NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference Release
For Test and Development only

Detailed Description

The application can use the stride and dimension indices defined below to access the strides and sizes from the corresponding arrays. For example, the stride indices are used to access dimstrides[] in the NvMediaTensorMetaData structure.


 Dimension Indices - NCHW
 Dimension Indices - NCxHWx
 Dimension Indices - NHWC
 Stride Indices - NCHW
 For NCHW tensor, assuming p,q,r,s correspond to N,C,H,W dimensions, the offset from the base address of the tensor to access a tensor value at coordinate (p,q,r,s) is calculated using the expression below:
 Stride Indices - NCxHWx
 For NCxHWx tensor, assuming p,q,r,s correspond to N,C,H,W dimensions, the offset from the base address of the tensor to access a tensor value at coordinate (p,q,r,s) is calculated using the expression below:
 Stride Indices - NHWC
 For the NHWC tensor, assuming p,q,r,s correspond to N,H,W,C dimensions, the offset from the base address of the tensor to access a tensor value at coordinate (p,q,r,s) is calculated using the expression below: