunnerArgs[source]

Bases: BaseArgs

Similar to BaseArgs, but meant specifically for argument groups dealing with runners.

add_to_script(script) str[source]

The name of the list of runners in the script.

Return type:


get_name_opt() Tuple[str, str][source]

Returns a tuple containing a human readable name of the runner and the name of the command-line option (without leading dashes) that should be used to select the runner controlled by this argument group.

For example: ("TensorRT", "trt").

get_extra_help_text() str[source]

Returns any extra help text to display in the tool help output for this runner.