DriveWorks SDK Reference
4.0.0 Release
For Test and Development only

SIPL-based Image Sensors (Live)

Initialize the Sensor Abstraction Layer

dwSAL_initialize(&sal, sdk);

We create a client

dwSensor cameraSensor = DW_NULL_HANDLE;
params.parameters = "camera-name=SF3324,interface=csi-a,link=0,output-format=processed";
params.protocol = "camera.gmsl.sipl";
dwSAL_createSensor(&cameraSensor, params, sal);

after starting the sensor, the camera will start acquiring frames

while(loop) {

We read a frame, which is stored as a dwCameraFrameHandle_t and specify a timeout value in microseconds

dwTime_t timeout = 33000;
dwSensorCamera_readFrame(&frameHandle, timeout, cameraSensor);

we get an image with type DW_CAMERA_OUTPUT_NATIVE_PROCESSED.

dwImageHandle_t imageNative;
dwSensorCamera_getImage(&imageNative, DW_CAMERA_IMAGE_OUTPUT_NATIVE_PROCESSED,...);
// CODE: use imageNative (maybe send to serializer)

return frames to the fifo

stop the sensor and release


For more details see: