API reference

This section describes all the cuFFTMp functions.


As described in Versioning, the single-GPU and single-process, multi-GPU functionalities of cuFFT and cuFFTMp are identical when their versions match. However, multi-process functionalities are only available on cuFFTMp. This section documents only the APIs relevant for cuFFTMp.

Plan creation, execution and destruction

cufftCreate and cufftDestroy

type cufftHandle

An opaque handle to a cuFFTMp plan.

cufftResult cufftCreate(cufftHandle *plan)

Creates only an opaque handle, and allocates small data structures on the host. The cufftMakePlan*() calls actually do the plan generation

  • plan[In] – Pointer to a cufftHandle object

  • plan[Out] – Contains a cuFFT plan handle value

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFTMp successfully created the FFT plan

  • CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED – The allocation of resources for the plan failed

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – One or more invalid parameters were passed to the API

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An internal driver error was detected

  • CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED – The cuFFTMp library failed to initialize.

cufftResult cufftDestroy(cufftHandle plan)

Frees all GPU resources associated with a cuFFT plan and destroys the internal plan data structure. This function should be called once a plan is no longer needed, to avoid wasting GPU memory.

  • plan[In] – The cufftHandle object of the plan to be destroyed.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully destroyed the FFT plan.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan parameter is not a valid handle.


cufftResult cufftSetStream(cufftHandle plan, cudaStream_t stream);

Associates a CUDA stream with a cuFFT plan. All kernel launches made during plan execution are now done through the associated stream, enabling overlap with activity in other streams (e.g. data copying). The association remains until the plan is destroyed or the stream is changed with another call to cufftSetStream().

  • plan[In] – The cufftHandle object to associate with the stream

  • stream[In] – A valid CUDA stream created with cudaStreamCreate(); 0 for the default stream

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully destroyed the FFT plan.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan parameter is not a valid handle.


enum cufftMpCommType
enumerator CUFFT_COMM_MPI

Indicates that the communication handle is a pointer to an MPI communicator. In this case cuFFTMp will initialize NVSHMEM only for the processes belonging to the MPI communicator. This is equivalent to calling nvshmem_init_attr (see here) with NVSHMEMX_INIT_WITH_MPI_COMM.

enumerator CUFFT_COMM_NONE

Indicates that the communication handle is NULL. In this case, cuFFTMp will initialize NVSHMEM for all processes in the program. This is equivalent to calling nvshmem_init (see here).

NVSHMEM, and cuFFTMp, will be bootstrapped and initialized according to the value of the environment variable NVSHMEM_BOOTSTRAP. The default is NVSHMEM_BOOTSTRAP=PMI, in which case PMI will be used to bootstrap NVSHMEM and cuFFTMp. In that case, all cuFFTMp APIs (cufftMpAttachComm, cufftMakePlan, etc.) need to be called by all processes managed by PMI. If NVSHMEM_BOOTSTRAP=MPI, then all cuFFTMp APIs must be called by all processes in MPI_COMM_WORLD. More information on bootstrapping and initialization can be found in the NVSHMEM documentation here and here.

An enumeration describing the kind of a communication handle and how to initialize cuFFTMp and NVSHMEM.

cufftResult cufftMpAttachComm(cufftHandle plan, cufftMpCommType comm_type, void *comm_handle)

cufftMpAttachComm attaches a communication handle to the plan and enables the multi-process API. comm_type is an enum indicating the type of the communication handle, and comm_handle is a pointer to the handle. comm_handle is a pointer to a communication handle, and

  • The pointer should remain valid up until cufftDestroy is called;

  • The underlying handle should remain valid up until cufftDestroy is called.

  • plan[In]cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate

  • comm_type[In] – An enum indicating the type of the communication handle.

  • comm_handle[In] – A pointer to a communication handle. The lifetime of the pointed object need to exceeds plan creation, execution and destruction.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully associated the communication handle with the plan.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan is not valid.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUEcomm_handle is null for CUFFT_COMM_MPI or comm_handle is not null for CUFFT_COMM_NONE.


When using comm_type == CUFFT_COMM_MPI, comm_handle should point to an MPI communicator of type MPI_Comm. The MPI implementation should be consistent with the NVSHMEM MPI bootstrap, which is built for OpenMPI. Using another MPI implementation requires a different NVSHMEM MPI bootstrap, otherwise behaviour is undefined. The extra_bootstraps directory in the code samples shows how to build a custom MPI bootstrap for a custom MPI implementation.


