DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Rectifier.h File Reference

Detailed Description

NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Rectifier Methods

Description: This file defines rectifier methods.

Definition in file Rectifier.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef struct dwRectifierObject * dwRectifierHandle_t
 A pointer to the handle representing a rectifier. More...


DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_getCUDAStream (cudaStream_t *stream, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Gets the CUDA stream used. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_getDistortionMap (dwImageCUDA *distortionMap, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Gets the distortion map as a 2-channel single plane image. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_getHomography (dwMatrix3f *homography, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Gets the homography matrix used. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_initialize (dwRectifierHandle_t *obj, dwCameraModelHandle_t cameraIn, dwCameraModelHandle_t cameraOut, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
 Initializes a rectifier based on an input and output camera model and a homography. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_release (dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Releases the rectifier module. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_reset (dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Resets the rectifier module. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_setCUDAStream (cudaStream_t stream, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Sets the CUDA stream used. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_setHomography (const dwMatrix3f *homography, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Sets the homography matrix used. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_setHomographyFromRotation (float32_t roll, float32_t pitch, float32_t yaw, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Calculates and sets the homography matrix used based on a value for roll, pitch and yaw. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_warp (dwImageCUDA *outputImage, const dwImageCUDA *inputImage, bool setOutsidePixelsToBlack, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Warps the image from the input camera model to the model of the output camera using CUDA on the GPU. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_warpNvMedia (dwImageNvMedia *outputImage, const dwImageNvMedia *inputImage, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Warps the image from the input camera model to the model of the output camera using the Tegra VIC engine. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_warpPointsCPU (dwVector2f *outputPoints, const dwVector2f *inputPoints, uint32_t pointCount, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Warps an array of CPU dwVector2f on a preallocated output CPU buffer. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_warpPointsGPU (dwVector2f *outputPoints, const dwVector2f *inputPoints, uint32_t pointCount, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Warps an array of dwVector2f on GPU. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_warpPointsInPlaceCPU (dwVector2f *points, uint32_t pointCount, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Warps an array of CPU dwVector2f and writes on the same buffer. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_warpPointsInPlaceGPU (dwVector2f *points, uint32_t pointCount, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Warps an array of dwVector2f on the GPU and writes on the same buffer. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRectifier_warpROI (dwImageCUDA *outputImage, const dwImageCUDA *inputImage, bool setOutsidePixelsToBlack, const dwRect roi, dwRectifierHandle_t obj)
 Warps the image from the input camera model to the model of the output camera limiting the computation to a ROI. More...