DriveWorks SDK Reference
4.0.0 Release
For Test and Development only

Integrating with Custom Board

The camera.gmsl sensor creator supports an additional parameter that you can use to specify a custom board. You describe the board with a JSON file that you pass with a statement such as


For example:

dwSensor cameraSensor = DW_NULL_HANDLE;
params.protocol = "camera.gmsl";
params.parameters = "camera-type=ar0231-rccb, \
dwStatus result = dwSAL_createSensor(&cameraSensor, params, sal);

The JSON file contains definitions for the ExtImgDev structs to overwrite the hardcoded one in NVIDIA® DriveWorks. If you use the API, you must create camera.gmsl sensor with a correct camera-type that best matches your camera, for example ar0231-rccb-ss3322, however the JSON file can overwrite default settings. A JSON file for ar0231-rccb-ss3322 on Xavier A looks like this:

"ExtImgDevParam" : {
"moduleName" : "ref_max9286_96705_ar0231rccbss3322",
"resolution" : "1920x1208",
"inputFormat" : "raw12",
"interface" : "csi-ab",
"i2cDevice" : 7,
"desAddr" : 72,
"brdcstSerAddr" : 64,
"serAddr" : [0, 0, 0, 0],
"brdcstSensorAddr" : 16,
"sensorAddr" : [0, 0, 0, 0],
"slave" : false,
"enableEmbLines" : true,
"reqFrameRate" : 30