Introduction to Isaac Robotics Engine

This section introduces Isaac Robotics Engine usage. It presents the relevant terminology and explains the structure of Isaac applications.

An Isaac application is defined by a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file. The following example, located in the Isaac SDK at apps/tutorials/ping/, shows the basic format.


{ "name": "ping", "modules": [ "//apps/tutorials/ping:ping_components", "sight" ], "graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "ping", "components": [ { "name": "ping", "type": "isaac::Ping" } ] } ], "edges": [] }, "config": { "ping" : { "ping" : { "tick_period" : "1Hz" } } } }

Isaac application is defined by four sections:

  • name is a string with the name of the application.
  • modules are a list of libraries in use. In the above example, we include
    //apps/tutorials/ping:ping_components so that “apps/tutorials/ping/Ping.cpp”. Is available. The Isaac SDK comes with high-quality and well-tested packages that we can import as modules. A longer modules example is shown later in this tutorial.

  • graph has two subsections to define the functionality of the application:
    • nodes are the fundamental blocks of our application. In this simple example, we have just one node named “ping” that has a single component. Note that the type of this component, isaac::Ping, matches the last line of apps/tutorials/ping/Ping.hpp. A typical Isaac application has multiple nodes and each node typically has multiple components.
    • edges connect components together and enable the communication between them. This example does not require any components to be connected.
  • config lets you tune the parameters of each node depending on our use case. In this example, it is specified that the ping component should tick at one hertz.

Having defined the application, next you need to create a makefile. The following is the BUILD file associated with the ping application.


load("@com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//bzl:module.bzl", "isaac_app", "isaac_cc_module") isaac_cc_module( name = "ping_components", srcs = ["Ping.cpp"], hdrs = ["Ping.hpp"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = ["//engine/alice"], ) isaac_app( name = "ping", data = ["fast_ping.json"], modules = [ "//apps/tutorials/ping:ping_components", ], )

Codelets are the basic building blocks of a robotics application built with Isaac. The Isaac SDK includes various codelets which can use in your application. Derive your codelets as illustrated in the example below.

For a better understanding of codelets, see the Understanding Codelets section.

The following listings of Ping.hpp and Ping.cpp show the source for the example codelet at apps/tutorials/ping:


// This is the header file located at apps/tutorials/ping/Ping.hpp #pragma once #include <string> #include "engine/alice/alice_codelet.hpp" namespace isaac { // A simple C++ codelet that prints periodically class Ping : public alice::Codelet { public: // Has whatever needs to be run in the beginning of the program void start() override; // Has whatever needs to be run repeatedly void tick() override; // Message to be printed at every tick ISAAC_PARAM(std::string, message, "Hello World!"); }; } // namespace isaac ISAAC_ALICE_REGISTER_CODELET(isaac::Ping);


// This is the C++ file located at apps/tutorials/ping/Ping.cpp #include "Ping.hpp" namespace isaac { void Ping::start() { // This part will be run once in the beginning of the program // We can tick periodically, on every message, or blocking. The tick period is set in the // json file. You can for example change the value there to change the tick // frequency of the node. // Alternatively you can also overwrite configuration with an existing configuration file // like in the example file fast_ping.json. Run the application like this to use an // additional config file: // bazel run //apps/tutorials/ping -- --config apps/tutorials/ping/fast_ping.json tickPeriodically(); } void Ping::tick() { // This part will be run at every tick. We are ticking periodically in this example. // Print the desired message to the console LOG_INFO(get_message().c_str()); } } // namespace isaac

A Complete Application

The application shown below is more powerful, featuring a graph with multiple nodes, nodes with multiple components, edges between nodes, and codelets that receive and transmit messages.

Look in the JSON file first to see how edges are defined. Note that this file is longer than the ping example above, but it follows the very same syntax.


