DriveWorks SDK Reference
4.0.0 Release
For Test and Development only

Installation on NVIDIA DRIVE OS QNX

These instructions install the NVIDIA® DriveWorks SDK on an NVIDIA DRIVE® platform on which NVIDIA DRIVE OS QNX is already installed.

If flashing NVIDIA DRIVE OS via NVIDIA SDK Manager fails, unset QNX_BASE and retry again with NVIDIA SDK Manager. As an alternative, remove QNX_BASE from ~/.bashrc and retry again with NVIDIA SDK Manager.

To Install the NVIDIA DriveWorks SDK on a Platform That Has NVIDIA DRIVE OS QNX Installed

  1. On the platform, format a power-safe filesystem:
    $ mkqnx6fs /dev/vblk_mnand2
    After flashing the platform, this step is performed only once.
  2. On the platform, mount the filesystem that the NVIDIA DriveWorks SDK uses:
    $ mount /dev/vblk_mnand2 /mnt
    This step must be executed after every reboot.
  3. On the platform, export the following environment variables:
    $ export BASE_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libnvidia:/lib:/lib/dll:/usr/lib
    $ export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
    $ export GRAPHICS_ROOT=/usr/libnvidia/screen
    $ export CUDA=/usr/local/cuda/lib:/usr/local/cuda/lib/stubs
    $ export DRIVEWORKS=/mnt/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/targets/aarch64-QNX/lib:/mnt/usr/local/driveworks-4.0/bin
  4. On the host Linux system (x86 machine), extract all packages:
    $ mkdir -p /tmp/driveworks-4.0-qnx-filesystem
    $ cd /tmp/driveworks-4.0-qnx-filesystem
    $ tar -xf driveworks-v4.0.0_*_drive-qnx-
    $ tar -xf driveworks_samples-v4.0.0_*_drive-qnx-
    $ tar -xf driveworks_data-v4.0.0_*_drive-qnx-
  5. Copy all the NVIDIA DriveWorks SDK files to the NVIDIA DRIVE platform.

    On the host system, execute:

    $ scp -rp /tmp/driveworks-4.0-qnx-filesystem root@ip_address:/mnt

    where /tmp/driveworks-4.0-qnx-filesystem is the folder into which the NVIDIA DriveWorks SDK QNX archives have been decompressed.