Isaac C API

The Isaac C API allows you to use Isaac SDK features without fully integrating your software stack with ISAAC SDK. By using the C API, you don’t have to use Bazel for your code base, and don’t necessarily have to write Isaac codelets. It also empowers you to communicate with Isaac applications from programming languages other than C++.

Example 1: You want to use the Isaac navigation stack with Carter, but want to send goal commands from your own software stack. You could achieve this by sending GoTo commands via the C API to the Carter application. This will require only minor modifications to the existing Carter app.

Example 2: You want to use Isaac 3D object pose estimation to detect the pose of objects. However, you have your own code to acquire images and you want to use the estimated pose outside of an Isaac application. You could achieve this by creating a small Isaac application based on the 3D object pose estimation subgraph: You would send camera images via C API and receive the estimated pose via C API.

Example 3: You want to use a custom simulation environment to evaluate an Isaac application. You could send sensor information from your simulator to the Isaac application via C API and receive commands from the app via the C API.

With the Isaac C API, you can send messages to an Isaac application and receive messages from it. The C API takes care of starting and stopping the Isaac application: You cannot use the C API without an Isaac application. Isaac applications are loaded from the general app, graph, and config JSON files used by Isaac. Please refer to the Samples section for an example.

Messages sent via the C API use the “JSON & buffers” format. In this format, most of the high-level message data is stored in a JSON object, while large data blocks, such as images and tensors, are stored in byte buffers. The JSON format of messages is directly based on the corresponding Cap’n Proto messages used by Isaac. You can see a list of messages in the Message API section of this documentation. The Buffer Layout and Example Messages sections give further details about the JSON format and buffer layout for images and tensors.

Each instance of the C API interfaces with a single Isaac application. If you want to access multiple independent Isaac features with the same C program, you should add all required nodes to a single Isaac application. This ensures that you only have a single scheduler running. While it is possible to start multiple Isaac applications from different processes, you will end up with multiple independent schedulers, which might not be optimal or will require tweaking of scheduler parameters.

If you want to communicate with an existing ROS application, you do not have to use the C API. Isaac can communicate directly with ROS via the Isaac ROS bridge.

Isaac SDK contains two sample applications that illustrate how to use the C API:

  • //apps/tutorials/c_api/viewer.c
  • //apps/tutorials/c_api/depth.c

Use the following commands to run the samples:


bazel run //apps/tutorials/c_api:c_api_viewer bazel run //apps/tutorials/c_api:c_api_depth

The viewer.c example creates an image in C code and sends it to the Isaac application found in //apps/tutorials/c_api/ The Isaac application uses a single node with a ImageViewer codelet to visualize the image that is sent via C.

The depth.c example runs the Isaac application in //apps/tutorials/c_api/, which has a single node running a CameraGenerator codelet creating a dummy depth image. The C code receives these messages and prints the depth of the center pixel on the console.

These examples use Bazel to compile the C source code file for convenience. Next we will show you a fully self-contained example which does not require Bazel for your custom code.

Use the following command to build the C API and deploy it to a folder on your local machine (from the sdk/ subdirectory):


./../engine/engine/build/ -p //packages/engine_c_api:isaac_engine_c_api-pkg -d x86_64 -h localhost --deploy_path ~

When linking your code, you must provide paths to the shared libraries for the C API and “sight” module, which are located here:

  • <deploy_path>/engine/alice/c_api/
  • <deploy_path>/packages/sight/

The following is a command-line example of compilation using GCC:


gcc c_api_example.c \ -L./engine/alice/c_api -lisaac_c_api \ -L./packages/sight -lsight_module \ -o c_api_example export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./engine/alice/c_api:./packages/sight:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./c_api_example

This example shows a simple ping-pong operation, where you send messages via C API to a minimal Isaac application and receive these same messages via the C API.

Every Isaac application that uses the C API requires a JSON app file; for example, the samples above have corresponding and files. Use the application graph of the JSON app file to define nodes that you wish to communicate with using the C API.

To start an Isaac application, load the JSON file as follows:


isaac_handle_t app; isaac_create_application("", "path/to/", 0, 0, 0, 0, &app); isaac_start_application(app);

To shut down the application, use the following:


isaac_stop_application(app); isaac_destroy_application(&app);

Isaac uses Cap’n Proto messages internally; however, since this message format is not universally supported, the C API exposes message payloads as JSON. If the node receiving the message expects a Cap’n Proto message, you will need to enable message conversion to the Cap’n Proto format.

