DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.0.4260 Release
For Test and Development only

Camera Server Daemon Process Tool


The NVIDIA® DriveWorks Camera Server Daemon Process tool performs three functions:

  1. Reads frames from GMSL Cameras based on custom configurations through the command line, i.e. interface, numLinks, and fifo-size parameters.
  2. Waits on a specific port, accepting any slave process's connection to the current interface. camera_slave is used in this document to represent either sample_camera_slave or sample_camera_slave_raw
  3. Broadcasts frames to all slave connections based on their configurations for the consumer, e.g. raw/processed images, FIFO/Mailbox queueing strategy, and different sibling numbers.
SW Release Applicability: This tool is available in both NVIDIA DriveWorks and NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.


  • Launch one camera_server process for one particular camera group at a time.
  • Run the camera_server and camera_slave processes from different terminals.
  • Launch the camera_server process first before launching any camera_slave processes.
  • Kill all camera_slave processes before killing the camera_server processes.


This tool is available on NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux.

This tool creates output files that are placed into the current working directory by default. Please ensure the following for your convenience:

  • Write permissions are enabled for the current working directory.
  • Include the tools folder in the binary search path of the system.
  • Execute from your home directory.

Running the Tool

Run the tool by executing:

./camera_server --params=[comma/separated/key/value/pairs]


    Specifies string used to initialize the cameras
    Default value: camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,fifo-size=12,output-format=yuv+raw

    Specifies the port # used to listen for consumer connections
    Default value: 49252

    Specifies the # of cameras to be launched. Used with SIPL since camera-count is deprecated
    Default value: 1


Enter the camera_slave command on the other terminal to see the cross-process image frame distribution process.