DriveWorks SDK Reference
4.0.0 Release
For Test and Development only

RenderEngine.h File Reference

Detailed Description

NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Render Engine

Description: This file defines the C-style interface for Render Engine.

Definition in file RenderEngine.h.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  dwRenderEngineParams
 The initialization parameters for a render engine. More...
struct  dwRenderEngineTileLayout
 The tile layout for the viewport. More...
struct  dwRenderEngineTileState
 The state for a render engine tile. More...


 Maximum number of plots that can be rendered with a single call of dwRenderEngine_renderPlots2D() More...


typedef const struct dwRenderEngineObject * dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t
 Const handle for the render engine. More...
typedef dwVector4f dwRenderEngineColorRGBA
 RGBA render color. More...
typedef struct dwRenderEngineObject * dwRenderEngineHandle_t
 Handle for the render engine. More...


enum  dwRenderEngineColorByValueMode {
 An enum that controls how primitive colors are rendered. More...
enum  dwRenderEngineFont {
 The font types for the render engine. More...
enum  dwRenderEnginePlotType {
 An enum that controls the type of plot to render when calling dwRenderEngine_renderPlot2D. More...
enum  dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType {
 When rendering 2D data the coordinate system is always from 0 to 1, unless changed by calling dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D. More...
enum  dwRenderEngineTileLayoutType {
 The layout indicator for size and position of each tile. More...
enum  dwRenderEngineTilePositionType {
 The layout indicator for position of each tile. More...


DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addSplitScreenTiles (uint32_t *firstTileId, uint32_t *secondTileId, bool horizontal, const dwRenderEngineTileState *firstParams, const dwRenderEngineTileState *secondParams, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Adds two render tiles to the render engine that each take up half of the render area (defined by bounds). More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addTile (uint32_t *tileId, const dwRenderEngineTileState *params, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Adds a render tile to the render engine. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_addTilesByCount (uint32_t *outTileIds, uint32_t tileCount, uint32_t maxPerRow, const dwRenderEngineTileState *paramsList, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Evenly add render tiles to the screen from left to right. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_beginTextBatch (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Signal the start of a series of text-drawing calls. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_createBuffer (uint32_t *bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Creates a buffer for static drawing. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_createImageGLFromFile (dwImageGL *img, const char *filename, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Reads a file from disk and puts it into an dwImageGL. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_destroyBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Destroys a buffer for static drawing. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_destroyImageGL (const dwImageGL *image, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Releases the memory of a dwImageGL. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_endTextBatch (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Signal the end of a series of text-drawing calls. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBackgroundColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA *color, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile background color. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBounds (dwRectf *bounds, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the bounds for the entire render area. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getBufferMaxPrimitiveCount (uint32_t *maxPrimitiveCount, uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the max renderable primitive count for a buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA *color, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile color. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getCoordinateRange2D (dwVector2f *range, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the coordinate range for 2D rendering of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getFont (dwRenderEngineFont *font, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile font. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getLayout (dwRenderEngineTileLayout *layout, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the layout of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getLineWidth (float32_t *lineWidth, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile line width. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getModelView (dwMatrix4f *modelViewMatrix, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the model view matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getPointSize (float32_t *pointSize, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current tile point size. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getProjection (dwMatrix4f *projectionMatrix, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the projection matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getRenderViewport (dwRectf *viewport, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the render viewport for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getState (dwRenderEngineTileState *state, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the current tile state parameters. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getTile (uint32_t *tileId, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the current render tile id. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getTileByScreenCoordinates (uint32_t *tileId, dwVector2f pixelPosition, dwVector2f screenSize, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the tile id that surrounds the input pixel position. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_getViewport (dwRectf *viewport, dwConstRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Gets the user-defined viewport for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initDefaultParams (dwRenderEngineParams *params, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
 Initialize params to default. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initialize (dwRenderEngineHandle_t *engine, const dwRenderEngineParams *params, dwVisualizationContextHandle_t context)
 Initializes a render engine handle. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_initTileState (dwRenderEngineTileState *params)
 Initialize tile params to default state. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_mapBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, void **buffer, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t sizeBytes, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 maps internal buffer for data operations. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_release (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Releases the render engine handle. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_removeTile (uint32_t tileId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Removes a render tile from the render engine. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_render (dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render an external buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render the buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderBufferWithLabels (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, const char **labels, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render the internal buffer with labels. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid2D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders an elliptical grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderEllipticalGrid3D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders an elliptical grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderImage2D (const dwImageGL *img, dwRectf plane, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a 2D image within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderImage3D (const dwImageGL *img, dwRectf plane, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a 2D image in 3D space within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid2D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlanarGrid3D (dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlot2D (dwRenderEnginePlotType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, const char *label, dwVector4f range, dwRectf plane, dwRenderEngineColorRGBA axesColor, float32_t axesWidth, const char *title, const char *xLabel, const char *yLabel, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders a plot in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderPlots2D (const dwRenderEnginePlotType *types, const void **buffers, const uint32_t *vertexStridesBytes, const uint32_t *offsetsBytes, const uint32_t *bufferCounts, const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA *colors, const float32_t *lineWidths, const char **labels, uint32_t plotsCount, dwVector4f range, dwRectf plane, dwRenderEngineColorRGBA axesColor, float32_t axesWidth, const char *title, const char *xLabel, const char *yLabel, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders multiple plots in one graph. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderText2D (const char *text, dwVector2f pos, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders text within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderText3D (const char *text, dwVector3f pos, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Renders text within the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabel (dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, const char *label, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render an external buffer with one label. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_renderWithLabels (dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, const char *labels[], uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Render an external buffer with labels. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_reset (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Resets the state of all render tiles and clears the display. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_resetTile (dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Resets the state of the current tile and clears the display. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_screenToWorld3D (dwVector3f *worldPosition, dwVector2f pixelPosition, dwVector2f screenSize, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the world coordinate in 3D based on screen pixel input. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBackgroundColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA color, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the background color of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBounds (dwRectf bounds, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the bounds for the entire render area. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, const void *buffer, uint32_t vertexStrideBytes, uint32_t offsetBytes, uint32_t primitiveCount, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Set the data for a buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid2D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with an elliptical grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferEllipticalGrid3D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with an elliptical grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid2D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with a grid in 2D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setBufferPlanarGrid3D (uint32_t bufferId, dwRectf plane, float32_t xSpacing, float32_t ySpacing, const dwMatrix4f *modelMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Fills a buffer with a grid in 3D. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setColor (dwRenderEngineColorRGBA color, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the foreground drawing color of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setColorByValue (dwRenderEngineColorByValueMode mode, float32_t scale, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the color of the primitives to be rendered based on their values. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setCoordinateRange2D (dwVector2f range, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the coordinate range for 2D rendering of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setFont (dwRenderEngineFont font, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the font for text drawn in the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLayout (dwRenderEngineTileLayout layout, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the layout of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLineWidth (float32_t lineWidth, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the line width of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLookAt (dwVector3f eye, dwVector3f center, dwVector3f up, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the model view matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setLookAtByAngles (float32_t xAngleRadians, float32_t yAngleRadians, float32_t distance, dwVector3f center, dwVector3f up, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Defines the camera position on a sphere surface around a center point, with the camera looking towards that center point. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setModelView (const dwMatrix4f *modelViewMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the model view matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setOrthoProjection (float32_t left, float32_t right, float32_t bottom, float32_t top, float32_t near, float32_t far, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets up an orthographic projection for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setPerspectiveProjection (float32_t fovRadsY, float32_t aspect, float32_t near, float32_t far, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the projection matrix for the current tile as defined by the parameters. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setPointSize (float32_t pointSize, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the point size of the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setProjection (const dwMatrix4f *projectionMatrix, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the projection matrix for the current tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setState (const dwRenderEngineTileState *state, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Set the current tile state parameters. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setTile (uint32_t tileId, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the state of the engine to be a particular tile. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_setViewport (dwRectf viewport, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Sets the user-defined viewport which is used in conjunction with the other layout parameters to compute the render viewport. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_unmapBuffer (uint32_t bufferId, dwRenderEnginePrimitiveType type, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Unmaps the internal buffer. More...
DW_VIZ_API_PUBLIC dwStatus dwRenderEngine_world3DToScreen (dwVector2f *pixelPosition, dwVector3f worldPosition, dwVector2f screenSize, dwRenderEngineHandle_t engine)
 Get the screen coordinate in based on world 3D input. More...


static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BLACK = {0.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_BLUE = {32.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_CYAN = {0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKBLUE = {45.0f / 255.0f, 44.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 0.6f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKBROWN = {101.0f / 255.0f, 67.0f / 255.0f, 33.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKGREEN = {45.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 44.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKGREY = {72.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKPURPLE = {70.0f / 255.0f, 39.0f / 255.0f, 89.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_DARKRED = {180.0f / 255.0f, 5.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_GREEN = {32.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 32.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE = {51.0f / 255.0f, 153.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 0.6f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTGREEN = {118.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_LIGHTGREY = {185.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_ORANGE = {230.0f / 255.0f, 100.0f / 255.0f, 10.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_PINK = {1.0f, 113.0f / 255.0f, 181.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_PURPLE = {255.0f / 255.0f, 0.0f / 255.0f, 240.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_RED = {230.0f / 255.0f, 72.0f / 255.0f, 32.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_WHITE = {255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 255.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
static const dwRenderEngineColorRGBA DW_RENDER_ENGINE_COLOR_YELLOW = {230.0f / 255.0f, 230.0f / 255.0f, 10.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f}
 Maximum number of tiles that can be added. More...