2D Skeleton Pose Estimation

Robotics requires applications that can detect and estimate poses, track and estimate future states, and reason about these states to make decisions about a wide variety of articulate objects. Primary examples of such objects include people, machinery, and inanimate objects. Pose estimation for people is particularly complex, due to the complexity of their behavior and a wide variety of clothing. This complexity is further amplified by the biases in probability distributions of data and by the presence of rare cases in the data.

The 2D Skeleton Pose Estimation application in Isaac SDK provides the framework to run inference using the pose-estimaton model described in “2D Skeleton Pose Estimation for Articulate Objects with Part Affinity Fields” (Zhe et al.). This application aims at low-latency joint real-time object detection and 2D keypoint pose estimation by leveraging GPU acceleration while achieving good accuracy.

Multiple instances of an object class can be processed at a time; in fact, there is no hard limit on the number of object instances that can be processed simultaneously. Overlapping, occlusion, and self-occlusion cases are supported. Local out-of-frame occlusion keypoint estimation is also available.


Skeleton (2D Keypoints) Pose Estimation

The 2D Skeleton Pose Estimation application consists of an inference application and a neural network training application.

The inference application takes an RGB image, encodes it as a tensor, runs TensorRT inference to jointly detect and estimate keypoints, and determines the connectivity of keypoints and 2D poses for objects of interest. To run inference, this application requires a trained neural network for the object of interest.

To train the neural network, you can use the NVIDIA AI IOT TensorRT Pose Estimation open source project. It allows distributed GPU training from COCO type datasets using the PyTorch open source machine learning library. Alternatively, any Part Affinity Field compatible neural network training code can be used.

The following computational graph outlines the end-to-end inference of the keypoint pose estimation model from a single RGB image:


Running Inference

To run the inference application on static image data, run the following command within Isaac SDK:


bob@desktop:~/isaac$ bazel run packages/skeleton_pose_estimation/apps/openpose:openpose_inference


While the model is able to run inference in real time, first-time deployment of the model requires optimization of the neural network to the target GPU device. This optimization can take 20 to 60 seconds. Consecutive deployments take 1-2 seconds to load and are primarily bound by disk (i/o) performance of the target system.

The application takes a monocular camera feed from a static image and outputs the estimated 2D keypoints of the detected objects. The estimated pose can be automatically visualized in Sight at http://localhost:3000.


To recover the scale and aspect ratio of the original image in the output, set the output scale in the OpenPoseDecoder configuration. For example, if the original image (or camera) input has 640x480 pixels resolution, the output scale should be set to [480, 640]:


"isaac.skeleton_pose_estimation.OpenPoseDecoder": { "output_scale": [480, 640]

Running Inference on Embedded Platforms

Inference requires a non-trivial amount of resources that may result in system strain on embedded platforms like the Jetson Nano and Jetson TX2. A selection of models that work at different input resolutions and input/output resolution factors (1:2, 1:4) is available to better fit the constraints of a particular use case.

An example of a high performance model suitable to Jetson Nano is available. This model uses a 1:4 scale factor and is designed to provide a good tradeoff between model accuracy and the real-time processing constraints of GPU-CPU memory transfers and computational capacity. To deploy this model on Jetson Nano, follow these steps:

  1. Deploy the //packages/skeleton_pose_estimation/apps/openpose:trt_pose_inference-pkg to the robot as explained in Deploying and Running on Jetson.

  2. Switch to the directory of the deployed package on the Jetson with the following command:


    user@jetson:~/$ cd ~/deploy/bob/trt_pose_inference-pkg

    Where “bob” is your username on the host system.

  3. Run the application with the following command:


    user@jetson:~/deploy/bob/trt_pose_inference-pkg-pkg/$ ./packages/skeleton_pose_estimation/apps/openpose/trt_pose_inference

Message Types

The inference application utilizes the following message types:


The inference application utilizes the following codelets:

Sample inference

The images below demonstrate the inference output and post-processing steps of the OpenPose algorithm (detected objects, graph connectivity and parts locations):



The following steps use NVIDIA AI IOT TensorRT Pose Estimation to train the neural network. For more details, please refer to the TensorRT Pose Estimation documentation.


Model training requires a non-trivial amount of resources. We recommend training neural networks on the NVIDIA DGX, NVIDIA DGX Station, or a multi-GPU virtual machine instance. Even with a powerful machine, it takes a non-trivial amount of time to download the dataset, pre-process the data, train the model, and export it.