{ "name": "proportional_control_cpp", "modules": [ "//apps/tutorials/proportional_control_cpp:proportional_control_cpp_codelet", "navigation", "segway", "sight" ], "config": { "cpp_controller": { "isaac.ProportionalControlCpp": { "tick_period": "10ms" } }, "segway_rmp": { "isaac.SegwayRmpDriver": { "ip": "", "tick_period": "20ms", "speed_limit_angular": 1.0, "speed_limit_linear": 1.0, "flip_orientation": true }, "isaac.alice.Failsafe": { "name": "segway" } }, "diffbase_joystick": { "isaac.alice.FailsafeHeartbeat": { "interval": 0.25, "failsafe_name": "segway", "heartbeat_name": "deadman_switch" }, "isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl": { "tick_period": "10ms" } }, "odometry": { "isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry": { "tick_period": "100Hz" } }, "websight": { "WebsightServer": { "webroot": "packages/sight/webroot", "assetroot": "/home/nvidia/isaac-lfs/sight/assets", "port": 3000, "ui_config": { "windows": { "Proportional Control C++": { "renderer": "plot", "channels": [ { "name": "proportional_control_cpp/cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/reference (m)" }, { "name": "proportional_control_cpp/cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/position (m)" } ] } } } } } }, "graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "cpp_controller", "components": [ { "name": "message_ledger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "isaac.ProportionalControlCpp", "type": "isaac::ProportionalControlCpp" } ] }, { "name": "segway_rmp", "components": [ { "name": "message_ledger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "isaac.SegwayRmpDriver", "type": "isaac::SegwayRmpDriver" }, { "name": "isaac.alice.Failsafe", "type": "isaac::alice::Failsafe" } ] }, { "name": "odometry", "components": [ { "name": "message_ledger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry", "type": "isaac::navigation::DifferentialBaseOdometry" } ] }, { "name": "joystick", "components": [ { "name": "message_ledger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "isaac.Joystick", "type": "isaac::Joystick" } ] }, { "name": "diffbase_joystick", "components": [ { "name": "message_ledger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl", "type": "isaac::navigation::RobotRemoteControl" }, { "name": "isaac.alice.FailsafeHeartbeat", "type": "isaac::alice::FailsafeHeartbeat" } ] } ], "edges": [ { "source": "segway_rmp/isaac.SegwayRmpDriver/segway_state", "target": "odometry/isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry/state" }, { "source": "odometry/isaac.navigation.DifferentialBaseOdometry/odometry", "target": "cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/odometry" }, { "source": "cpp_controller/isaac.ProportionalControlCpp/cmd", "target": "diffbase_joystick/isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl/ctrl" }, { "source": "joystick/isaac.Joystick/js_state", "target": "diffbase_joystick/isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl/js_state" }, { "source": "diffbase_joystick/isaac.navigation.RobotRemoteControl/segway_cmd", "target": "segway_rmp/isaac.SegwayRmpDriver/segway_cmd" } ] } }

The file isaac_app is quite similar to the ping example. However, modules like “segway” are added that are required by this application.


load("@com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//bzl:module.bzl", "isaac_app", "isaac_cc_module") isaac_cc_module( name = "proportional_control_cpp_codelet", srcs = ["ProportionalControlCpp.cpp"], hdrs = ["ProportionalControlCpp.hpp"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = [ "//engine/alice", "//engine/gems/state:io", "//messages", "//messages/state:differential_base", ], ) isaac_app( name = "proportional_control_cpp", app_json_file = "", modules = [ "//apps/tutorials/proportional_control_cpp:proportional_control_cpp_codelet", "navigation", "segway", "sensors:joystick", "viewers", ], )

The ProportionalControlCpp codelet below enables communication with other components via the ISAAC_PROTO_RX and ISAAC_PROTO_TX macros and associated edges in the JSON file.


// This is the header file located at // apps/tutorials/proportional_control_cpp/ProportionalControlCpp.hpp #pragma once #include "engine/alice/alice_codelet.hpp" #include "messages/differential_base.capnp.h" #include "messages/state.capnp.h" namespace isaac { // A C++ codelet for proportional control // // We receive odometry information, from which we extract the x position. Then, using refence // and gain parameters that are provided by the user, we compute and publish a linear speed // command using `control = gain * (reference - position)` class ProportionalControlCpp : public alice::Codelet { public: // Has whatever needs to be run in the beginning of the program void start() override; // Has whatever needs to be run repeatedly void tick() override; // List of messages this codelet receives ISAAC_PROTO_RX(Odometry2Proto, odometry); // List of messages this codelet transmits ISAAC_PROTO_TX(StateProto, cmd); // Gain for the proportional controller ISAAC_PARAM(double, gain, 1.0); // Reference for the controller ISAAC_PARAM(double, desired_position_meters, 1.0); }; } // namespace isaac ISAAC_ALICE_REGISTER_CODELET(isaac::ProportionalControlCpp);


// This is the C++ file located at // apps/tutorials/proportional_control_cpp/ProportionalControlCpp.cpp #include "ProportionalControlCpp.hpp" #include "engine/gems/state/io.hpp" #include "messages/math.hpp" #include "messages/state/differential_base.hpp" namespace isaac { void ProportionalControlCpp::start() { // This part will be run once in the beginning of the program // Print some information LOG_INFO("Please head to the Sight website at <IP>:<PORT> to see how I am doing."); LOG_INFO("<IP> is the Internet Protocol address where the app is running,"); LOG_INFO("and <PORT> is set in the config file, typically to '3000'."); LOG_INFO("By default, local link is 'localhost:3000'."); // We can tick periodically, on every message, or blocking. See documentation for details. tickPeriodically(); } void ProportionalControlCpp::tick() { // This part will be run at every tick. We are ticking periodically in this example. // Nothing to do if we haven't received odometry data yet if (!rx_odometry().available()) { return; } // Read parameters that can be set through Sight webpage const double reference = get_desired_position_meters(); const double gain = get_gain(); // Read odometry message received const auto& odom_reader = rx_odometry().getProto(); const Pose2d odometry_T_robot = FromProto(odom_reader.getOdomTRobot()); const double position = odometry_T_robot.translation.x(); // Compute the control action const double control = gain * (reference - position); // Show some data in Sight show("reference (m)", reference); show("position (m)", position); show("control", control); show("gain", gain); // Publish control command navigation::DifferentialBaseControl command; command.linear_speed() = control; command.angular_speed() = 0.0; // This simple example sets zero angular speed ToProto(command, tx_cmd().initProto()); tx_cmd().publish(); } } // namespace isaac

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