OpenAutomate Conformance Suite - oatest


oatest is the conformance test suite included with OpenAutomate SDK. Its goal is to aid developers integrating OpenAutomate into their applications by making potential errors in the integration transparent.

In general, adding OpenAutomate to an application is fairly trivial, but its easy to introduce bugs during the integration process. Often these bugs won't be perceptible until it's late in the integration process. oatest solves this problem by giving the developer doing the integration, an immediate method of checking whether his application meets the conformance requirements of OpenAutomate.

Finding and Building oatest

The source code for oatest can be found in the SDKROOT/oatest directory of the SDK.

Building oatest is trivial. Simply load the OpenAutomate.sln Visual Studio solution file and build all. The resulting binaries will end up in the SDKROOT/debug or SDKROOT/release directory, depending on which target you choose.

Note: It's recommended that you use debug builds of oatest. The extra debug instrumentation may expose bugs you won't see in a release build.

The two binaries needed to run oatest are oatest.exe and oaremote_plugin.dll. These files may be moved anywhere on the filesystem, but they must always remain in the same directory, otherwise oatest.exe will emit an error, and fail to run.

Running oatest

Running oatest is straightforward. Assuming we want to run the oatest with the example OpenAutomate enabled application included with the SDK--simple_app--and we have built the debug target of the OpenAutomate solution, from the OASDK directory, execute the following on the command-line:

> .\debug\oatest.exe .\debug\simple_app.exe

You should see output to stdout on the console that looks something like:

. Starting process: ./debug/simple_app.exe "-openautomate" "c:\work\OpenAut
. omateSDK\debug\oaremote_plugin.dll;localhost:6969"
. Test group: "benchmarks"
... 11 tests passed.
. Test group: "GetAllOptions"
... 176 tests passed.
. Test group: "GetCurrentOptions"
... 24 tests passed.
. Test group: "RunBenchmark"
... running benchmark: forest
... done running benchmark: forest
... running benchmark: crates
... done running benchmark: crates
... running benchmark: map1
... done running benchmark: map1
... 492 tests passed.
. Test group: "SetOptions"
... Setting INT option 'Compression Level' -> 10
... Setting FLOAT option 'Texture Quality' -> 19.403
... Setting ENUM option 'Texture Size' -> 128
... Setting ENUM option 'User/AA' -> Off
... Setting INT option 'User/Enemy Density' -> 83
... Setting BOOL option 'User/Music Enabled' -> 1
... Setting ENUM option 'User/Resolution' -> 1024x768
... Setting BOOL option 'User/Sound' -> 1
... Starting process: ./debug/simple_app.exe "-openautomate"
... "c:\work\p4-revl-lt5\sw\devrel\GFE\harness\OpenAutomateSDK\debug\oaremot
... e_plugin.dll;localhost:6969"
... 82 tests passed.
. Final summary: 785 tests passed.

A copy of this log may be written to a file as well with the -log command-line option like so:

> .\debug\oatest.exe -log log.txt .\debug\simple_app.exe		

Test Failures

In the event a test fails, a message similar to the following will appear in the section of the log associated with that test:

. Test group: "benchmarks"
... FAILED: benchmarks.cpp, 50: Benchmarks.size() > 0
... !! There must be at least one benchmark defined.
... 1/2 tests FAILED.
. Final summary: 1/277 tests FAILED.

In this example, a test in the test group named benchmarks failed.a Two tests in this group were executed, but only one failed.

The first line of the failure message points to the exact source file and line number within oatest where the test takes place. The following line(s) will contain a more verbose description of the issue.

Most of the time, the description should be more than sufficient to understand and fix the problem. In the event that it isn't clear, it's encouraged to look at the source code for the test directly and/or write your contact at NVIDIA for guidance. The source file for all the tests can be found in the SDKROOT/oatest/tests/ sub-directory.


Occasionally, in addition to the tests passing and failing, warnings are emitted by oatest. Unlike test failures, it's possible to have oatest emit warnings, but still pass OpenAutomate conformance. It is however common that the emission of a warning is a direct result of a problem with the OpenAutomate integration within an application.

For example, it's allowed for an application to not expose any options via OpenAutomate, but still be OpenAutomate compliant. Most applications however, do have options, and the developer doing the integration generaly means to expose these options.

The following is an example of an application--a modified version of simple_app--that passes conformance, but has a warning that points to a potentially serious problem:

. Starting process: ./debug/simple_app.exe "-openautomate" "c:\tmp\OpenAutomat
. eSDK-0.6-2\debug\oaremote_plugin.dll;localhost:6969"
. Test group: "benchmarks"
... 11 tests passed.
. Test group: "GetAllOptions"
... Warning: There were no options returned by the application for command
... OA_CMD_GET_ALL_OPTIONS. This may be a bug.
... 1 tests passed, 1 warnings.
. Test group: "GetCurrentOptions"
... 0 tests passed.
. Test group: "RunBenchmark"
... running benchmark: forest
... done running benchmark: forest
... running benchmark: crates
... done running benchmark: crates
... running benchmark: map1
... done running benchmark: map1
... 492 tests passed.
. Test group: "SetOptions"
... Starting process: ./debug/simple_app.exe "-openautomate"
... "c:\tmp\OpenAutomateSDK-0.6-2\debug\oaremote_plugin.dll;localhost:6969"
... 4 tests passed.
. Final summary: 508 tests passed, 1 warnings.

In general, it's a good idea to pay attention to the warnings emitted by oatest.

OpenAutomate Compliance

An application is not considered OpenAutomate Compliant with a given version of the OpenAutomate SDK, unless it passes all of the tests in oatest without failure.

Developers are strongly encouraged to ensure that all tests pass before sending any prerelease builds with OpenAutomate compatibility to NVIDIA for further testing.

Once NVIDIA receives a build that passes oatest, a much broader set of stress tests requiring a large amount of compute time, and variation in test configuration will be applied to the build. If the build passes these tests, a certificate of compliance will be issued by NVIDIA.



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