DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Camera Calibration Sample
SW Release Applicability: This sample is available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.


This sample demonstrates the estimation of camera extrinsic calibration parameters using the NVIDIA® DriveWorks Calibration Engine.

Running the Sample

The camera calibration sample, sample_calibration_camera, accepts the following optional parameters. If none are specified, the camera extrinsics are estimated on a default dataset.

./sample_calibration_camera --rig=[path/to/rig/configuration/file]
                            --signals='default', or any combination of ['pitchyaw','roll','height'] substrings


    Path to the rig configuration file.
    Default value: path/to/data/samples/recordings/suburb0/camera_offset_rig.json

    The index or name of the camera sensor in the rig configuration file to calibrate
    Default value: 0

    The index or name of the IMU sensor in the rig configuration file
    Default value: 0

    The index or name of the CAN sensor in the rig configuration file
    Default value: 0

--signals='default', or any combination of ['pitchyaw','roll','height'] substrings
    The camera extrinsic parameters to estimate, given as any combination of
    ['pitchyaw','roll','height'] substrings, or 'default'.
    For instance, the combination `pitchyawroll` will enable estimation of all
    orientation components (roll+pitch+yaw), if supported by the chosen method.
    'default' enables signals that are well-supported by the calibrated sensor.
    For instance, the calibration of less signals might be activated by default
    for side-facing cameras compared to front-facing cameras.
    Default value: default

    The maximum number of features for the tracker.
    Default value: 800


The sample does the following:

  • Creates a window.
  • Displays a video.
  • Displays nominal calibration indicators (blue) and, after convergence, corrected calibration indicators (green).

Indicators show the estimated rig horizon and forward directions, as seen from the camera's pose relative to the rig. The resulting display shows a visualization of the nominal and estimated extrinsic calibration parameters.

Camera Calibration

Additional information

For more details on camera calibration see Feature-based Camera Self-Calibration .