cusolverMp Data Types

Data types


The cusolverMpHandle_t structure holds the cusolverMp library context (device properties, system information, etc.).
The handle must be initialized and destroyed using cusolverMpCreate() and cusolverMpDestroy() functions respectively.


The cudaLibMpGrid_t structure holds information about the grid dimensions and stores the communicator associated to the grid of processes.
It must be initialized and destroyed using cusolverMpCreateDeviceGrid() and cusolverMpDestroyGrid() functions respectively.


The cudaLibMpMatrixDesc structure captures the shape and characteristics of a distributed matrix.
It must be initialized and destroyed using cusolverMpCreateMatrixDesc() and cusolverMpDestroyMatrixDesc() functions respectively.



Describes the ordering or the grid of processes.
Value Meaning
CUDALIBMP_GRID_MAPPING_ROW_MAJOR The grid of processes will be accessed in row major ordering.
CUDALIBMP_GRID_MAPPING_COL_MAJOR The grid of processes will be accessed in column major ordering.