************* Release Notes ************* ================= cuSOLVERMp v0.4.0 ================= * Released with HPC-SDK 23.5. * Added routines for symmetric (Hermitian) generalized eigen solver * :ref:`cusolverMpSygst() ` reduces the symmetric (Hermitian) generalized eigen problem to standard form. * :ref:`cusolverMpSygvd() ` computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric (Hermitian) generalized eigen problem. ================= cuSOLVERMp v0.3.1 ================= * Released with HPC-SDK 23.3. * Minor bugfixes are included * :ref:`cusolverMpPotrf() ` fixes to result cleans zeros of the imaginary part of diagonals. * :ref:`cusolverMpStedc() ` fixes internal memory leak. ================= cuSOLVERMp v0.3.0 ================= * Released with HPC-SDK 23.1. * Removed dependency on MPI, now UCC library is the main communication backend * Provide the following computational APIs: * :ref:`cusolverMpGeqrf_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpGeqrf() `, :ref:`cusolverMpOrmqr_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpOrmqr() `, :ref:`cusolverMpGels_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpGels() `, :ref:`cusolverMpSytrd_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpSytrd() `, :ref:`cusolverMpStedc_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpStedc() `, :ref:`cusolverMpOrmtr_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpOrmtr() `, :ref:`cusolverMpSyevd_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpSyevd() `. * Note that :ref:`cusolverMpGels() ` currently supports least square solutions with no-transpose option only. * Note that :ref:`cusolverMpSytrd() `, :ref:`cusolverMpOrmtr() ` and :ref:`cusolverMpSyevd() ` currently support a lower triangular input matrix only. ================= cuSOLVERMp v0.2.0 ================= * Released with HPC-SDK 21.09. * Added support for `pp64 + SpectrumMPI`, targeting ORNL's Summit Supercomputer. * Added Cholesky factorization and solve APIs: * :ref:`cusolverMpPotrf_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpPotrf() `, :ref:`cusolverMpPotrs_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpPotrs() `. * Note that :ref:`cusolverMpGetrs() ` does not offer support for multiple right-hand sides at this point. ================= cuSOLVERMp v0.1.0 ================= * Initial release with HPC-SDK 20.09. * Support `Linux x86_64` and `SM 8.0`. * Provide the following computational APIs: * :ref:`cusolverMpGetrf_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpGetrf() `, :ref:`cusolverMpGetrs_bufferSize() `, :ref:`cusolverMpGetrs() `. * Note that :ref:`cusolverMpGetrs() ` does not offer support for multiple right-hand sides at this point.