Building Isaac Applications

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating robotics apps with Isaac SDK, using OpenCV edge detection processing of video input as an example.

This tutorial will guide you through the following steps:

  1. Using Isaac SDK to display a USB camera feed.
  2. Processing the camera feed using OpenCV edge detection and displaying the processed feed.
  3. Using OpenCV edge detection to process simulated input from Isaac Sim Unity3D.

This tutorial requires the following hardware/software:

  • A Linux x86 machine installed with Issac SDK and all prerequisites, as well as Isaac Sim Unity3D. See the Setup page for more details.
  • A USB camera that is compatible with the Video4Linux2 (V4L2) drivers

As a first step, we’ll capture a camera feed on a Linux x86 machine using the Isaac V4L2 component and display it in Websight.


Complete JSON and BUILD files for this application are available at //apps/samples/v4l2_camera.


Create an Application File

Create a JSON application file named in a new folder in the Isaac //apps directory. Add the contents shown below:


{ "name": "v4l2_camera", "modules": [ "sensors:v4l2_camera", "sight", "viewers" ], "graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "camera", "components": [ { "name": "V4L2Camera", "type": "isaac::V4L2Camera" } ] }, { "name": "viewer", "components": [ { "name": "ImageViewer", "type": "isaac::viewers::ImageViewer" } ] } ] }

The application “graph” defines two nodes: a “camera” node, which captures the camera feed using the V4L2Camera component, and a “viewer” node, which displays the feed in Websight using the ImageViewer component. The “modules” section includes these components in the application.

Enable Communication between Nodes

To enable communication between the “camera” and “viewer” nodes, add the MessageLedger component to both of them:


{ "name": "v4l2_camera", "modules": [ "sensors:v4l2_camera", "sight", "viewers" ], "graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "camera", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "V4L2Camera", "type": "isaac::V4L2Camera" } ] }, { "name": "viewer", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "ImageViewer", "type": "isaac::viewers::ImageViewer" } ] } ], }

Use the “edges” subsection to connect the source “camera” node to the target “viewer” node.


"graph": { "nodes": [ ... ], "edges": [ { "source": "camera/V4L2Camera/frame", "target": "viewer/ImageViewer/image" } ]

Configure the Components

Add a “config” section to set parameters for the USB camera and Websight server. Within the “websight” section, the “windows” subsection creates a window to render the camera feed in Websight.


{ "name": "v4l2_camera", "modules": [ "sensors:v4l2_camera", "sight", "viewers" ], "graph": { ... }, "config": { "camera": { "V4L2Camera": { "device_id": 0, "rows": 480, "cols": 640, "rate_hz": 30 } }, "websight": { "WebsightServer": { "port": 3000, "ui_config": { "windows": { "Camera": { "renderer": "2d", "channels": [ { "name": "v4l2_camera/viewer/ImageViewer/image" } ] } } } } } },

Create a Bazel BUILD File

Create a file named BUILD in the same directory as your JSON application file. The BUILD file specifies the “name” of the application and the Isaac modules used by the application. The application name should match the <name> of the <name>.app.json application filename.


load("//bzl:module.bzl", "isaac_app") isaac_app( name = "v4l2_camera", modules = [ "sensors:v4l2_camera", "sight", "viewers", ], )

Run the Application

Open a console window, navigate to the Isaac directory, and run the application as described on the Getting Started page:


bob@desktop:~/isaac/sdk$ bazel run //apps/samples/v4l2_camera

The application may take a minute to compile and run.

View the Camera Feed

Open Websight in a web browser by navigating to http://localhost:3000/. You should see the video stream in a window in Websight. If you don’t, ensure the Channels > v4l2_camera box is checked on the left.


To stop the application, press Ctrl+C in the console.

Next, we’ll build off the application graph created in the previous section to perform edge detection on the camera feed.



Complete JSON and BUILD files for this application are available at //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection. The JSON filename is

Add an Edge Detection Node

Add a third node, “edge_detector”, to the application graph. This node will perform edge detection on the V4L2 camera feed using the Isaac EdgeDetector component.


"graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "camera", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "V4L2Camera", "type": "isaac::V4L2Camera" } ] }, { "name": "edge_detector", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "EdgeDetector", "type": "isaac::opencv::EdgeDetector" } ] }, { "name": "viewer", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "ImageViewer", "type": "isaac::viewers::ImageViewer" } ] } ],

You’ll also need to add the EdgeDetector component in the “modules” section:


"modules": [ "//apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:edge_detector", "sensors:v4l2_camera", "sight", "viewers" ],

Modify the Application Edges

Modify the “edges” section so that the “camera” node passes the feed to the “edge_detector” node, which then sends the processed feed to the “viewer” node.


"graph": { "nodes": [ ... ], "edges": [ { "source": "camera/V4L2Camera/frame", "target": "edge_detector/EdgeDetector/input_image" }, { "source": "edge_detector/EdgeDetector/output_image", "target": "viewer/ImageViewer/image" } ]

Modify the BUILD File

Include the EdgeDetector codelet in the application BUILD file:


load("//bzl:module.bzl", "isaac_app", "isaac_cc_module") isaac_app( name = "opencv_edge_detection", modules = [ "//apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:edge_detector", "sensors:v4l2_camera", "sight", "viewers", ], )

Run the Application

Run the application:


bob@desktop:~/isaac/sdk$ bazel run //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection

Open Websight. You should see the video stream with edge detection. If you don’t, ensure the Channels > opencv_edge_detection box is checked on the left.


