Developer Guide
5.1.15 Release

Running Vulkan Samples
Direct-to-display WSI and Wayland are the supported backends for the Vulkan samples.
To run Vulkan samples, other window systems must be temporarily disabled. For example, with X11 installations, execute these commands:
sudo service gdm3 stop
<run sample>
sudo service gdm3 start
There are two Vulkan sample applications in the SDK, vkfish and vkcube, located at:
Running vkfish
vkfish is a modified version of the NVIDIA threaded rendering Vulkan sample available at:
It has been modified to use the direct-to-display WSI and wayland platforms, and the interface has been stripped for simplification.
To run vkfish with direct-to-display:
1. Disable other window systems.
2. Execute the following commands:
cd /home/nvidia/drive-t186ref-linux/samples/vulkan/vkfish/direct-to-display
3. Restart window systems, if necessary.
To run vkfish with wayland:
4. Disable other window systems.
5. Start Weston wayland:
6. Execute the following commands:
cd /home/nvidia/drive-t186ref-linux/samples/vulkan/vkfish/wayland
vkfish does not support command line arguments and runs forever by default.
Running vcube
vkcube is a modified version of the LunarG Vulkan cube demonstration available at:
It has been modified to use the direct-to-display WSI and wayland platforms.
To run vkcube with direct-to-display:
7. Disable other window systems.
8. Execute the following commands:
cd /home/nvidia/drive-t186ref-linux/samples/vulkan/vkcube/direct-to-display
9. Restart window systems, if necessary.
The sample may be run with --c <framecount> to render a certain number of frames. If started without arguments, the app will run forever.
To run vkcube with wayland:
10. Disable other window systems.
11. Start Weston wayland:
12. Execute the following commands:
cd /home/nvidia/drive-t186ref-linux/samples/vulkan/vkcube/wayland
The sample may be run with --c <framecount> to render a certain number of frames. If started without arguments, the app will run forever.