Step 1. Pre-requisites Installation with a Docker container

NVIDIA NGC provides a ready-to-use NVIDIA PyTorch 1.2 Docker image that has all pre-requisite components for training an NVIDIA AI IOT TensorRT Pose Estimation model. Please pull and run a Docker container using the following commands:


Please refer to the NVIDIA NGC Setup page to get access to the container and to set up Docker.


docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:19.09-py3 nvidia-docker run -it nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:19.09-py3

Step 2. Installation

Clone the NVIDIA AI IOT TensorRT Pose Estimation repository and install it:


git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/trt_pose cd trt_pose python3 setup.py install --user

Step 3. Downloading COCO 2017 and Pre-Processing

Download the COCO 2017 dataset and pre-process it with the following commands:


Ensure you have at least 50 Gb of space available for the 20 Gb download and workspace.


cd tasks/human_pose/ bash download_coco.sh unzip val2017.zip unzip train2017.zip unzip annotations_trainval2017.zip python3 preprocess_coco_person.py annotations/person_keypoints_train2017.json annotations/person_keypoints_train2017_modified.json python3 preprocess_coco_person.py annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json annotations/person_keypoints_val2017_modified.json

Step 4. Model Training

Train the DNN with the following commands:


cd tasks/human_pose/ python3 -m trt_pose.train experiments/resnet18_baseline_att_224x224_A.json


Alternate model resolutions and architectures are available in the experiments folder.

Step 5. Conversion to ONNX Model

The TensorRT Pose Estimation package contains a utility to convert trained models from the PyTorch framework to a common ONNX format. In this application, the PyTorch parser reads the model weights and converts them to ONNX so they can be used for inference by the TensorRT codelet.

At the end of the training iterations, the PyTorch model is saved as a .pth file. You then need to convert it to the ONNX model using the python script and ONNX parser.

For example, at the end of the 249th epoch, the PyTorch model is saved as experiments/resnet18_baseline_att_224x224_A.json.checkpoints/epoch_249.pth and can be converted to an ONNX model using the following command:


cd tasks/human_pose/ cp experiments/resnet18_baseline_att_224x224_A.json.checkpoints/epoch_249.pth \ resnet18_baseline_att_224x224_A_epoch_249.pth python3 ../../trt_pose/utils/export_for_isaac.py --input_checkpoint resnet18_baseline_att_224x224_A_epoch_249.pth

Running the commands above will produce a resnet18_baseline_att_224x224_A_epoch_249.onnx file, which you can then use as an input model. Refer to the trt_pose_inference.app.json example and TensorRTInference configuration for more details.

This section walks through the steps of the OpenPose Algorithm. For more details, please refer to the OpenPose paper and the OpenPoseDecoder API reference.

Step 1. Image Input, Rescaling, and Normalization

The ImageLoader component encodes the image input as a ColorCameraProto containing a single RGB image. The raw image is downsampled and stored as a 3D tensor (WxHx3) in a TensorListProto. This tensor normalization type is specified by a parameter in the ColorCameraEncoderCuda component. This parameter, along with the tensor size, is set during neural network training and should be set to the same value (for example, Unit for unit normalization) at inference time. Small variations of the tensor size are allowed, but large variations can cause issues (for example, switching the aspect ratio of the tensor from 1:1 to 16:9 degrades network performance drastically).


At the Image Normalization step, the image scale and aspect ratio are discarded in the ColorCameraEncoderCuda codelet. To recover the scale information, set the output scale in the OpenPoseDecoder configuration. For example, if the original image (or camera) input has 640x480 pixels resolution, the output scale should be set to [480, 640]:


"isaac.skeleton_pose_estimation.OpenPoseDecoder": { "output_scale": [480, 640]

Below is a sample image input for inference:


Step 2. Inference

The OpenPoseDecoder runs inference on the model, which produces Part Affinity Fields, Parts Gaussian Heatmaps, and Parts Gaussian Heatmaps MaxPool tensors. Please refer to the OpenPose paper for detailed architecture of the neural network.

As a first step in the algorithm, the TensorRTInference component analyzes the Gaussian Heatmap tensor to determine object part (or joint) candidate locations. The size of this heatmap is normally 1/2 or 1/4 of the image size.

The dimensionality of this tensor is set at the training time and should match the dimensions, input image size, and number of object parts specified in the TensorRTInference codelet. Below is an example with an input RGB image size set to 640x480 and number of parts set to 2:


"isaac.ml.TensorRTInference": { "input_tensor_info": [ { "operation_name": "input", "dims": [3, 480, 640] } ], "output_tensor_info": [ ... { "operation_name": "heatmap", "dims": [120, 160, 2] }, ... "isaac.skeleton_pose_estimation.OpenPoseDecoder": { "labels": ["Wrist", "Elbow"],

The visualization of the Gaussian Heatmap tensor is provided below, with the colors corresponding to last dimension of the tensor: Label:Wrist, color:red, index:0, Label:Elbow, color:green, index:1.


Step 3. Max-Pooling

Next, the OpenPoseDecoder applies a max-pooling operation to the Gaussian Heatmap with a kernel size determined at training time. This max-pooling operation provides a basis for the non-maximum suppression algorithm, which allows it to localize the peaks of the part candidate locations.


Step 4. Non-Maximum Suppression

Next, the OpenPoseDecoder performs non-maximum suppression using the ‘equal’ operation on the Gaussian Heatmap and Gaussian Heatmaps MaxPool tensors. This operation provides peak candidate locations for the part candidate locations.


Step 5. Generating Peak Candidates

Peak candidates have “confidence” values associated with them, which are derived from the original Gaussian Heatmap. In the following visualization, the opacity of the peak color determines the confidence.


Nearly all peaks from the previous heatmap have low opacity and are invisible.


Step 6. Generating Part Candidates

A threshold is applied to the confidence value of each peak candidate to get a final list of part candidates. This threshold can be adjusted using the threshold_heatmap parameter for the OpenPoseDecoder. Normal value ranges for this threshold are 0.01 to 0.1.

The binary heat map below shows the final list of part candidates. Note that colors correspond to the binary maps of individual part candidates, like with the other visualizations.


Step 7. Generating Edge Candidates

Next, the OpenPoseDecoder creates a list of edge candidates based on the prior configuration of the edge connectivity. This connectivity is set in the OpenPoseDecoder configuration. Below is an example with a single edge of “Wrist” -> “Elbow” that would correspond to an “Arm”:


Edges of the graph are directional. These directions should match the field directions of the Part Affinity Fields tensor.


In the “edges” configuration, indices to the “labels” array are specified.


"isaac.skeleton_pose_estimation.OpenPoseDecoder": { "labels": ["Wrist", "Elbow"], "edges": [[1, 0] ...

Below is a visualization of a list of edge candidates:


Step 8. Assigning Scores to Edge Candidates

To determine a final list of edges using edge candidates, the OpenPoseDecoder calculates a score for each edge candidate based on the Part Affinity Fields tensor. The following is an example of such a tensor for a single Part Affinity Field for “Arm” (“Wrist” -> “Elbow” edge).


In the TensorRTInference configuration, the last dimension size is double the number of “edges” because the Part Affinity Field is a vector field with two (horizontal and vertical) components.


"output_tensor_info": [ { "operation_name": "part_affinity_fields", "dims": [120, 160, 2] },

The OpenPoseDecoder edges_paf parameter determines indices for the Part Affinity Field tensor for horizontal and vertical components of the field:


"isaac.skeleton_pose_estimation.OpenPoseDecoder": { "edges_paf": [[1,0] ...

Below is a visualization of Part Affinity Field for “Arm” (“Wrist” -> “Elbow” edge):


Below is a magnified image of a Part Affinity Field for “Arm” (“Wrist” -> “Elbow” edge) and a list of parts candidates. Note that each arrow on that figure is a visualization of an individual vector of the Part Affinity Field. Two part candidates for “Wrist” and “Elbow” are also shown.


To calculate the score for each edge candidate, the OpenPoseDecoder calculates the line-integral estimate of dot products between the Part Affinity Field vectors and an Edge Candidate vector. The edge_sampling_steps parameter can be used to determine the number of integration sampling steps.

The following image shows an example line-integral estimate:


Step 9. Applying Thresholds to Edge Candidates

The OpenPoseDecoder applies a final set of thresholds to edge candidate scores to determine the list of edges. The threshold_edge_score is a threshold for each individual dot product of the integration step. Normal values for this threshold range from 0.01 to 0.05.

The threshold_edge_sampling_counter is a threshold for the number of individual dot products above the threshold_edge_score: If the number exceeds this threshold, an Edge Candidate is considered an Edge.


"threshold_edge_score" : 0.01, "threshold_edge_sampling_counter" : 4,

Below is a visualization of a final list of Edges after the integration step and thresholding:


Step 10. Applying a Graph-Matching Algorithm

After determining a list of parts, edges, and their scores, the OpenPoseDecoder applies a graph-matching algorithm to determine the final list of objects (skeletons). After the graph-matching algorithm is applied, the following thresholds are applied to filter out objects by the minimum number of parts and score:


"threshold_part_counter" : 1, "threshold_object_score" : 0.1,

Step 11. Merging Split Graphs

In some cases, two Parts can still be present after non-maximum suppression, which results in objects being split into disconnected graphs. Such disconnected graphs are merged into a single graph if the score that splits the object into two disconnected graphs is less than the objects_split_score. The following parameter is available to control this algorithm:


"threshold_split_score" : 2,

Step 12. Refining the Parts Coordinates (Optional)

Once the final object list is available, parts coordinates can be refined from integer indices into a Gaussian Heatmaps tensor. This functionality is available by setting the refine_parts_coordinates parameter to true. This step is normally required when the network has a 1:4 input/output resolution factor.


The output of “refined parts coordinates” are floating point subpixel coordinates placed at “grid centers”, rather than integer rows and columns.


"refine_parts_coordinates" : true,

Step 13. Visualization (Optional)

Below is the final visualization of detected objects, graph connectivity, and parts locations:


© Copyright 2018-2020, NVIDIA Corporation. Last updated on Oct 31, 2023.