In this final section, we will integrate our edge-detection application with a simulated robot.



Complete JSON and BUILD files for this application are available at //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection. The JSON filename is

Replace the Camera Node

Remove the “camera” node from the application graph. Replace it with a “simulation” node as shown below. The subgraph in this node allows the application to access various data streams from the Unity3D simulation as if they were real sensors. This subgraph also enables sending commands to the Carter robot in simulation, though this topic is not covered in the Building Apps tutorial.


"graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "simulation", "subgraph": "packages/navsim/apps/navsim_navigation.subgraph.json" }, { "name": "edge_detector", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "EdgeDetector", "type": "isaac::opencv::EdgeDetector" } ] }, ...

Add a Second Camera_Viewer Node

To compare edge detection output with the standard camera, we’ll want to see both streams in Websight. To do this, add a second node that uses the ImageViewer component. In the example below, the two nodes are named “edge_camera_viewer” and “camera_viewer”.


"graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "simulation", "subgraph": "packages/navsim/apps/navsim_navigation.subgraph.json" }, { "name": "edge_detector", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "EdgeDetector", "type": "isaac::opencv::EdgeDetector" } ] }, { "name": "edge_camera_viewer", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "ImageViewer", "type": "isaac::viewers::ImageViewer" } ] }, { "name": "camera_viewer", "components": [ { "name": "MessageLedger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "ImageViewer", "type": "isaac::viewers::ImageViewer" } ] } ...

Modify the Application Edges

In the “edges” section, modify the first edge so the “edge_detector” node receives input from the simulation. Include one edge for each of your “viewer” nodes: The “edge_camera_viewer” node connects to the “edge_detector” node, while the “camera_viewer” receives its stream directly from simulation.


"edges": [ { "source": "simulation.interface/output/color", "target": "edge_detector/EdgeDetector/input_image" }, { "source": "edge_detector/EdgeDetector/output_image", "target": "edge_camera_viewer/ImageViewer/image" }, { "source": "simulation.interface/output/color", "target": "camera_viewer/ImageViewer/image" } ]

Add WebSight Configuration

In the “config” section, add another window to display another camera feed. Note that you’ll need to change the channel “name” to match revised node names.


"config": { "websight": { "WebsightServer": { "port": 3000, "ui_config": { "windows": { "Edge Detection": { "renderer": "2d", "dims": { "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "channels": [ { "name": "opencv_unity3d/edge_camera_viewer/ImageViewer/image" } ] }, "Color Camera": { "renderer": "2d", "dims": { "width": 640, "height": 480 }, "channels": [ { "name": "opencv_unity3d/camera_viewer/ImageViewer/image" } ] } } } } }

We also recommend configuring each ImageViewer component to reduce resource consumption and make the video size manageable:


"config": { "edge_camera_viewer": { "ImageViewer": { "target_fps": 20, "reduce_scale": 4 } }, "camera_viewer": { "ImageViewer": { "target_fps": 20, "reduce_scale": 4 } },

Modify the BUILD File

To use the “navsim_navigation” subgraph that interfaces with Unity3D, you’ll need to add it to the BUILD file:


data = [ "//packages/navsim/apps:navsim_navigation_subgraph", ], modules = [ "//apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:edge_detector", "viewers" ],

Start Unity3D

Before running your application, you need to start the “small_warehouse” sample scene in Unity3D:


bob@desktop:~/isaac_sim_unity3d$ cd builds bob@desktop:~/isaac_sim_unity3d/builds$ ./sample.x86_64 --scene small_warehouse

A Unity window should open displaying a top-down view of a warehouse with a Carter robot.

Run the Application

Run the Isaac application, which will receive sensor data from the simulation:


bob@desktop:~/isaac/sdk$ bazel run //apps/tutorials/opencv_edge_detection:opencv_unity3d

In Websight, you should see a standard camera view from the simulated Carter, as well as one processed with edge detection.



In this application, Carter is immobile because it has no “brain”. See the Getting Started with Play Mode section of the Isaac Sim Unity3D documentation for a sample application that gives Carter interactive navigation and path-planning capabilities.

Now that you’ve built a couple of applications, you’re ready to explore other aspects of Isaac SDK:

  • Create codelets: This tutorial used pre-existing codelets to build applications. Follow the Developing Codelets in C++ tutorial to learn how to build your own codelets.
  • Run applications on a real robot: After simulation, the next step is to get your application running on a real robot. Isaac SDK provides the NVIDIA Kaya and NVIDIA Carter reference designs to build a robot with full navigation and perception abilities. See the Getting Started With Jetson Nano page to learn how to publish Isaac applications to a Jetson device.
  • Explore Isaac Sim Unity3D: Go to the Isaac Sim Unity3D page to learn how to create and test simulation environments for robotics.
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