DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

LandmarkDetector.h File Reference

Detailed Description

NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Landmark Detector Methods

Description: This file defines landmark detection methods.

Definition in file LandmarkDetector.h.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  dwLandmarkDetectorParams
struct  dwLRNPostProcessingParam
 Data structure holding post processing parameters. More...
struct  dwRoadMarkingPolygonDetectionParam
 Data structure for holding road marking polygon detection parameters. More...


typedef struct dwLandmarkDetectorObject * dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t
 Handle to a LandmarkDetector. More...


enum  dwLandmarkSelectionMask {
 Bitmask enum which enables specific landmark types to detect. More...


dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_detectLandmarks (dwLaneDetection *lanes, dwLandmarkDetection *landmarks, const dwImageCUDA *frame, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Very simple API call to do inference on a frame. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_getCUDAStream (cudaStream_t *stream, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Gets CUDA stream used by the landmark detection. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_getDetectionROI (dwRect *roi, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Get detection Region of Interest (ROI) for the detector. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_getLandmarkDetections (dwLandmarkDetection *landmarkDetection, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Gets the general landmark detection in image coordinates. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_getLaneDetections (dwLaneDetection *lanes, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Gets the latest computed results in image coordinates. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_getPostProcessingParam (dwLRNPostProcessingParam *param, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Note: only DW_MAPNET_TYPE_REGRESSOR and DW_MAPNET_TYPE_E2E type networks are supported Get post processing parameters for regressor network. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_initializeDefaultParams (dwLandmarkDetectorParams *params, uint32_t frameWidth, uint32_t frameHeight)
 Sets the default detected landmark types for the LandmarkDetector. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_initializeDefaultRegressorParams (dwLRNPostProcessingParam *params)
 Note: only DW_MAPNET_TYPE_REGRESSOR and DW_MAPNET_TYPE_E2E type networks are supported Sets the default regressor post processing parameters for the LandmarkDetector. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_initializeFromMapNet (dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t *obj, dwMapNetHandle_t mapnet, dwLandmarkDetectorParams params, uint32_t frameWidth, uint32_t frameHeight, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
 Initializes a landmark detector module based on MapNet. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_release (dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Releases the detector module. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_reset (dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Resets the landmark detector module. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_setCamera (dwCameraModelHandle_t camera, const dwTransformation3f *cameraToRig, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Sets the calibrated camera for projection of lanes and landmarks. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_setCUDAStream (cudaStream_t stream, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Sets the CUDA stream for CUDA related operations. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwLandmarkDetector_setPostProcessingParam (const dwLRNPostProcessingParam param, dwLandmarkDetectorHandle_t obj)
 Note: only DW_MAPNET_TYPE_REGRESSOR and DW_MAPNET_TYPE_E2E type networks are supported. More...