When using comm_type == CUFFT_COMM_MPI, the communicator should remain valid from plan creation to destruction. This means that if the communicator is MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_Finalize needs to be called after cufftDestroy. If the communicator is a custom-built communicator, MPI_Comm_free needs to be called after cufftDestroy.


When comm_handle is a pointer to a communicator, the pointer’s lifetime should exceed the plan creation and destruction. This means this is invalid

   MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
   void* comm_handle = &comm;
   cufftXtAttachComm(plan, CUFFT_COMM_MPI, comm_handle)
} // comm goes out of scope and &comm is dangling
cufftMakePlan(...) // &comm is now dangling and behaviour is undefined
cufftDestroy(...) // &comm is now dangling and behaviour is undefined


cufftResult cufftXtSetDistribution(cufftHandle plan, int rank, const long long int *lower_input, const long long int *upper_input, const long long int *lower_output, const long long int *upper_output, const long long int *strides_input, const long long int *strides_output)

cufftXtSetDistribution indicates to the plan that the input and output descriptor will be of type CUFFT_XT_FORMAT_DISTRIBUTED_INPUT and CUFFTXT_FORMAT_DISTRIBUTED_OUTPUT. In such case, the input and output data will be assumed to be distributed according to (lower_input, upper_input) and (lower_output, upper_output), respectively. (lower_input, upper_input) describes the section of the global nx x ny (if rank is 2) or nx * ny * nz (if rank is 3) space owned by the current process, and similarly for (lower_output, upper_output). strides_input and strides_output describe the data layout in memory in the input and output, respectively. The local data layout needs to be in “C-order”, possibly with padding between dimensions. The number of elements should be at least (upper_input[0] - lower_input[0]) * strides_input[0] for input and (upper_output[0] - lower_output[0]) * strides_output[0] for output. All the six input arrays of the function may be freed immediately after the function returns.

  • plan[In]cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate

  • rank[In] – The rank of the transform, and the length of the lower_input, upper_input, lower_output, upper_output, strides_input and strides_output arrays. rank should be 2 or 3.

  • lower_input[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the lower-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the input descriptor.

  • upper_input[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the upper-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the input descriptor.

  • lower_output[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the lower-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the output descriptor.

  • upper_output[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the upper-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the output descriptor.

  • strides_input[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the local data layout of the input descriptor in memory. All entries much be decreasing and positive.

  • strides_output[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the local data layout of the output descriptor in memory. All entries much be decreasing and positive.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFTMp successfully associated the plan with the input and output boxes.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan is not valid.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – Either rank is not 2 or 3, the strides are not-positive and decreasing or the lower/input arrays are not valid.


cufftResult cufftXtSetSubformatDefault(cufftHandle plan, cufftXtSubFormat subformat_forward, cufftXtSubFormat subformat_inverse)

cufftXtSetSubformatDefault indicates the data distribution expected by cufftXtExec or cufftExec*. cufftXtSetSubformatDefault must be called prior to using cufftXtExec or cufftExec* APIs.

When doing a forward transform (e.g., cufftExecC2C(..., CUFFT_FORWARD) or cufftExecR2C), the input data distribution is described by subformat_forward and the output by subformat_inverse. When doing an inverse transform (e.g., cufftExecC2C(..., CUFFT_INVERSE) or cufftExecC2R), the input data distribution is described by subformat_inverse and the output by subformat_forward.

subformat_forward and subformat_inverse must be opposite from each other. The opposite of CUFFT_XT_FORMAT_INPLACE is CUFFT_XT_FORMAT_INPLACE_SHUFFLED (and vice-versa). The opposite of CUFFT_XT_FORMAT_DISTRIBUTED_INPUT is CUFFT_XT_FORMAT_DISTRIBUTED_OUTPUT (and vice-versa).

cufftXtExecDescriptors and cufftXtExec (or cufftExec*) can both be used when cufftXtSetSubformatDefault has been applied to a plan.

