DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.5.78 Release
For Test and Development only

Image.h File Reference

Detailed Description

NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Image Conversion and Streaming Functionality

Description: This file defines methods for image conversion.

Definition in file Image.h.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  dwImageCPU
 Defines a CPU-based image. More...
struct  dwImageCUDA
 Defines a CUDA image. More...
struct  dwImageDataLines
 Container for data lines from the camera. More...
struct  dwImageNvMedia
 Defines an NvMedia image. More...
struct  dwImageProperties
 Defines the properties of the image. More...




typedef struct dwImageObject const * dwConstImageHandle_t
typedef struct dwImageObject * dwImageHandle_t
typedef uint32_t GLenum
typedef uint32_t GLuint


enum  dwImageFormat {
 Format of the image represented as DW_IMAGE_FORMAT_COLORSPACE(_PIXELTYPE)(_PIXELORDER) More...
enum  dwImageMemoryType {
 Specifies memory type layout. More...
enum  dwImageMetaDataFlags {
 Flags defining the meta information available in an image. More...
enum  dwImageType {
 Specifies the image type. More...


DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_copyConvert (dwImageHandle_t output, dwConstImageHandle_t input, dwContextHandle_t context)
 Converts CUDA or NvMedia images by copying into an output image, following the properties in the output image. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_copyConvertAsync (dwImageHandle_t output, dwConstImageHandle_t input, cudaStream_t stream, dwContextHandle_t context)
 Converts CUDA or NvMedia images by copying into an output image, following the properties in the output image. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_create (dwImageHandle_t *image, dwImageProperties properties, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
 Creates and allocates resources for a dwImageHandle_t based on the properties passed as input. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_createAndBindBuffer (dwImageHandle_t *image, dwImageProperties properties, void *buffersIn[DW_MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], size_t pitches[DW_MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], size_t bufferCount, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
 Creates a dwImageHandle_t based on the properties passed and binds a memory buffer provided by the application. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_createAndBindCUDAArray (dwImageHandle_t *image, dwImageProperties properties, cudaArray_t buffers[DW_MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], size_t bufferCount, dwContextHandle_t ctx)
 Creates a dwImageHandle_t based on the properties passed and binds a cudaArray_t to it. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_createAndBindNvMedia (dwImageHandle_t *image, NvMediaImage *nvmImage)
 Creates a dwImageHandle_t based on an nvmedia image. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_destroy (dwImageHandle_t image)
 Destroys the image handle and frees any memory created by dwImage_create(). More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getCPU (dwImageCPU **imageCPU, dwImageHandle_t image)
 Retrieves the dwImageCPU of a dwImageHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getCUDA (dwImageCUDA **imageCUDA, dwImageHandle_t image)
 Retrieves the dwImageCUDA of a dwImageHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getDataLayout (size_t *elementSize, size_t *planeCount, uint32_t planeChannelCount[DW_MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], dwVector2ui planeSize[DW_MAX_IMAGE_PLANES], const dwImageProperties *prop)
 Returns the expected data layout of an image given its properties. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getMetaData (dwImageMetaData *metaData, dwConstImageHandle_t image)
 Retrieves the metadata of a dwImageHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getNvMedia (dwImageNvMedia **imageNvMedia, dwImageHandle_t image)
 Retrieves the dwImageNvMedia of a dwImageHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getPixelType (dwTrivialDataType *type, const dwImageFormat format)
 Retrieves dwTrivialDataType associated with a specific format. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getPlaneCount (size_t *planeCount, const dwImageFormat format)
 Retrieves number of planes of the image format. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getProperties (dwImageProperties *properties, dwConstImageHandle_t image)
 Retrieves the properties of a dwImageHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_getTimestamp (dwTime_t *timestamp, dwConstImageHandle_t image)
 Retrieves the timestamp of acquisition of a dwImageHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImage_setTimestamp (dwTime_t timestamp, dwImageHandle_t image)
 Sets the timestamp of a dwImageHandle_t. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImageCUDA_getPlaneAsImage (dwImageCUDA *planeImage, const dwImageCUDA *srcImage, uint32_t planeIdx)
 Returns a specific plane of a CUDA image as its own single-plane CUDA image. More...
DW_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwImageCUDA_mapToROI (dwImageCUDA *dstImg, const dwImageCUDA *srcImg, dwRect roi)
 Returns a dwImageCUDA that is mapped to a region of interest in the data of the srcImg. More...