DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Global Egomotion Workflow
SW Release Applicability: This tutorial is applicable to modules in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.



To initialize the global egomotion module, certain configuration parameters can be set, for example the position of the GNSS antenna in the rig coordinate system. Other parameters include noise and drift characteristics, or the size of the internal history storing state estimates. A typical initialization code sequence will look like this:

// read vehicle configuration
dwRig_initializeFromFile(&rig, sdkContext, "path/to/rig.json");
// initialize global egomotion parameters
dwGlobalEgomotion_initParamsFromRig(&params, rig, "gps_sensor_name");
// other parameters left 0-initialized will be ignored and default values used instead
// see API documentation
// initialize global egomotion module
dwGlobalEgomotion_initialize(&globalEgomotion, &params, sdkContext);

Run-time filter update and global position and orientation estimation

At run-time the global egomotion filter has to be filled with measurements from the GNSS sensor, as well as motion estimates from a relative egomotion module. The following example assumes that such a relative egomotion module with handle relativeEgomotion has been initialized and is being updated elsewhere; see Relative Egomotion Workflow for more details.

// read GPS measurements
if (hasGPSMeasurement())
dwGlobalEgomotion_addGPSMeasurement(getGPSMeasurement(), globalEgomotion);
// update global egomotion module with latest relative egomotion estimates
if (dwEgomotion_getEstimation(&state, relativeEgomotion) == DW_SUCCESS &&
dwEgomotion_getUncertainty(&uncertainty, relativeEgomotion) == DW_SUCCESS)
dwGlobalEgomotion_addRelativeMotion(&state, &uncertainty, globalEgomotion);
// get latest global state estimate
dwGlobalEgomotion_getEstimate(&result, &uncertainty, globalEgomotion);
// position estimate in WGS-84 as well as orientation relative to ENU coordinate system
// can now be accessed.
// interpolate global state estimate to specific timestamp
// extrapolation is supported but limited to a short time interval, see API doc.
dwTime_t requestedTimestamp = ...;
dwGlobalEgomotion_computeEstimate(&result, &uncertainty, requestedTimestamp, globalEgomotion);
// position estimate in WGS-84 as well as orientation relative to ENU coordinate system
// at `requestedTimestamp` can now be accessed.

Before using any state estimates, always verify their validity by inspecting the return codes of the various APIs as well as the flags contained within the state and uncertainty structures.

This workflow is demonstrated in the following sample: Egomotion Sample