  • plan[In]cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate


  • subformat_inverse[In] – The input subformat for an inverse transform. Must be the opposite of subformat_forward.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFTMp successfully associated the plan with the input and output boxes.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan is not valid.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUEsubformat_forward is not one of the four accepted value, or subformard_inverse is not the opposite of subformat_forward.


cufftResult cufftMakePlan2d(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, cufftType type, size_t *workSize)
cufftResult cufftMakePlan3d(cufftHandle plan, int nx, int ny, int nz, cufftType type, size_t *workSize)

Following a call to cufftCreate, makes a 2D (resp. 3D) FFT plan configuration according to specified signal sizes and data type. This call can only be used once for a given handle. It will fail and return CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN if the plan is locked, i.e. the handle was previously used with a different cufftPlan or cufftMakePlan call. For more details on memory buffer management, please also refer to NVSHMEM memory buffer in cuFFTMp.

  • plan[In]cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate

  • nx[In] – The transform size in the x dimension. This is slowest changing dimension of a transform (strided in memory).

  • ny[In] – The transform size in the y dimension.

  • nz[In] – The transform size in the z dimension. This is fastest changing dimension of a transform (contiguous in memory).

  • type[In] – The transform data type (e.g., CUFFT_R2C for single precision real to complex).

  • *workSize[Out]

    Pointer to the size(s), in bytes, of the work areas.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully created the FFT plan.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan parameter is not a valid handle.

  • CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED – The allocation of GPU resources for the plan failed.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – One or more invalid parameters were passed to the API.

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An internal driver error was detected.

  • CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED – The cuFFT library failed to initialize.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_SIZE – One or more of the nx, ny, or nz parameters is not a supported size.


cufftResult cufftXtExecDescriptor(cufftHandle plan, cudaLibXtDesc *input, cudaLibXtDesc *output, int direction);

Function cufftXtExecDescriptor executes any cuFFT transform regardless of precision and type. In case of complex-to-real and real-to-complex transforms direction parameter is ignored. cuFFT uses the GPU memory pointed to by cudaLibXtDesc *input descriptor as input data and cudaLibXtDesc *output as output data.

  • plan[In]cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate

  • input[In] – Pointer to the complex input data (in GPU memory) to transform

  • output[In] – Pointer to the complex output data (in GPU memory)

  • direction[In] – The transform direction: CUFFT_FORWARD or CUFFT_INVERSE. Ignored for complex-to-real and real-to-complex transforms.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully executed the FFT plan.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan parameter is not a valid handle.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – At least one of the parameters input and output is not valid

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An internal driver error was detected.

  • CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED – cuFFT failed to execute the transform on the GPU.

  • CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED – The cuFFT library failed to initialize.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_DEVICE – An invalid GPU index was specified in a descriptor.

cufftXtExec, cufftExec*

cufftResult cufftXtExec(cufftHandle plan, void *idata, void *odata, int direction);

Executes a plan on a distributed array. idata and odata must both be the start of an NVSHMEM allocated buffer. Can only be called if cufftXtSetSubformatDefault was previously called on the plan. The same conditions apply to cufftExec* APIs. For strided input/output data (set by cufftXtSetDistribution), the number of elements in NVSHMEM symmetric heap should be at least (upper_input[0] - lower_input[0]) * strides_input[0] for input buffer and (upper_output[0] - lower_output[0]) * strides_output[0] for output buffer when allocating memory for the NVSHMEM symmetric heap. If the number of elements on each GPU is not the same, the maximum buffer size across all GPUs should be used. As this executes communication calls to write on memory buffers on remote GPUs, the user is responsible for making sure idata, odata and workspace buffer (if there is any) are available on all other GPUs before kernel execution (such as placing synchronous points/barriers like nvshmemx_sync_all_on_stream(stream) before the API) to avoid race conditions. Upon return, the memory buffers on all GPUs are available.

  • plan[In]cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate

  • idata[In/Out] – Pointer to the input data (in GPU memory and NVSHMEM allocated) to transform

  • odata[In/Out] – Pointer to the output data (in GPU memory and NVSHMEM allocated)

  • direction[In] – The transform direction: CUFFT_FORWARD or CUFFT_INVERSE. Ignored for complex-to-real and real-to-complex transforms.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully executed the FFT plan.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan parameter is not a valid handle.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – At least one of the parameters input and output is not valid

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An internal driver error was detected.

  • CUFFT_EXEC_FAILED – cuFFT failed to execute the transform on the GPU.

  • CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED – The cuFFT library failed to initialize.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_DEVICE – An invalid GPU index was specified in a descriptor.


enum cufftXtSubFormat

Describes a built-in Slab data distribution distributed along the X axis.


