DriveWorks SDK Reference
3.5.78 Release
For Test and Development only

PilotNet Workflow
SW Release Applicability: This tutorial is applicable to modules in NVIDIA DRIVE Software releases.


The PilotNetDetector parameters are initialized based on the dwPilotNetHandle_t using the following function call.

This call fills the params.numSensors and params.sensors[x].camera (where x is from 0 to params.numSensors) of the dwPilotNetDetectorParams struct. The rest need to be filled by the application The sensor parameters that need to be populated in the dwPilotNetDetectorParams include the sensor type, input CUDA stream, the designation of camera frame width and height, number of camera frames per second, camera model and camera extrensics.

dwRigHandle rigHandle
dwImageProperties cameraImageProperties;
dwCameraProperties cameraProperties;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < params.numSensors; i++)
uint32_t sensorId;
dwRig_findSensorByName(&sensorId, "camera::front::center::60fov", rigHandle);
params.sensors[i].sensorId = sensorId;
params.sensors[i].stream = cudaStream;
dwRect inputDimensions{};
inputDimensions.width = cameraImageProperties.width;
inputDimensions.height = cameraImageProperties.height;
params.sensors[i].inDimensions = inputDimensions;
params.sensors[i].fps = cameraProperties.framerate;
dwCameraModelHandle_t cameraModel;
dwCameraModel_initialize(&cameraModel, sensorId, rigHandle);
params.sensors[i].cameraModel = cameraModel;
dwTransformation3f transformation;
dwRig_getSensorToRigTransformation(&transformation, sensorId, rigHandle);
params.sensors[i].cameraExtrinsics = &transformation;

After populating all sensor information of each sensor in the params.sensor struct, the Pilotnet Detector module is initialized with the following function call:

Finally a struct must be allocated and binded with the Pilotnet Detector module to store the output of the module with the function call

To get all the supported driving modes of the current model, use


After you successfully initialize the Pilotnet Detector module, you must prepare two struct before inference:

Once all the structs are set, call this function to perform pre processing,

If insufficient images are passed using dwPilotNetDetector_setCameraFrame() before the call to dwPilotNetDetector_processFrames(), an error is thrown.

The region-of-interest extraction from the initial frame is performed internally by the Pilotnet Detector module as part of the dwPilotNetDetector_processFrames() function. The dimensions and position of the ROI can be queried from the module using dwPilotNetDetector_getROIParams() function. The ROI is in turn down-sampled to a patch of fixed dimension that is finally fed into the network. The patch for each input frame can be extracted from the module using the dwPilotNetDetector_getPatchU8() function.

Then call this function to runs the inference:

Finally perform post-processing on the inference output with

This is a blocking call, and the output is ready in the memory bound by the dwPilotNetDetector_bindOutput() function call.

To retrieve the predicted trajectory in image coordinates of a particular camera (denoted by sensorId) for rendering purposes, the following function is called:

uint16_t numPoints,
dwVector3f* trajPoints,
uint16_t numTrajPoints,
uint32_t sensorId,

where trajPoints points to the trajectory of the desired driving mode index in the dwPilotNetDetectorOutput struct, e.g. output.trajectory[DW_PILOTNET_LANE_STABLE].

A visualization mask containing the overlay image of the network activations for the most recent inference can be obtained with the following function call:

uint32_t* numROI,
uint32_t sensorId,

Reset and Release

To update/reset the extrensic calibration of a particluar sensor, use the following function call

If you need to reset the Pilotnet Detector module, e.g. to initialize it again with the same PilotNet model, the following function call can be used:

Finally, the Pilotnet Detector module is released with the function call:

Sample Application

The PilotNet sample application PilotNet Sample shows how to use the API calls mentioned above. It is designed to be a starting point for integrating the NVIDIA Pilotnet Detector module into more complex systems.