New API style, for consistency with other products the API has now an NvFlex prefix, and follows a naming convention similar to PhysX
Add support for DirectX, in addition to CUDA there is now a cross platform DirectX 11 and 12 version of the Flex libraries that Windows applications can link against
Add support for max acceleration clamping, see NvFlexParams::mMaxAcceleration, can be useful to reduce popping with fast moving kinematic shapes and large interpenetration
Add support to querying compute device, see NvFlexGetDeviceName()
Add support for flushing compute queue, see NvFlexFlush()
Add support for multiple library instances, NvFlexInit() now returns a library which is bound to a single compute device
Add support for local space particle simulation, see NvFlexExtMovingFrameInit() and two new local space fluid and cloth demos
Add support for CUDA 8.0.44
Remove NvFlexError enum, errors will be reported through the NvFlexErrorCallback passed to NvFlexInit()
Remove NvFlexMemory enum, users should use the new NvFlexBufferType
Fix bug in inflatable constraint solver that could cause some shapes to generate NaNs
Fix for SDF contact generation when the particle lies completely outside volume, fixes a problem with ghost contacts
Fix for friction being incorrectly applied on trigger shapes
Fix for multi-phase fluid cohesion not working correctly, re-enable Rayleigh-Taylor instability test
Fix bug with public projects that referenced internal CUDA paths
Fix for calling NvFlexSetInflatables() with a count of zero
Fix for buoyancy parameter
Fix for bug in BVH builder that could cause missed collisions
New optional NvFlexDevice library for handling GPU selection and initialization in CUDA
New buffer based API, all data must now be passed to Flex through FlexBuffers created through NvFlexAllocBuffer()
New stable shape matching code for more robust and efficient soft bodies, removes need for NvFlexParams::mInertiaBias
New collision shape API supports instancing of convex meshes and a much simplified API, see NvFlexSetShapes()
Improvements to collision detection for moving shapes, Flex will now perform a CCD check also taking into account the shape trajectory using the prev/current transforms of each shape
Fix for NaNs being generated during shape matching with plastic deformation enabled
Fix for bug that could lead to translational drifting of shape matched rigid bodies
Fix for incorrect interaction of restitution and friction when using the collision margin parameters
New geometry instancing API for specifying collision shapes, adds support for transformed triangle meshes and signed distance fields, see flexSetShapes()
New BVH based collision detection improves performance for scenes with large triangle meshes
New mesh tearing API, see flexExtTearClothMesh()
New CCD collision detection for particle versus convex shape, helps reduce tunneling with thin convexes
Performance improvements for soft body cooking times in flexExtCreateSoftFromMesh()
Exposed intertial bias for shape matching constraints, see FlexParams::mInertiaBias
Exposed parameter to control the lifetime of diffuse particles, see FlexParams::mDiffuseLifetime
Added support for soft bodies, particles can now belong to multiple shape-matching clusters used to drive linear blend skinning
Added support for particle rest positions that can be used to filter collisions between particles that touch in their rest pose, see flexSetRestPositions()
Added support for spheres and capsules as collision shapes, renamed flexSetConvexes() to flexSetShapes()
Added support for user callbacks, these can be used to implement custom constraints, force fields, etc. See flexRegisterSolverCallback()
Added support for the NVIDIA control panel, Flex will now use the selected PhysX device if desired, see flexInit() for details
Added support for Android platforms
Added flexGetParams() method to retrieve default values and set defaults to sensible values
Improved shape-matching algorithm with better inversion handling
Optimizations for flexSetTriangles(), users can now pass the triangle bounds to avoid having them re-calculated explicitly
Rigid constraints now use quaternions as their orientation representation, see flexSetRigids() and flexGetRigidTransforms()
Exposed anisotropy min/max clamping for better control of particle fluid rendering, see FlexParams::mAnisotropyMin and FlexParams::mAnisotropyMax
Fix for smooth particles not being generated if anisotropy was not enabled
Fix for demo mouse picking
Fix for flexGetContacts() returning incorrect values, added contact visualization to the demo app
Fix for bug in flexGetBounds() which meant it could return bounds with one frame delay, users should now synchronize the flexGetBounds() call like other query methods
Fix whitespace on flex.h to play nice with Github’s code view
Fix for triangle mesh collision when particle moves in the plane of the triangle incorrectly reporting contact
Fix leak when destroying solver
Fix for incomplete initialization of FlexExtAssets in the extension creation methods
Switched to bindless textures, 50% reduction in CPU usage, because of this change Flex now requires an SM3.0 or above GPU
Optimized convex grid rasterization by assigning 4 warps/shape, reduces time from 1ms->0.25ms for large shapes
Added error mesasge callback, see flexInit()
Added flexSetFence()/flexWaitFence() for more fine grained synchronization with Flex GPU work, flexSynchronize() has been removed
Added static/dynamic flags for convex shapes to allow prioritising static contacts over dynamic, can be useful to prevent tunnelling through thin shapes
Added local/global relaxation to improve convergence for some scenes (see FlexParams::eRelaxationMode)
Removed flexGetVorticities(), allows optimizations for vorticity confinement calculation
Fix for flexSetSprings(), flexSetTriangles(), and flexSetConvexes() reallocing more often than necessary
Fix for flexGetDensities(), and flexGetAnisotropy() not returning the full particle array if using sparse active set
Fix for memory leak when instance creation fails in flexExtCreateInstance()
Fix for memory leak when setting rigid bodies multiple times
Fix for potential GPU crash when using plastic deformation on rigid bodies
Smooth vertex normals are now computed for particles belonging to dynamic triangles (cloth), they can be retrieved via flexGetNormals()