Describes a built-in Slab data distribution distributed along the Y axis.


Describes a data distribution distributed according to the box_input argument of cufftXtSetDistribution


Describes a data distribution distributed according to the box_output argument of cufftXtSetDistribution

enum cufftXtCopyType

Copies data from a host CPU buffer to the device descriptor. Data should be distributed according to the descriptor’s subformat. This does not redistribute data across processes.


Copies data from the device descriptor to a host CPU buffer. Data will be distributed according to the descriptor’s subformat. This does not redistribute data across processes.


Redistribute data from a device descriptor to another.

cufftXtMalloc and cufftXtFree

cufftResult cufftXtMalloc(cufftHandle plan, cudaLibXtDesc **descriptor, cufftXtSubFormat format)

cufftXtMalloc allocates a descriptor, and all memory for data in GPUs associated with the plan, and returns a pointer to the descriptor. Note the descriptor contains an array of device pointers so that the application may preprocess or postprocess the data on the GPUs. The enumerated parameter cufftXtSubFormat_t indicates if the buffer will be used for input or output. For more details on memory buffer management, please also refer to NVSHMEM memory buffer in cuFFTMp.

  • plan[In] – cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate

  • descriptor[In/Out] – Pointer to a pointer to a cudaLibXtDesc object

  • format[In]cufftXtSubFormat value

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully allows user to allocate descriptor and GPU memory.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan parameter is not a valid handle or it is not a multiple GPU plan.

  • CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED – The allocation of GPU resources for the plan failed.

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An internal driver error was detected.

  • CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED – The cuFFT library failed to initialize.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_DEVICE – An invalid GPU index was specified in the descriptor.

cufftResult cufftXtFree(cudaLibXtDesc *descriptor)

cufftXtFree frees the descriptor and all memory associated with it. The descriptor and memory must have been returned by a previous call to cufftXtMalloc.

  • descriptor[In] – Pointer to a cudaLibXtDesc object

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully allows user to free descriptor and associated GPU memory.

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An internal driver error was detected.


cufftResult cufftXtMemcpy(cufftHandle plan, void *dstPointer, void *srcPointer, cufftXtCopyType type)

cufftXtMemcpy copies data between buffers on the host and GPUs or between GPUs. The enumerated parameter cufftXtCopyType_t indicates the type and direction of transfer.

This function is synchronous with respect to the host. In particular, if a stream was associated with the plan, the stream should be synchronized before calling cufftXtMemcpy.

  • plan[In] – cufftHandle returned by cufftCreate

  • dstPointer[Out] – Pointer to the destination address(es)

  • srcPointer[In] – Pointer to the source address(es)

  • type[In] – cufftXtCopyType value

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully allows user to copy memory between host and GPUs or between GPUs.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_PLAN – The plan parameter is not a valid handle.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – One or more invalid parameters were passed to the API.

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An internal driver error was detected.

  • CUFFT_SETUP_FAILED – The cuFFT library failed to initialize.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_DEVICE – An invalid GPU index was specified in a descriptor.

Standalone Reshape

type cufftReshapeHandle

An opaque handle to a reshape operation.


cufftResult cufftMpCreateReshape(cufftReshapeHandle *handle)

This function initializes a reshape handle for future use. This function is not collective.

  • handle[In/Out] – A pointer to an opaque cufftReshapeHandle object.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully created a reshape handle.

  • CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED – cuFFT failed to allocate enough host memory for the handle.


cufftResult cufftMpAttachReshapeComm(cufftReshapeHandle handle, cufftMpCommType comm_type, void *comm_handle)

This function attaches a communication handle to a reshape. This function is not collective.

  • handle[In] – A handle to a reshape operation, following cufftMpCreateReshape

  • comm_type[In] – An enum describing the communication type of the handle.

  • comm_handle[In] – If comm_type is CUFFT_COMM_MPI, this should be a pointer to an MPI communicator. The pointer should remain valid until destruction of the handle. Otherwise, this should be NULL.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully associated a communication handle to the reshape.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUEcomm_handle is NULL for CUFFT_COMM_MPI or comm_handle is not NULL for CUFFT_COMM_NONE.


cufftResult cufftMpMakeReshape(cufftReshapeHandle handle, size_t element_size, int rank, const long long int *lower_input, const long long int *upper_input, const long long int *lower_output, const long long int *upper_output, const long long int *strides_input, const long long int *strides_output)

This function creates a reshape intended to re-distribute a global array of 3D data. The data is initially distributed, on the current process, according to *box_in. After the reshape, the data will be distributed according to *box_out. The meaning of rank, lower_input, upper_input, lower_output, upper_output, strides_input and strides_output is identical to the cufftXtSetDistribution function. Each element is of size element_size, in bytes. This function is collective and should be called by all process together. All input arrays may be free immediately after this function returns.

