DriveWorks SDK Reference
4.0.0 Release
For Test and Development only

Sensors Serialization

Sensor serialization is useful for saving sensor information for future playback and analysis.


In order to initialize a sensor serializer, first serialization parameters must be populated. These are as follows:

const char* parameters;

The parameters is a string containing type, file, file-buffer-size, format, bitrate, and framerate. Each of the listed are key/value pairs that are specified in the string as "key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3".

  • type - Required. Specifies data-sink settings. If the value of type is disk, the serializer streams data to the file specified in the file key. If the value of type is user, the serializer uses the provided callback to stream data. When new data is available, the serializer calls the function provided in onData and puts the data in the buffer provided by userData.
  • file - See description for type.
  • file-buffer-size - Size of output buffer to use for file operations.
  • format - Required. Specifies the video format. Supported values are h264 and raw. Only applies to camera sensors.
  • bitrate - Required if format is h264; optional if it is raw. This only applies to camera sensors.
  • framerate - Optional. Controls the framerate of the recorded stream and only applies to camera sensors.

The onData parameter is a callback when specifying a sensor serializer with the type=user.

Once the parameters are set, the sensor serializer can be initialized via the following function:

In addition to passing the parameters, the sensor that is being serialized must be passed into this function.

The serializer can run in async mode (on its own thread) or in non-async mode. Async mode allows the serializer to put the work of i/o on another thread. To run in async mode, the following methods must be used:

dwSensorSerializer_start() // called to start the i/o thread.
dwSensorSerializer_serializeDataAsync() // for generalized sensor data
dwSensorSerializer_stop() // called to stop the i/o thread.

If running the serializer in async mode and multiple serializers are running together (for multiple sensors), one serializer can share its I/O thread with other serializers so that I/O happens for all serializers on the same thread. This is accomplished by attaching one serializer to another via the dwSensorSerializer_attachTo() method where one serializer is specified as the master serialzier and another is the slave.

If running the serializer in non-async mode, the following methods are used for serialization:

dwSensorSerializer_serializeData() // for general sensor data

The following is an example of how instatiate a serializer with a camera sensor and save camera frames to an h264 elementary stream file:

dwSAL_initialize(&sal, sdk);
std::string parameterString = "output-format=yuv";
// CODE: other sensor specific parameters
params.protocol = "camera.gmsl";
dwSAL_createSensor(&cameraSensor, params, sal);
dwSerializerParams serializerParams;
serializerParams.parameters = "format=h264,bitrate=800000,framerate=30,type=disk,file=out.h264";
dwSensorSerializer_initialize(&serializer, &serializerParams, cameraSensor);
while(loop) {
// CODE: use and return frame

For more examples of sensor serialization refer to: