Isaac Remote Control (Isaac RC)

To support remote tele-operation of Isaac-capable edge devices, Isaac RC uses the NVIDIA Remote Control (NVRC) SDK. NVRC is split into two parts: a server, which runs on the edge device, and a client, which runs on a remote x86 host and establishes a connection with the server. The client and server are then able to exchange data, and the server sends video to the client.


The above architectural diagram shows the Isaac RC components in context of the full server and client applications.

On the server side, the user creates an Isaac SDK app to define sources of data and video to be provided to the Isaac RC server node. The NVRC server node will receive joystick events from the client, which are exposed for use in the user Isaac SDK app.

On the client side, the user creates an app that defines a source of joystick events to be provided to the Isaac RC client module. The Isaac RC client module will receive data and video from the server, which are exposed for use in the user app.


© Copyright 2018-2020, NVIDIA Corporation. Last updated on Oct 30, 2023.