  • handle[In] – The reshape handle.

  • element_size[In] – The size of the individual elements, in bytes. Allowed values are 4, 8 and 16.

  • rank[In] – The length of the lower_input, upper_input, lower_output, upper_output, strides_input and strides_output arrays. rank should be 3.

  • lower_input[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the lower-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the input descriptor.

  • upper_input[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the upper-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the input descriptor.

  • lower_output[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the lower-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the output descriptor.

  • upper_output[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the upper-corner of the portion of the global nx * ny * nz array owned by the current process in the output descriptor.

  • strides_input[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the local data layout of the input descriptor in memory. All entries much be decreasing and positive.

  • strides_output[In] – An array of length rank, respresenting the local data layout of the output descriptor in memory. All entries much be decreasing and positive.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully created the reshape operation.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – The handle is invalid, cufftMpAttachReshapeComm was not called, rank is not 3 or any of the arrays is incorrect.

  • CUFFT_ALLOC_FAILED – cuFFT failed to allocate enough host and/or device memory for the handle.

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – cuFFT failed to initialize the underlying communication library.


The new experimental multi-node implementation can be choosen by defining CUFFT_RESHAPE_USE_PACKING=1 in the environment. This requires scratch space but provides improved performances over Infiniband.


cufftResult cufftMpGetReshapeSize(cufftReshapeHandle handle, size_t *workspace_size)

Returns the amount (in bytes) of workspace required to execute the handle. There is no guarantee that the workspace_size will or will not change between versions of cuFFTMp.

  • handle[In] – A handle created using cufftMpCreateReshape.

  • workspace_size[Out] – The size, in bytes, of the workspace required during reshape execution

Return values:

CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully returned the workspace size.


cufftResult cufftMpExecReshapeAsync(cufftReshapeHandle handle, void *data_out, const void *data_in, void *workspace, cudaStream_t stream)

Executes the reshape, redistributing data_in into data_out using the workspace in workspace. This function executes in the stream stream. This function is collective and stream-ordered. The user is responsible to ensure that all GPUs involved in the communication will be able to synchronize in the stream(s), otherwise deadlocks may occur. For strided input/output data, the number of elements in NVSHMEM symmetric heap should be at least (upper_input[0] - lower_input[0]) * strides_input[0] for input buffer and (upper_output[0] - lower_output[0]) * strides_output[0] for output buffer when allocating memory for the NVSHMEM symmetric heap. If the number of elements on each GPU is not the same (asymmetric reshape), the maximum buffer size across all GPUs should be used. As this executes communication calls to write on memory buffers on remote GPUs, the user is responsible for making sure data_in, data_out and workspace are available on all other GPUs before kernel execution (such as placing synchronous points/barriers like nvshmemx_sync_all_on_stream(stream) before the API) to avoid race conditions. Upon return, the memory buffers on all GPUs are available.

  • handle[In] – The reshape handle.

  • data_out[Out] – A symmetric-heap pointer to the output data. This memory should be NVSHMEM allocated and identical on all processes.

  • data_in[In] – A symmetric-heap pointer to the input data. This memory should be NVSHMEM allocated and identical on all processes.

  • workspace[Out] – A symmetric-heap pointer to the workspace data. This memory should be NVSHMEM allocated and identical on all processes.

  • stream[In] – The CUDA stream in which to run the reshape operation.

Return values:
  • CUFFT_SUCCESS – cuFFT successfully created the reshape operation.

  • CUFFT_INVALID_VALUE – cufftMpMakeReshape was not called prior to this function.

  • CUFFT_INTERNAL_ERROR – An error occurred during kernel execution.


cufftResult cufftMpDestroyReshape(cufftReshapeHandle handle)

Destroys a reshape and all its associated data.

  • handle[In] – The reshape handle to destroy.

Return values:

CUFFT_SUCCESS – The handle was successfully destroyed.