DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.5.78 Release
For Test and Development only

MapStream Download Tool


The NVIDIA® DriveWorks MapStream Download tool downloads MapStream data from NVIDIA's DRIVE Mapping Cloud.

SW Release Applicability: This tool is available in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.


This tool is available on the x86 Host System, NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux, and NVIDIA DRIVE OS QNX.

This tool creates output files that are placed into the current working directory by default. Please ensure the following for your convenience:

  • Write permissions are enabled for the current working directory.
  • Include the tools folder in the binary search path of the system.
  • Execute from your home directory.

To get access to the NVIDIA MappingServices IP address and JWT token, please contact your NVIDIA account representative.

Running the Tool

Run the tool by executing:

./tool_mapperception_download_client  --path=[output_folder]
                                      [--config=[config file]]

If you have a JSON file containing the non-bracketed parameters, you can also run the tool by executing:

./tool_mapperception_download_client --config=[path to config file]


--path=[path to output folder]
        Description: Folder path to serialize the MapStream data to.

--ipaddress=[IP address of service to download from]
        Description: IP address of NVIDIA's DRIVE Mapping Cloud download service.
        Example: --ipaddress=[localhost]

--port=[service port number]
        Description: Port of NVIDIA's DRIVE Mapping Cloud download service.
        Example: --port=[50051]

        Description: The UUID of the MapStream to be downloaded.

        Description: The type of asset to download.
        Example: '--type=mapstream' or '--type=mapregion'

--layer=[layer to download]
        Description: Specifies which layer to download.
                     If the parameter is empty, all layers are downloaded.
                     If '--type=map' or '--type=mapregion', it specifies the layer to download.

        Description: Specifies the bounds for a map query if `--type=mapregion`.
                     This should be a list containing the following in degrees separated by commas:
                     - Upper left latitude (upper_left_lat).
                     - Upper left longitude (upper_left_lon).
                     - Lower right latitude (lower_right_lat).
                     - Lower right longitude (lower_right_lon).
        Example: --bounds=[13.1, 46.3, 100.4, 147.8]

--token=[authorization token]
        Description: Your authorization token.

--secret=[authorization secret]
        Description: Your authorization secret.

--config=[path to config file]
        Description: If this parameter is present, the program reads the configuration from a
                     JSON file containing the required parameters.
                     All other command line arguments are ignored.


Running without the Config File

./tool_mapperception_download_client --path=[output_folder]

Running with the Config File

./tool_mapperception_download_client --config=../tools/maps/tool_mapperception_download_client_config.json