Interactive Markers

The first half of this chapter covers how the use of the markers in Websightserver. The second half explain how to configure an application to expose the markers to a Websight user.

The interactive marker can be edited with in a number of ways:

  • Left-click and hold: the widget will move along with the camera.
  • Hold left-Alt and left-click: the widget will rotate in place when mouse is moved left or right, while left mouse button is down. The rotation depends on which segment of the widget gets the click. In this mode, the widget can also be moved with WASD and QE keys.
  • Hold left-Alt and middle-click: the widget will translate along an axis when mouse is moved up or down, while middle mouse button is down. The axis will be the axis of the clicked segment.

An interactive 3D marker with a segment selected.

You can also use markers to visualize any frame of the PoseTree, those makers which cannot be edited are rendered in a lighter color to help recognize them.

The interactive markers are represented as circles with projected coordinate frames drawn inside them. (You must add a window in Sight to see the markers. See Windows Menu (Top Left) for more information.) They can be translated by left-clicking on the axis, then dragging them to the desired position. Their rotation about the z-axis can also be changed by clicking on the circumference and dragging.


An interactive 2D marker being rotated. The yellow guide line goes from the widget center to the mouse during rotation.

An application that need to use the interactive markers in Websight, needs to also use any (or both) of the renderers. The only extra configuration required is to add an IntreactiveMarkersBridge component.

Once the bridge is present and configured. The interactive markers will always show in any renderer widget of the application.

The interactive markers bridge component requires very little configuration. It is a three step configuration procedure. First, create a node that has the bridge and a message ledger. Use a PoseInitializer component for any marker needed by the application. And finally, since it is a bridge; it requires to be connected to websight server.

The following is a code snippet with a typical node for an interactive markers bridge that will use two markers:


"name": "interactive_markers_bridge", "components": [ { "name": "message_ledger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "InteractiveMarkersBridge", "type": "isaac::alice::InteractiveMarkersBridge" }, { "name": "left_shoulder_initializer", "type": "isaac::alice::PoseInitializer" }, { "name": "left_elbow_initializer", "type": "isaac::alice::PoseInitializer" } ] }

Note that pose initializers are included in the same node in this example. This is not a mandatory: any pose initializer (in any node) that sets the property attach_interactive_marker to true spans a marker. Poses can also be queried and used by any other component of the application in the standard way, such as using PoseTree with the lhs and rhs names defined here. This is the configuration of such a node.


"interactive_markers_bridge": { "InteractiveMarkersBridge": { "tick_period": "0.4" }, "left_shoulder_initializer": { "lhs_frame": "root", "rhs_frame": "leftShoulder", "pose": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0], "attach_interactive_marker": true }, "left_elbow_initializer": { "lhs_frame": "leftShoulder", "rhs_frame": "leftElbow", "pose": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "attach_interactive_marker": true } }

And finally here are the two edges that connect the node with websight server.


{ "source": "websight/WebsightServer/interactive_markers", "target": "interactive_markers_bridge/InteractiveMarkersBridge/request" }, { "source": "interactive_markers_bridge/InteractiveMarkersBridge/reply", "target": "websight/WebsightServer/interactive_markers_reply" }

At the moment of initialization, the bridge will create and insert all the editable poses in the PoseTree. These poses can be later retrieved and used as any other pose in the application: by querying the PoseTree.

It is responsibility of the application to ensure that a pose is not edited by a sight user at the same time that the application itself is editing it. If not, the most recent timestamp prevails.

An editable pose is always editable and hence always show a marker in web sight during application execution.

As for any other channel, markers can be resized or their color can be modified. To do this, you can click on the icon next to the marker’s name, and you will find a slider to adjust the size, you can also update the color or the alpha channel component.

There is a minimal working example for the interactive markers in apps/samples/interactive_markers

Another example for interactive markers in manually localizing the robot by reseeding the particles for localization when it is difficult for the robot to localize in the correct location on the map.

Follow the below steps to manually localize the robot:

  1. Make sure to set "attach_interactive_marker": true under PoseInitializer in your application configuration.
  2. On Isaac Sight, right click on Map View and select “Settings”.
  3. Under the Select Marker drop down list, choose “robot_init_global_localizer” and click on Add Marker. Click on Update.

  1. Click and hold on the interactive marker to drag the marker to desired location on the map.

  1. To adjust the angle, click and hold on the circumference of the interactive marker and rotate the marker to desired angle.

  1. Once satisfied with the correct position & angle, select “reseed_particles” under Application Configuration > navigation.localization.scan_localization > Isaac.navigation.PaticleFilterLocalization and click Submit

  1. Once the robot localizes in the new position, uncheck “reseed_particles” and click submit
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