DriveWorks SDK Reference
4.0.0 Release
For Test and Development only

Recording Sensor Data


Section Name Provides guidance on ...
Basic Recording Recording a limited number of sensors on a single NVIDIA® Xavier® processor.
Distributed Recording Synchroneously recording data on sensors distributed across multiple NVIDIA DRIVE platforms.
High Throughput Recording Developing strategies for recording the huge amounts of data that multiple cameras can produce.

NVIDIA® DriveWorks SDK contains recording tools that can record, synchronize, and playback the data captured from multiple devices attached to your NVIDIA DRIVE platforms. You can use the recording tools to test sample applications that interact with sensors:

  • GUI or command line (CLI) recorder tools save sensor data to USB device or another data storage device connected through Ethernet.
  • Replayer tool feeds previously recorded sensor data into your sample application.

The recording applications data can then store the data on a eSATA/USB Drive. The data from each sensor is synchronized with data from other sensors by adding a time stamp to the data.

Recording Capabilities

The following shows DriveWorks recording capabilities:

Data Acquisition from Multiple Sensors

Each sensor acquires and transfers the data to one of the NVIDIA® Xavier® processors on the device. Depending on sensor type, the data may first go through a post-processing step (ex. encoding for camera) prior to disk serialization. It is important to ensure the storage device's bandwidth and capacity are sufficient for the sensor set.

Supported Sensors and Sensor Interfaces

Data Interfaces

For a list of the supported sensors, see DriveWorks Release Notes. The device supports the following interfaces:

Sensor Interfaces

  • BroadR-Reach
  • Controller Area Network (CAN)
  • FlexRay
  • General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
  • Gigabit Ethernet (GbE)
  • Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL) Camera
  • Local Interconnect Network (LIN)

Display and Cockpit Computer Interfaces

  • GMSL
  • HDMI

Development and Debug Interfaces

  • 10- and 1-gigabyte Ethernet
  • HDMI
  • Universal Serial Bus (USB 2 and USB 3)