DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.5.78 Release
For Test and Development only

Deprecated List
Global dwBlindnessDetector_detect (const dwImageCUDA *inputImage, dwBlindnessDetectorHandle_t handle)
Will be removed. please consider using BlindnessDetector_processPipeline apis dwBlindnessDetector_bindInput(), dwBlindnessDetector_bindOutput(), dwBlindnessDetector_process() or dwBlindnessDetector_processDLA()
Global dwBlindnessDetector_getOutput (dwBlindnessDetectionOutput *output, dwBlindnessDetectorHandle_t handle)
Will be removed. please consider using BlindnessDetector_processPipeline apis dwBlindnessDetector_bindInput(), dwBlindnessDetector_bindOutput(), dwBlindnessDetector_process() or dwBlindnessDetector_processDLA()
Global dwMaps_getClosestLaneOnRoadSegment (const dwMapsLane **closestLane, dwVector3f *closestPoint, const dwMapsRoadSegment *referenceRoadSegment, const dwVector3f *position, bool onlyDrivable)
This method will be removed. Use dwMaps_getClosestLaneFromLocalPoint() instead.
Global dwMapsContentLayer_getType (dwMapsContentLayerType *contentLayerType, dwConstMapsContentLayerHandle_t contentLayerHandle)
Future layers will not encode their type. Refer to Map documentation to determine which view should be constructed for a given layer
Global dwMapsContentLayerType
Future layers will not encode their type. Refer to Map documentation to determine which view should be constructed for a given layer
Global dwMapsFeature::absGeometry
set of points representing a feature in wgs84
Global dwMapsLane::absGeometry
polyline for lane centerline in wgs84 coordinates
Global dwMapsLaneDivider::absGeometry
polyline defining the geometry of the lane divider in wgs84
Global dwMapsRoadSegment::lanes
Use laneGroups to access lanes
Global dwRig_getVehicle (dwVehicle const **const vehicle, dwConstRigHandle_t const obj)
Use dwRig_getGenericVehicle.
Global dwRig_setVehicle (dwVehicle const *const vehicle, dwRigHandle_t const obj)
Use dwRig_setGenericVehicle.
Global dwSignNet_getAvailableClasses (const dwSignClass **signClasses, uint32_t *numSignClasses, dwSignNetHandle_t obj)
Use dwSignNet_getAvailableClassesNew() in this release. In future releases, use same dwSignNet_getAvailableClasses() but with new signature.
Global dwSignNet_getTypeLabel (const char **classLabel, uint32_t classIdx, dwSignNetHandle_t obj)
Will be removed. please use dwSignNet_getClassLabel()
Class dwVehicle
Use dwGenericVehicle, this dwVehicle struct will be deprecated in an upcoming release.