DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Camera Blindness Detection Sample (ClearSightNet)
SW Release Applicability: This sample is available in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.


The ClearSightNet sample streams frames from a live camera or recorded video. It runs ClearSightNet DNN inference on each frame to generate a mask. This mask indicates image regions that are blurred, blocked, or clean.

Running the Sample

The ClearSightNet sample, sample_clearsightnet, accepts the following optional parameters. If none are specified, it performs detections on a supplied pre-recorded video.

/sample_clearsightnet --input-type=[video,camera]


        Specifies whether the input is from a live camera or a recorded video.
        Live camera input is supported only on NVIDIA DRIVE(tm) platforms.
        It is not supported on Linux (x86 architecture) host systems.
        Default value: video

        Specifies the absolute or relative path of a raw or h264 recording.
        Only applicable if --input-type=video.
        Default value: path/to/data/samples/clearsightnet/sample.raw.

        Specifies a supported AR0231 `RCCB` sensor.
        Only applicable if --input-type=camera.
        Default value: ar0231-rccb-bae-sf3324

        Specifies the group to which the camera is connected.
        Only applicable if --input-type=camera.
        Default value: a

        Indicates the camera index on the given port.
        Default value: 0

        Runs ClearSightNet only on the first <number> frames and then exits the application.
        The default value for `--stopFrame` is 0, for which the sample runs endlessly.
        Default value: 0

        Name of a non-default model or path to where a custom or non-default model is located.
        Default value: "" (loads default model)

        Temporal filter window. The output overall blindness ratio is median filtered over
        this many frames. This sets the dwBlindnessDetectorParams.temporalFilterWindow parameter.
        Default value: 5

        Number of image sub-regions in X direction. Maximum allowed regions is 8. This sets the
        dwBlindnessDetectorParams.numRegionsX parameter.
        Default value: 3

        Number of image sub-regions in Y direction. Maximum allowed regions is 8. This sets the
        dwBlindnessDetectorParams.numRegionsY parameter.
        Default value: 3

        Comma separated list of locations of sub-region dividers (expressed in image fractions)
        in X direction. Number of dividers must equal numRegionsX-1. This sets the
        dwBlindnessDetectorParams.regionDividersX parameter.
        Default value: 0.2,0.8

        Comma separated list of locations of sub-region dividers (expressed in image fractions)
        in Y direction. Number of dividers must equal numRegionsY-1. This sets the
        dwBlindnessDetectorParams.regionDividersY parameter.
        Default value: 0.2,0.8

        Defines the precision of the ClearSightNet DNN. The following precision levels are supported.
        - int8
          - 8-bit signed integer precision.
          - Supported GPUs: compute capability >= 6.1.
          - Faster than fp16 and fp32 on GPUs with compute capability = 6.1 or compute capability > 6.2.
        - fp16 (default)
          - 16-bit floating point precision.
          - Supported GPUs: compute capability >= 6.2
          - Faster than fp32.
        - fp32
          - 32-bit floating point precision.
          - Supported GPUs: compute capability >= 5.0
        When using DLA engines only fp16 is allowed.
        Default value: fp16

        Setting this parameter to 1 runs the ClearSightNet DNN inference on one of the DLA engines.
        Default value: 0

        Chooses the DLA engine to be used.
        Only applicable if --dla=1
        Default value: 0


To run a default (H264) video in a loop:


To use the --video option to run a custom RAW or H264 video file:

./sample_clearsightnet --video=PATH_TO_VIDEO [--stopFrame=<frame idx>]

This runs sample_experimental_clearsightnet until frame <frame_idx>. The default value is 0, where the sample runs in loop mode.

In order to run the sample on a live video feed on NVIDIA DRIVE platform, set the --input-type option to camera.

./sample_clearsightnet --input-type=camera [--camera-type=<rccb camera type> --camera-group=<camera group> --camera-index=<camera idx on camera group>]

where default values are:

  • ar0231-rccb-bae-sf3324 for --camera-type.
  • a for --camera-group.
  • 0 for --camera-index.

In order to run the sample on a DLA engine on an NVIDIA DRIVE platform, set the --dla option to 1. Optionally you can provide --dlaEngineNo to 0 or 1. By default it takes --dlaEngineNo as 0.

./sample_clearsightnet --dla=1 --dlaEngineNo=0


ClearSightNet Detection Sample
A red overlay in the sample indicates fully blocked or blind regions and a green overlay indicates partially blocked or blurred regions. In addition, the percentage shown at the top-left corner of each sub-region is the corresponding value in regionBlindnessRatio output.

Additional Information

For more details see ClearSightNet.