Virtualization is included in the NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Platform Foundation package. Virtualization technology enables running multiple operating system stacks with different security and safety requirements on a single NVIDIA SoC. Virtualization is the process of creating a software-based virtual representation instead of the physical component. It provides enhanced efficiency and agility of the system. NVIDIA Foundation Virtualization takes advantage of microkernel technology that enables a minimal amount of software to run in the CPU supervisory mode and allows for:
Time partitioning and scheduling
Space partitioning for access to memory
Inter-process communication between operating systems
Real-time automotive AUTOSAR applications
Real-time and deterministic GPU-sharing for graphics
The Foundation package virtualization solution is pre-configured to meet most guest OS requirements and configurations. If you wish to further customize the virtualization partitioning and configuration, consult the Virtualization Programming SDK Reference that is available by consulting with your Technical Support Engineer.