Follow these steps to publish a message to Isaac:

  1. Create a new message as follows:


    isaac_uuid_t uuid; isaac_create_message(app, &uuid); isaac_write_message_json(app, &uuid, &json);

  2. Set the proto ID of the message and enable JSON-to-proto conversion as follows:


    isaac_set_message_proto_id(app, &uuid, proto_id); isaac_set_message_auto_convert(app, &uuid, isaac_message_type_proto);

    The isaac_set_message_proto_id() call requires the proto ID of the message. To determine the proto ID of a message, add the message type to the //apps/tutorials/c_api:typeid application, then run the application via bazel run //apps/tutorials/c_api:typeid. The proto ID will be displayed at the terminal.

  3. Publish the message to an Isaac application node using the isaac_publish_message() call. The message will be forwarded to the node as a Cap’n Proto message.


    isaac_publish_message(app, "node_name", "component_name", "key", &uuid);

See //apps/tutorials/c_api/viewer.c for an example of message publishing.

To receive the most recent message from any of the nodes defined in the JSON app file, use the following call:


isaac_receive_latest_new_message(app, "node_name", "component_name", "key", &uuid);

The isaac_receive_latest_new_message() call returns either a “success” code (isaac_error_success) or a “no message available” code (isaac_error_no_message_available).

Get the contents of the message as follows:


isaac_const_json_t json = isaac_create_null_const_json(); isaac_get_message_json(app, &uuid, &json);

If the message source publishes messages using Cap’n Proto, the message is automatically converted to JSON.

As soon as you are finished processing the message, use the isaac_release_message() call, which allows Isaac to reclaim any resources being used for the message:


isaac_release_message(app, &uuid);

If you want to retain any message data, copy it before releasing the message.

See //apps/tutorials/c_api/depth.c for an example of receiving messages.

The locale of Isaac applications is automatically set to en_US.UTF-8 to prevent decimal conversion errors when converting JSON messages to/from proto messages. Therefore, JSON files that are generated for communication with Isaac nodes must be compatible with the en_US.UTF-8 locale.

Execute the following command to generate example JSON files in the /tmp folder:


bazel run apps/samples/proto_to_json

These JSON files, which are detailed below, correspond to common protos used in Isaac.


After running the command above, you can find the required JSON format in the generated file in /tmp/color_camera_proto.json. For your convenience the JSON is pasted here:


{ "channels": 3, "cols": 1920, "dataBufferIndex": 0, "elementType": "uint8", "rows": 1080 }

The name of this Cap’n Proto message is ImageProto, and the proto ID is 16240193334533147313.

See the Image Buffers section for an illustration of a two-dimensional buffer layout.


  • Filename: range_scan_proto.json
  • Proto description: RangeScanProto
  • Proto ID: 11901202900662173387

See the Tensor Buffers section below for an explanation of the buffer layout. In this case, there is one buffer for ranges and another buffer for intensities. In the example JSON, the buffer size is 16x8 because the vertical beam angle (theta) list has 16 members, while there are eight horizontal ray slices (associated with the phi angles).

StateProto (messages::DifferentialBaseDynamics)

  • Filename: /tmp/differential_base_state_proto.json
  • Proto description: StateProto
  • Proto ID: 13177870757040999364

See the Tensor Buffers section below for an explanation of the buffer layout. In this case, the buffer is a 1x1x4 tensor that contains the following values:

  1. Linear speed
  2. Angular speed
  3. Linear acceleration
  4. Angular acceleration

StateProto (messages::DifferentialBaseControl)

  • Filename: differential_base_control_proto.json
  • Proto description: StateProto
  • Proto ID: 13177870757040999364

See the Tensor Buffers section below for an explanation of the buffer layout. In this case, the buffer is a 1x1x2 tensor that contains the following values:

  1. Linear speed
  2. Angular speed

A message proto with a buffer must store the index of the buffer containing the data. For example, the “dataBufferIndex” in ImageProto is the index of the buffer that contains the image data.

Image Buffers

Below is an illustration of a buffer for a 720p RGB image. Each (row, column) location contains information regarding a pixel. Isaac image buffers are in row-major order.


Tensor Buffers

In a one-dimensional tensor, the elements are stacked in order:


A two-dimensional tensor is similar to the image buffer described above: Each RGB value can be represented as a tuple element. If the image was grayscale, each element would be a number instead. The first element on a 2D tensor buffer is indexed as (0,0), the second element as (0,1), etc.

Similarly, a three-dimensional tensor has the following order:


(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2), …. (0, 1, 0) …. (1, 0, 0) … (max_0, max_1, max_2),

Where max_i is the maximum index in dimension “i”.

A 3D tensor can represent an RGB image, with each (row, column, channel) index pointing to a value from 0 to 255.

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© Copyright 2018-2020, NVIDIA Corporation. Last updated on Apr 19, 2024.