

  1. Linux x86_64

  2. CUDA 11.8

  3. NVIDIA Driver supporting CUDA 11.8 or later.

  4. cuDNN 8.1 or later.

  5. For FP8/FP16/BF16 fused attention, CUDA 12.1 or later, NVIDIA Driver supporting CUDA 12.1 or later, and cuDNN 8.9.1 or later.

If the CUDA Toolkit headers are not available at runtime in a standard installation path, e.g. within CUDA_HOME, set NVTE_CUDA_INCLUDE_PATH in the environment.

Transformer Engine in NGC Containers

Transformer Engine library is preinstalled in the PyTorch container in versions 22.09 and later on NVIDIA GPU Cloud.

pip - from GitHub

Additional Prerequisites

  1. [For PyTorch support] PyTorch with GPU support.

  2. [For JAX support] JAX with GPU support, version >= 0.4.7.

  3. [For TensorFlow support] TensorFlow with GPU support.

Installation (stable release)

Execute the following command to install the latest stable version of Transformer Engine:

pip install git+

This will automatically detect if any supported deep learning frameworks are installed and build Transformer Engine support for them. To explicitly specify frameworks, set the environment variable NVTE_FRAMEWORK to a comma-separated list (e.g. NVTE_FRAMEWORK=jax,tensorflow).

Installation (development build)


While the development build of Transformer Engine could contain new features not available in the official build yet, it is not supported and so its usage is not recommended for general use.

Execute the following command to install the latest development build of Transformer Engine:

pip install git+

This will automatically detect if any supported deep learning frameworks are installed and build Transformer Engine support for them. To explicitly specify frameworks, set the environment variable NVTE_FRAMEWORK to a comma-separated list (e.g. NVTE_FRAMEWORK=jax,tensorflow).

Installation (from source)

Execute the following commands to install Transformer Engine from source:

# Clone repository, checkout stable branch, clone submodules
git clone --branch stable --recursive

cd TransformerEngine
export NVTE_FRAMEWORK=pytorch   # Optionally set framework
pip install .                   # Build and install

If the Git repository has already been cloned, make sure to also clone the submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Extra dependencies for testing can be installed by setting the “test” option:

pip install .[test]

To build the C++ extensions with debug symbols, e.g. with the -g flag:

pip install . --global-option=--debug